Gary Neal...
Are you referring to this?
Also, you might find this useful as well…
good luck…
i went to the nearby 7-eleven on my lunch break to get a fountain drink and i happened to bump into some people from my wifes congregation including brother hero and brother sidekick.
brother hero was the guy who conducted a bible study with me using the bible teach book (my god, i have been around the witnesses and former witnesses too much as i even know the cult speak and book name abbreviations).
during our study he began bringing over another brother from the congregation who i began referring to as brother sidekick.. i found out from my wife that brother sidekick is the son-in-law of one of the elders in that congregation.
Gary Neal...
Are you referring to this?
Also, you might find this useful as well…
good luck…
i posted this in another section and thought i'd bring it up here to see what people thought.
if this has already been discussed, i apologize.
as a businessman, i always connect events to the money.
I recently confirmed the "purchase" of military service cards by JWs in Mexico from talking to Nestor Kuilan (ex-CO and ex-missionary mentioned in Ray's book). The Governing Body basically looked the other way and simply made it a "conscience matter" while JWs in Malawi were being raped, slaughtered and tortured for refusing to buy a political party card. When word spread about this, it made many JWs uncomfortable in Mexico and Brooklyn Bethel, but the manipulation by Freddy Franz was so effective that nearly everyone dismissed it as theocratic warfare.
And yes... The reason the GB looked the other away is because they didn't want to create any waves or draw attention from the government so they could continue to purchase and flip real estate as a non-religious entity throughout Mexico. It was always about money.
According to this 1877 leaflet, Armageddon was expected in 1917 (1877 + 40 years = 1917)...interesting
are jehovah's witnesses allowed to eat the widely used e120 or carmine that is made of insect blood.
it is the whole insect including its blood that is used and if you crush a living cochineal insect you will see its red blood color, i've seen that done on a program on bbc where they also refer to the red as the insect's blood.
JW15801... welcome!
Interesting 1st post... are you on the fence because of a recent issue involving blood transfusions?
i'm starting to get a clearer picture of what's been happening with my nephew who has recently decided that he no longer wishes to be a part of "the lie"... it appears that my nephew may have been forced to move out by his elder father who was afraid of possibly losing his privileges by having a non-believing son under his roof.
that is the impression i'm getting by talking to my sister (his aunt who is not a jw).. while i try to figure this out... does anyone know if that is a valid possibility in general?
i'm referring to the possibility of an elder losing his privileges because his son no longer wishes to be a jw but still lives under the same roof... any insight by recently faded elders would be much appreciated.... thanks.
Thanks everyone for your insight... seems the rules vary from congo to congo from what I'm reading here (even though the GB would probably prefer that everyone follow the elder's manual)...
A little more info just came to light... last night I found out that my nephew actually moved out after a "conversation" with his elder father that went sour very quickly. After my nephew made it clear to his father that he had no intention of ever going back to the kingdom hall, that he will continue to date his non-JW girlfriend and that he is now 18, his father repeatedly suggested to him that it's probably a good idea for my nephew to get his own place as he was concerned that his qualifications might get called into question or his privileges removed. So there wasn't really a forceful push to get him out of the house per say, just your usual WT-style guilt-inducing mental manipulation (which seems to work every time).
However, regardless of what the elder's book says about this scenario or what is put into actual practice, the bottom line here is that, in my brother-in-law's mind, he was basically presented with a choice... a) his son ; b) his privileges
but his JW mentality led him to make the wrong choice, again.... very sickening indeed
i'm starting to get a clearer picture of what's been happening with my nephew who has recently decided that he no longer wishes to be a part of "the lie"... it appears that my nephew may have been forced to move out by his elder father who was afraid of possibly losing his privileges by having a non-believing son under his roof.
that is the impression i'm getting by talking to my sister (his aunt who is not a jw).. while i try to figure this out... does anyone know if that is a valid possibility in general?
i'm referring to the possibility of an elder losing his privileges because his son no longer wishes to be a jw but still lives under the same roof... any insight by recently faded elders would be much appreciated.... thanks.
OTWO... yes... my BIL got rid of the problem by removing it from his home... couldn't the bastard simply step down and keep his son? No... he'd rather keep his status as a well-respected assemby speaker.
Billy... that's what I thought...
i'm starting to get a clearer picture of what's been happening with my nephew who has recently decided that he no longer wishes to be a part of "the lie"... it appears that my nephew may have been forced to move out by his elder father who was afraid of possibly losing his privileges by having a non-believing son under his roof.
that is the impression i'm getting by talking to my sister (his aunt who is not a jw).. while i try to figure this out... does anyone know if that is a valid possibility in general?
i'm referring to the possibility of an elder losing his privileges because his son no longer wishes to be a jw but still lives under the same roof... any insight by recently faded elders would be much appreciated.... thanks.
Knowsnothing.... no lack of elders that I am aware of... on fact, two laid-off bethelites just joined the congo and i believe they were both appointed as elders recently...
i'm starting to get a clearer picture of what's been happening with my nephew who has recently decided that he no longer wishes to be a part of "the lie"... it appears that my nephew may have been forced to move out by his elder father who was afraid of possibly losing his privileges by having a non-believing son under his roof.
that is the impression i'm getting by talking to my sister (his aunt who is not a jw).. while i try to figure this out... does anyone know if that is a valid possibility in general?
i'm referring to the possibility of an elder losing his privileges because his son no longer wishes to be a jw but still lives under the same roof... any insight by recently faded elders would be much appreciated.... thanks.
Thanks Blues brother... seems there are grey areas that are played with depending on the elder's reputation... it's not as cut and dry as I had imagined...
i'm starting to get a clearer picture of what's been happening with my nephew who has recently decided that he no longer wishes to be a part of "the lie"... it appears that my nephew may have been forced to move out by his elder father who was afraid of possibly losing his privileges by having a non-believing son under his roof.
that is the impression i'm getting by talking to my sister (his aunt who is not a jw).. while i try to figure this out... does anyone know if that is a valid possibility in general?
i'm referring to the possibility of an elder losing his privileges because his son no longer wishes to be a jw but still lives under the same roof... any insight by recently faded elders would be much appreciated.... thanks.
Thanks Cedars... he got baptized at 13 or 14.... as far as I know, other than dating a non-JW recently , he has done nothing wrong and doesn't face disfellowshipping (that I am aware of)...
i'm starting to get a clearer picture of what's been happening with my nephew who has recently decided that he no longer wishes to be a part of "the lie"... it appears that my nephew may have been forced to move out by his elder father who was afraid of possibly losing his privileges by having a non-believing son under his roof.
that is the impression i'm getting by talking to my sister (his aunt who is not a jw).. while i try to figure this out... does anyone know if that is a valid possibility in general?
i'm referring to the possibility of an elder losing his privileges because his son no longer wishes to be a jw but still lives under the same roof... any insight by recently faded elders would be much appreciated.... thanks.
Thanks... that's what I thought... just couldn't remember that scripture...
It really annoys me that my brother in law is more concerned about losing his privileges than losing his own son... just goes to show how sick this religion is...