"The fact that they [the Bible Students] were able to pinpoint that year [1914] is just phenomenal." -Anthony Morris, Governing Body Member (Faith In Action DVD- 2010)
Posts by Alfred
Thought Control (A simple test for JW's)
by TD inin george orwell's novel 'nineteen eighty-four' the capitulation of the principal protagonist is portrayed in his willingness to assent to the proposition that two and two make five.
once he had denied objective reality, his mental conquest was complete and he was no longer truly the master of his own mind.
nineteen eighty-four is in many ways, a very depressing read.. a charge commonly leveled at jehovah's witnesses is that the type of mind control envisioned by orwell has been and continues to be used on them.
Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred inso a few months ago, a friend sent me an actual copy of finished mystery which was published in 1917 (not a pdf download... the actual book).
i must say, this was the most disturbing book i have ever had the displeasure of reading.
but i only read it because this was the main publication that was being distributed worldwide when jesus supposedly chose the watchtower in 1918 and i basically wanted to see for myself what jesus saw in the wt that would compel him to choose this religious corporation over all other religious denominations.. anyway, if anyone is interested in knowing the actual contents of this book, here are some bullet points i put together from some of the notes i took as i read the book:.
Bumping this thread for mankeli...
WT Flip-Flops on Jesus Inspection Was it in 1918 or 1919?... Did the WT PASS or FAIL?
by Alfred inthis is utterly ridiculous.... .
the more i research this particular subject, the more flip-flops i uncover.
it seems the fds cant even make up their minds regarding what happened in 1918 (or should i say 1919?).
bumping this thread for mankeli...
UK charity "Refuge" gives response to WT article on domestic abuse
by cedars ini'm sure by now you are all aware of the feb 15th, 2012 study edition of the watchtower, and its outrageous experience depicting domestic violence.. as you may know, i have been looking into the matter in some detail.
i decided to contact the uk domestic abuse charity "refuge".
they indicated their concern towards the article and offered to help in any way they could.
My cousin, an ex-bethelite, used to beat his wife constantly... his wife either denied it or justified it (to prevent reproach on Jehovah's name, etc.) but the truth eventually came out, and her parents took her in... don't know if they ever got divorced or not but they're definitely not under the same roof any more...
When we were kids, I could tell he was always filled with rage for whatever reason... My brother and I used to always wonder why he got so worked up whenever we played with his toys since we never had a problem when he played with ours...
But as the years passed, he became extremely "spiritual", got promoted to MS, went to Bethel, got married to a pioneer and everything appeared to be just fine... he was completely transformed into this "model" christian rarely seen in any congo...
And then the rage came out all over again... we don't know what sparked it, but he began beating his wife over a period of several years and the BOE did little or nothing to stop it simply because she kept defending him and saying everything was finally OK...
But to answer your question... you're not being dramatic at all... this is a serious life-or-death issue that needs to be exposed to the media...
john aquila brown pdf
by diamondiiz infound this pdf of brown's book which describes his 7 times and 606bc and 1917 calculations.
Hate to state the obvious here... But for you lurkers out there with a WT CD.... You'll notice that the Watchtower has never mentioned this embarrassing book (The Even Tide) or it's whacky author (John Aquila Brown) because, quite stupidly, they want to take full credit for this absurd "360 days X 7 times" calculation which was arbitrarily converted into ordinary years of 365 days each (all without any Biblical basis whatsoever)...
This was then "recycled" by various religions including the Adventists who eventually realized it was too ridiculous to sustain. But Russell ran with it, made it his own and then dazzled everyone with BS when Armageddon didn't come as predicted... "Oh no wait! Don't leave now! I'll think of something!... I've got it... Armageddon is just around the corner... yeah, that's it... we'll go with that for now." But Rutherford eventually saw the need to buy some time, so he had the 1874 second presence of Jesus moved to 1914 in the 1920's, wrote Millions Now Living and called it a day...
But what a lot of JWs don't know is that Anthony Morris of the Governing Body gives full credit to the Bible Students for this calculation in the 2010 DVD "Faith in Action" released at the 2010 District Convention worldwide...
His exact words were: "The fact that they [the Bible Students] were able to pinpoint that year is just phenomenal"...
That's right... a flat-out lie about the origin of the 607-1914 doctrine by Anthony Morris recorded on video for everyone to see...
Anyway... just thought I'd bump this thread because the jerk who started it all was John Aquila Brown and he is rarely mentioned...
(end of rant)
Too fat for the kingdom of God !
by koolaid-man informer jehovah's witness servant dick borghi along with elders in the lowell, ma.
congregation were asked by the circuit overseer to vote on whether to disfellowship overweight brothers and sisters.. this was very troubling to dick for two reasons.. 1... brother borghi thought it would be the responsibility of the faithfull and discrete slave to lay out a precise directive on the basis for this unusual request.
what criteria would have to be met to make such an awkward decision?.
At what time will you make the SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTabout "Johnny the Bethelite"?
The "Generation." what is the latest New Light Regarding It? CO from Fresno Area Confused Me!
by AvocadoJake inthe co who is covering the central valley, mentioned how easy this concept is to understand.
in his talk, he said many of the friends had made a "big deal, over little.
he used the "titanic analogy, used the space shuttle analogy.
The "Nu-Lite" is that ONE Generation = TWO Overlapping Generationsbecause Exodus 1:6 says so...
PAT ROBERTSON "Pat Robertson Asks If Mac And Cheese Is a 'Black Thing;' Raises Storm of Comments
by AvocadoJake inhttp://global.christianpost.com/news/pat-robertson-asks-if-mac-and-cheese-is-a-black-thing-raises-storm-of-comments-62941/.
pat gives his blessings to divorce your mate if they become sick.
"just make sure they are cared for, go ahead and date another man or women.".
Avocado Jake...
It seems you start quite a few topics under "Bible Research & Study Articles" that really don't belong in this section... Why is that?
Shouldn't this one go under "Politics & World Events"?
Just saying...
(By the way, I do enjoy most of your posts... cheers )
The word "Armageddon" has been fading away from WT publications
by Alfred in1960s 1,095 times.
1970s 152 times(drastic drop after 1975).
1980s 438 times.
I checked those 2 phrases (The End & Last Days) and they're also being mentioned less... "Day of Jehovah" is also being mentioned less.
But all of these are still mentioned a lot more than "Armageddon"...so you're point does have some validity...
The word "Armageddon" has been fading away from WT publications
by Alfred in1960s 1,095 times.
1970s 152 times(drastic drop after 1975).
1980s 438 times.
And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Ma·ged′on [Meggido Mountain]. -Rev 16:16
It seems the WT has been planning a slow fade for the word "Armageddon" as the word is being mentioned less and less as we get further away from 1914. Could it be that their failed predictions (1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, before 2000) is forcing them to change their membership retention strategy which includes a slow fade of this fear-mongering word? Or could it possibly be that they will eventually admit that 144,000 is just a symbolic number and that JWs will all die and go to heaven after all (with no literal "Battle of Armageddon" taking place)? Whatever the reason, the numbers don't lie and I believe the list below gives us a pretty good indication that the word "Armageddon" is soon to dissapear from WT publications...
Mentions of “Armageddon” in the Watchtower magazine…
1950’s 2,063 times
1960’s 1,095 times
1970’s 152 times(drastic drop after 1975)
1980’s 438 times
1990’s 242 times
2000-2009 184 times
2010-2019 60 times (projected based on 6 mentions in 2010)
I'd love to hear your opinion on what is driving this fade... Thanks!