Maybe the GB reached out to him and asked: "Are you sure you don't want to partake of the emblems this year?... we received NuLite from Jehovah that leads us to believe that you are of the annointed and should probably join us soon."
Posts by Alfred
Friends from Texas or Oklahoma, What Happened to Sam Robertson CO?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inwhat happened to this co, i hear he is at gilead, i would love to know what this good brother is up to.
i am a regular pioneer in my cong reading crisis of goes...
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini'm on page 90 right now...the info is definitely new and gives me a totally diff view as to how i used to think of faithful and discreet slave.
i was thoroughly disgusted with the way the brothers handled the oral sex and leadership problem and the insight on the scriptures book...... still have alot of questions though.
It's been 5 days since Growing Girl has posted anything... I wonder if an "experienced" elder went through the same BS questions with her that suck "doubters" back in (i.e. what religion is the only one that preaches worldwide? what religion taught you that the trinity is false? etc. etc,) or maybe he used the progressive light card or some other WT manipulative technique that takes attention away from their long list of deceptions, unbiblical doctrines and failed predictions... I've seen it happen... I just hope she sees through the WT smoke screen...
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo ininterview with a prosecutor .
background: on july 26, 2011, the entire worldwide religious and corporate hierarchy of jehovahs witnesses was charged in the magistrates court of victoria, australia, with 35 serious criminal breaches of the states mandatory child protection laws (working with children act 2005).
among the legal entities charged were the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania and the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Rick... no one on this thread is dumb enough to fall for your WT tactics...
Do you honestly believe that anyone on this thread is a "WT operative" trying to sabotage or destroy this interview??? You owe everyone here an apology for insulting their intelligence... and you especially owe Steven an apology for insulting HIS intelligence.
Do you honestly believe that Mr. Unthank will find your school girl rants amusing?
Do yourself a favor... stop trying to cover up your lies, dishonesty, and sensationalism by calling other people unbalanced, immature whiners hiding behind avatars... you're only further destroying what little credibility you have left.
Finally, Steven is a smart person... he has already figured out that no one here is trying to discredit him or sabotage the interview... I for one welcome this interview (as do most posters on this board)... what we are uncomfortable with is that the interview is being conducted in the house of a known liar...
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo ininterview with a prosecutor .
background: on july 26, 2011, the entire worldwide religious and corporate hierarchy of jehovahs witnesses was charged in the magistrates court of victoria, australia, with 35 serious criminal breaches of the states mandatory child protection laws (working with children act 2005).
among the legal entities charged were the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania and the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Rick... stop using WT tactics... no one is disrespecting those who are reaching out for consolation... what we are doing is calling you out... and when we do, you ignore us or call us insensative Watchtower operatives... seriously? do you think anyone on this board is falling for that?
How honest is the Watchtower (about its own history)?
by Fernando in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:punctuationkerning /> <w:validateagainstschemas /> <w:saveifxmlinvalid>false</w:saveifxmlinvalid> <w:ignoremixedcontent>false</w:ignoremixedcontent> <w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext>false</w:alwaysshowplaceholdertext> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> <w:dontgrowautofit /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><!
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It is a well known fact that John Aquila Brown played with some numbers in 1823 until he came up with 2,520 years (Gentile Times)...
But the Governing Body has repeatedly claimed that this bizarre calculation actually originated with the Bible Students in the 1870's...
Regarding the 2,520 years that supposedly ended in 1914, here'e what a GB member said in the 2010 DVD "Faith In Action":
"The fact that they were able to pinpoint that year is just phenomenal" -Anthony Morris, Governing Body
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo ininterview with a prosecutor .
background: on july 26, 2011, the entire worldwide religious and corporate hierarchy of jehovahs witnesses was charged in the magistrates court of victoria, australia, with 35 serious criminal breaches of the states mandatory child protection laws (working with children act 2005).
among the legal entities charged were the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania and the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
barbara... I didn't mean you...
Exclusive interview with a prosecutor, Steven Unthank, February 21, 2012
by AndersonsInfo ininterview with a prosecutor .
background: on july 26, 2011, the entire worldwide religious and corporate hierarchy of jehovahs witnesses was charged in the magistrates court of victoria, australia, with 35 serious criminal breaches of the states mandatory child protection laws (working with children act 2005).
among the legal entities charged were the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania and the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Steven Unthank... if you're reading this, please reconsider... you're about to put yourself in a position that could cause major damage to an extremely important case...
In case you are unaware, it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Rick Fearon has absolutely no interest in verifying his sources of information before presenting things on his call... he is only interested in having people DIAL IN to his conference call (only he knows why)...
I know this is NOT Rick's call per say... but this particular call will be viewed as "guilty by association"...
Can you at least wait until the court proceedings are done and over with?... remember... there's a lot at stake here if you don't choose your words correctly.
Frankly, it is highly irresponsible of these people to invite you to an interview at this stage... I have to wonder if they're genuinely interested in this case or are trying to re-establish lost credibility...
At least give this some thought...
i am a regular pioneer in my cong reading crisis of goes...
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini'm on page 90 right now...the info is definitely new and gives me a totally diff view as to how i used to think of faithful and discreet slave.
i was thoroughly disgusted with the way the brothers handled the oral sex and leadership problem and the insight on the scriptures book...... still have alot of questions though.
Growing Girl.... realizing that non-JWs are not "evil" or "bad association" will be one of the best things you'll get from your awakening (IMHO)... I remember the feeling I got from knowing that I was finally free to make friends with people from all walks of life... and it was fantastic!!!
The Reason -- for pushing more and more work onto JWs
by Marvin Shilmer inwhy the unrelenting pressure for more and more organized religious activity?
today i uploaded a new article to my blog exploring the reason why watchtower promotes more and more of its work onto the community of jehovahs witnesses.
it turns out that in 1943 nathan knorr had a thing or two to say about why this constant push for more, more, more.
when you're extremely busy, you really have no time to verify if people are telling you the truth...
Most JWs Lack Bible Knowledge - How Can They Teach What they know not
by Band on the Run inbeing a jw exposed me to many bible stories.
when i am with any group of people today, except seminary students, i know far more stories and obscure ones, too.
after i left, i went on a tour of the cathedral in ny.
I find that many JWs have simply memorized an entire repertoire of texts that have been repeated continuously over the years (along with their corresponding twisted interpretations). But very few have taken the time to actually analyze what they read...
This reminds me of when I had to memorize the periodic table in chemistry class... Oh I memorized it alright... and people around me were amazed at how much I knew about chemistry... The truth was: I knew nothing about chemistry... I was merely able to regurgitate the periodic table and few tid-bits about chemistry here and there... but I knew nothing about chemistry at all...
Likewise today, some people are amazed at how many texts JWs are able regurgitate on demand... but the fact is that most JWs know nothing about the Bible itself...
just my opinion from my own personal observations...