Google John Aquila Brown or his book The Even Tide (1823)... that's pretty much where this 2,520 year calculation started...
Posts by Alfred
History of 1914 date
by robB infrom the small amount of research that i've done i've found the following points:.
charles russell was the author of the prophecy that christ returned in 1914in an earlier period of his life russell promoted the idea christ had returned in 1874, which was originated by another man named nelson barbourat both times, christ was said to have returned invisibly (does anyone remember the story of the emperor's new clothes)russell used some measurements from inside of the great pyramid of giza to bolster his calculation for 1914, which was rooted in the cobbling of bible passages dealing with the fall of jersualem, the times of the gentiles and nebuchadneezar episode of madness (7 times)am i missing anything?.
i'm trying to show a friend in the organization that all of this is a bunch of baloney.. .
History of 1914 date
by robB infrom the small amount of research that i've done i've found the following points:.
charles russell was the author of the prophecy that christ returned in 1914in an earlier period of his life russell promoted the idea christ had returned in 1874, which was originated by another man named nelson barbourat both times, christ was said to have returned invisibly (does anyone remember the story of the emperor's new clothes)russell used some measurements from inside of the great pyramid of giza to bolster his calculation for 1914, which was rooted in the cobbling of bible passages dealing with the fall of jersualem, the times of the gentiles and nebuchadneezar episode of madness (7 times)am i missing anything?.
i'm trying to show a friend in the organization that all of this is a bunch of baloney.. .
No... Russell NEVER said that Jesus would take the throne in 1914... Rutherford changed this in the late 1920's...
All Russell said was that Armageddon would come in 1914 and the bethren would go to heaven... when it didn't come, he moved Armageddon to 1918.
Will there be a SECOND Armageddon in the year 2914?
by Alfred inok... i know the answer... absolutely not..... but where does the watchtower get this idea that satan will be released in the year 2914 (1914 + 1,000) to test the faith of jws who have been cleaning up the planet for a thousand years?
which bible texts have they taken out of context to arrive at this bizarre and exclusive jw teaching?.
also, what are they saying will happen to the those who fail this "final test"?
NeonMadman... good point...
So I guess Jesus has been sitting on his throne for the past 98 years twiddling his thumbs until the Big A begins so he can clock in and start his 1,000 year shift... this doctrine is so humorous...
1914, Generation doctrine belief change!
by Gill ini had the dubious pleasure of explaining the 1914 generation change doctrine to a relative who has been a jw for all of his life the other day.
he didn't even know that there had been a generation change and that the wt was no longer claiming that those alive in 1914 would still be alive when armageddon struck.. however, he said he would only believe me if i could tell him the exact date of the watchtower that explained this change.. though i know it is 1995, i do not know the exact date/issue and he refused to research it claiming it would show lack of faith on his part if he questioned his beliefs....but he said he would look it up if i told him which issue it was.. so, please, could anyone direct me to the exact issue in which this world shattering event was revealed?.
i remember, many jws, especially elderly ones being shocked at this revelation, but obviously this particular relative was not concentrating at the time!!
...and this post was only a few years before the NEW generation definition... (that being that a generation is actually two overlapping generations)...
when will the r&f ever wake up???
Did you / do you have KH Parking Lot Security Duty?
by Alfred injust wondering if this is only a regional thing.... i've been in two kingdom halls in the 90's where the parking was basically shared or public... so every 15 minutes, baptized publishers (who were not irregular or inactive) were rotated and had to stand outside in all kinds of weather just to watch everyone's vehicles.
when the weather was nice, it was a good opportunity stretch out to take a break from the borefest.
but i always thought that this was so contrary to their belief of "putting kingdom interests first"... i even approached an elder one time about this and asked: "why are we putting material things ahead of listening to the public talk?
Just wondering if this is only a regional thing...
I've been in two Kingdom Halls in the 90's where the parking was basically shared or public... so every 15 minutes, baptized publishers (who were not irregular or inactive) were rotated and had to stand outside in all kinds of weather just to watch everyone's vehicles. When the weather was nice, it was a good opportunity stretch out to take a break from the borefest. But I always thought that this was so contrary to their belief of "putting kingdom interests first"... I even approached an elder one time about this and asked: "why are we putting material things ahead of listening to the public talk?" Needless to say, that didn't go over to well...
Did you have parking security detail in your KH? Please do share...
JW Rapists, Pedophiles and Murderers are no threat to the community as long they have been privately reproved by spirit-appointed elders and show true repentance... especially if the JW is a spirit-appointed elder himself... so there's nothing to worry about....
Will there be a SECOND Armageddon in the year 2914?
by Alfred inok... i know the answer... absolutely not..... but where does the watchtower get this idea that satan will be released in the year 2914 (1914 + 1,000) to test the faith of jws who have been cleaning up the planet for a thousand years?
which bible texts have they taken out of context to arrive at this bizarre and exclusive jw teaching?.
also, what are they saying will happen to the those who fail this "final test"?
OK... I know the answer... absolutely not....
But where does the Watchtower get this idea that Satan will be released in the year 2914 (1914 + 1,000) to test the faith of JWs who have been cleaning up the planet for a thousand years? Which Bible texts have they taken out of context to arrive at this bizarre and exclusive JW teaching?
Also, what are they saying will happen to the those who fail this "final test"? Are they somehow implying that a second Armageddon will rid the earth of those who fail this test?
(No wonder more and more JWs are on anti-depresants... they're probably wondering if they'll have to continue being slaves for another 1,000 years only to die in the SECOND Armageddon over some slip-up)
JW's 'put off living'
by Lady Viola ini was reading a book and read the following quote:.
"one of the most tragic things i know about human nature is.
that all of us tend to put off living.
Even in paradise, JWs will have to put off living for a thousand years while they clean up the earth and prove themselves worthy... I can't believe I used to believe in this crap wholeheartedly...
"Awake" 1973 says Witnesses should not play CHESS it's EVIL!!!
by Witness 007 inawake 73 march 22 p.12 "the spirit of competition between players can lead to unplesant some homes tensions linger long past checkmate...chess has been a game of war since it originated...the games conection to war is obvious....a play substitue for the art of war...there is a danger of stirring uo competition with one another even developing hostility with one another something the bible warns against....what effect does playing chess have on one?
is it a wholesome effect?
....there are questions regarding it that each one who plays chess should consider.".
Yes... Chess playing can turn violent... but if you put on your boxing gloves before you start the game, the blows won't hurt as much...
Does anyone have the 2012 Memorial Talk outline?
by Alfred injust wanted to see if they included 1 cor 11:26... or if they elaborate on that text... thnx.
Just checking in to see if anyone has the 2012 Memorial Outline (I already have a couple of older ones)... thanks!