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Posts by Alfred
Febuary 21 2012 We could make a difference,if we want to. A World Wide Campaign sending letters to Govt. officials,newspapers, to Victoria Australia
by smiddy inthis is a sugestion i have to all members of this board ,members from all over the world, to let the victorian government in australia know that the world is concerned about protecting the children of victoria ,and theirby setting a precedent for the rest of the world, who are interested in the outcome of the criminal charges against the religion of jehovah`s witnesses in refusing to abide by the legislation to get "working with children checks"when required to do so.correct me if i`m wrong but i think if all of us sent letters to the newspapers here in australia ,the different members of parliment here,we would demonstate that the victorian judicial system here is under scrutiny to do the right thing in the eyes of the world.. we all complain that the wtb&ts/jehovahs witnesses is a cult religion that sucks,destroying family relationships,here is a chance to do something about it.
whether you agree with steven unthank or not,here is an opportunity to stick up for the children of jehovah`s witnesses and every other child that a witness calls on in their door to door ministry.. what do you think ?.
Aside from WTs NY Dumpsite, what about KH remodels???
by Alfred inthe illegal dump site in upstate ny has received quite a lot of attention lately (as well it should)... .
however, having been involved in several kh remodels, i think the wts little regard for the environment extends way beyond this dumpsite.
as some of you probably know, the workday at a kh remodel usually starts with a prayer, breakfast and a 5 minute safety talk... the safety talk was a joke (e.g.
The illegal dump site in upstate NY has received quite a lot of attention lately (as well it should)…
However, having been involved in several KH remodels, I think the WT’s little regard for the environment extends way beyond this dumpsite.
As some of you probably know, the workday at a KH remodel usually starts with a prayer, breakfast and a 5 minute safety talk… the safety talk was a joke (e.g.: check your ladder, wear your hard hat, yawn, make sure you wear goggles, yawn, stay alert… we’re working for Jehovah… ok, get to work)…
But there was never any mention about EPA guidelines for the handling, storage or disposal of hazardous chemicals such as paint thinners, lacquers, gasoline for fuel-powered equipment, etc.. Whenever there was a chemical spill, it would be cleaned up with rags or large amounts of paper towels and then thrown in a trash bag (versus EPA-approved absorbent material and proper hazmat storage drums). Flammable chemicals would be stored underneath construction trailers (not approved storage cabinets) with temporary wiring hanging underneath. In fact, no one had a clue as to what the regulations were and they really didn’t care… After all, why should they? In their minds, they were working for Jehovah and only needed to answer to him.
Once I spoke out about this on the job site and was later pulled aside by an elder who said I should approach the elders privately since this could cause some brothers to stumble. He also said that this was all temporary anyway, that we were only 2 weeks away from completing the project and we should all just focus on the final stretch so that the brothers don’t have to keep driving to the next town for their meetings. I stupidly agreed and left it at that.
At some point, however, the EPA needs to step in and take a closer look at what the Watchtower is doing at these KH remodels, quick builds, etc... I think they’d find an overwhelming list of violations that would be too much for them to handle… just saying…
I didn't know we could sell stuff... I have some real estate fliers I'd like to post...
The latest change in Watchtower vocabulary to catch out the unwary
by slimboyfat ini got a copy of the recent kingdom ministry the other day and it reminded me of something in the book the orwellian world of jehovha's witnesses by heather and garry botting.
it's on the front page of the december issue of the km, they have a heading called "not 'alternative' witnessing" where they explain that the term is no longer considered appropriate and "public" witnessing should be used instead.. in the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses the bottings discuss the importance of the particular language jws use to set themselves apart from other people.
they redefine common words to give them a particular slant, such as "brother", "sister", "literature" and so on.
This is yet furtherconfirmation that Jehovah is lovingly enlightening his only channel of communication with progressive refinements. Recently, His holy spirit caused David Splane to toss and turn in bed for over a week until he decided to hold an emergency session to inform the other 6 members of the GB that Jehovah no longer approves the word "alternative" and that they must select a more appropriate word to keep in step with Jehovah's Theocratic organization.
Within a week, they were able to have meaningful and prayerful discussion about this topic until Anthony Morris eventually suggested the word "public". It went up for a vote but it didn't quite reach the required 2/3 majority because Sam Herd wanted to use "Spontaneous Witnessing" instead (and 2 other GB members agreed with him). But because David Splane was the one who Jehovah approached first, they decided to have one final prayerful discussion and the resolution was passed with an unanimous vote.
How blessed is God's people to have received this much needed spiritual food at the appropriate time.
FOUR DAYS LEFT to have your say in the 2011 survey!!
by cedars insorry to be an absolute pain with this, but i'm sure you realise that there are many lurkers on this forum who will be unaware of the global survey, which slams shut at midnight on new year's eve.. so, if you're visiting this forum for the first time, and haven't yet voiced your opinion on the jw global survey, please click here!.
some stats for those who are interested:.
so far over 1,038 have participated.. 49% of voters are either active or inactive jehovah's witnesses.. the most contentious teaching of the governing body remains their reasoning surrounding higher education, with 95% objecting to this.. the society's shunning policy still holds second place with 91% of votes.. .
Cedars... where will the results of this survey be posted (besides this board)...
i assume you've considered "The Pew Forum"? but maybe the associated press would be interested as well... just saying
My Story
by TheWanderer ini found this site quite a few months ago, after a curiosity search on wikipedia about jws and what's going on with the organization.
i was unfortunately born into it, 4th-generation; my great-grandfather was a special pioneer spreading the word in the early 1900s.
it was all i knew growing up, even though i struggled between trying to conform to make everyone happy ... and finding my own way in life.
Wanderer... thanks for sharing...
Those who study the bible, being told to 'wait' for the WT to get to things.....
by EndofMysteries inonce thing i've noticed and from my relatives, is they may acknowledge that things are not understood or maybe incorrect in their understanding from the wt magazines, but they say not to rush ahead, it will eventually be sorted out.
without even trying to argue about that, just think for the past 5, 10, 20 years, what 'new understanding' and changes in the deep things have come?
if that was true, then at meetings would consistently be learning new material, new insight and understanding.
They generally make changes when the letters in the Service Department (calling them out on their BS) start to pile up. It happened in 2007 with the 1935 heavenly gate closure doctrine... the letters were overwhelming... i.e.: "Dear Governing Body, there's only 2 of you remaining who were born before 1935, what gives?"...
I can just picture David Splane turning to Anthony Morris and saying: "Let's just quietly put something in a QFR saying that there's really no way of knowing when the heavenly calling ceased... we'll just say that it's Nu-Lite, the friends will get all giddy and it will soon be forgotten"
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
by Philadelphia Ponos inand a happy holidays to all my jewish, muslim, atheist, agnostic, buddhist, hindu, and sikh friends!
Merry Christmans Philly Pono...
JW nephew graduation party cancelled... your insight is requested
by Alfred ini have a jw nephew in another state who was at very the top of his high school senior class this year.
because of this, my sister (an elder's wife) had planned and sent out invitations to his "graduation party" which would be held at a community center with all the bells and whistles.
i actually bought plane tickets for my wife and i to attend this party immediately after receiving the invitation in the mail.
Black Sheep... you're right... he's not fully aware of everything so he left for the wrong reasons... This is why I will give him some time to clear his head and then I will start talking to him about 1914, the FDS, the flip-flops, everything... in due time...
Breaking News from Steve Unthank - Police Launch Investigation into Traralgon Congregation
by Broken Promises inaustralia, breaking news: police launch investigation into the rape and molestation of a number of children with the traralgon congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
jw news can report that victoria police have launched an investigation into the rape and molestation of a number of children within the traralgon congregation of jehovah's witnesses over the past two years.
according to initial reports,... the body of elders were strictly ordered by the watchtower bible and tract society of australia to cover-up the multiple rapes of a number of children within the traralgon congregation allegedly committed by a fellow member of the jehovah's witness religion.
Falcon... When it comes to pedophiles who constantly get their own way with innocent children and are well-protected by a multi-billion dollar publishing cult, I am a self-confessed hate monger... why should I be anything different?