I've never heard that story. A long time ago, I did hear something about the Rothschilds financing the entire "Creation" film project as well as some early printed work by the Watchtower such as the book "Comfort for the Jews"...
Posts by Alfred
Help! Strange request for info I heard in a Recorded (gasp!) Talk.
by PaintedToeNail ini heard a recording of a talk by a bro.
who's topic was something to the effect of 'coincidences in the history of wtbts and jehovah's direction'.
i believe it was an american bro., who claimed that a woman who owned a mansion in atlanta, at the time of general sherman's march to the sea, and subsequent burning of atlanta, had her mansion saved.
Attention Governing Body: October 2, 2014 is only 940 days away...
by Alfred inin 1823, john aquila brown (a man who is not mentioned in any wt publication) came up with a bizarre mathematical calculation which totalled 2,520 years (in an unauthorized attempt to predict the end of the gentile times).... several religions recycled this bizarre calculation, including the adventists and the bible students... when armageddon didn't come on the variety of early 20th century dates predicted by several "dooms-day" religions of that time (including charles taze russell's bible students who predicted that the big a would start in 1914), they all finally realized that this 2,520-year calculation was nothing more than arbitrary mathematical speculation derived from erratic biblical extrapolation.... except for the bible students who continued to move up the date for armageddon 2 more times (1918, 1925) and then decided to use wwi as the starting point for the "last days".. all the while, one thing that seems to remain intact is the october 2, 1914 date.
oddly, for the watchtower bible & tract publishing cult, this particular date still marks the end of the 2,520-year period (that john aquila brown referred to in his bizarre 1823 book "the even tide")... again, no mention of this in any watchtower publication.
but, for jws, that date still remains the starting point for the period of time often referred to as the "last days" or even "the generation that shall not pass".. because of this, the governing body has been forced to change the definition of "the generation that shall not pass" countless times since the early 1970's.
In 1823, John Aquila Brown (a man who is NOT mentioned in ANY WT publication) came up with a bizarre mathematical calculation which totalled 2,520 years (in an unauthorized attempt to predict the END of the Gentile Times)...
Several religions recycled this bizarre calculation, including the Adventists and the Bible Students... When Armageddon didn't come on the variety of early 20th century dates predicted by several "dooms-day" religions of that time (including Charles Taze Russell's Bible Students who predicted that the Big A would start in 1914), they all finally realized that this 2,520-year calculation was nothing more than arbitrary mathematical speculation derived from erratic Biblical extrapolation.... except for the Bible Students who continued to move up the date for Armageddon 2 more times (1918, 1925) and then decided to use WWI as the starting point for the "Last Days".
All the while, one thing that seems to remain intact is the October 2, 1914 date. Oddly, for the Watchtower Bible & Tract Publishing Cult, this particular date still marks the end of the 2,520-year period (that John Aquila Brown referred to in his bizarre 1823 book "The Even Tide")... Again, no mention of this in ANY Watchtower publication. But, for JWs, that date still remains the starting point for the period of time often referred to as the "Last Days" or even "the generation that shall not pass".
Because of this, the Governing Body has been forced to change the definition of "the generation that shall not pass" countless times since the early 1970's. But the expiration date of this latest definition is quickly approaching as well as the 100-year anniversay of the END of the Gentile Times (October 2, 2014).
Note to Governing Body: By now, I think you all realize that you are looking like clueless fools. That being said, in 940 days, your credibility will plummet to an all-time low... Do yourselves a favor NOW and admit that this entire doctrine is completely un-Biblical and unauthorized (Acts 1:7).
You have exactly 940 days remaining (until October 2, 2014)... Your time starts... NOW
Who Knows The Exact Current Interpretation of "Generation" Please!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inwould someone please explain the current interpretation of the generation.
this topic is one that is causing alot of confussion and turmoil.
jwn, you.
I asked an elder this question once...
Where does it say in the Bible that Jesus was referring to the lives of annointed brothers?
(i'm sure anyone here can pretty much guess what his response to that was, so I won't aggravate you so early in the morning)
Also, assuming the generation happens to span 140 years, for example... 140 years could easily have been the overlapping lives of the "great crowd" or the overlapping lives of Catholics or the overlapping lives of any group for that matter...
Why does this 140-year period herein referred to as the "generation that shall not pass" necessarily have to signify the lives of the "annointed"??? Is the Watchtower trying to give this period a mystical significance so that it carries more weight? What's the point of assigning this period of time exclusively to the annointed???
These guys are totally full of sh*t...
Memorial Partakers guesses?
by AK - Jeff inthe last four years:.
with all the changes in the 'generation', 'sealing', doctines, etc.
- there have been unexpected [i imagine] jumps in this number.
I really don't believe the actual number of partakers is going up... I believe the WT leadership is purposely increasing the number of partakers to buy themselves more time... they know they're losing credibility with some JWs in doing so, but with the majority (who are mostly oblivious to this) they really are buying time... that's just my personal opinion...
i am a regular pioneer in my cong reading crisis of conscience.here goes...
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini'm on page 90 right now...the info is definitely new and gives me a totally diff view as to how i used to think of faithful and discreet slave.
i was thoroughly disgusted with the way the brothers handled the oral sex and leadership problem and the insight on the scriptures book...... still have alot of questions though.
MsGrowingGirl... WELCOME BACK!!! we were worried about you...
What is the current JW stance on blood - for nursing assignment..
by coldfish inhi, i'm an ex-jw, i left about 10 years ago, and my memory is getting blurry on some jw detail these days.
sorry i'm sure there are stacks of discussions on blood already but i don't have too much time for reading through hundreds of pages.
i'm a nursing student and our topic for the week is blood.
JWs are not allowed to eat salad as this is a disfellowshipping offense according to the Bible. However, since tomatoes only makes up a small portion of the salad, they're allowed to eat just the tomatoes if their conscience is not affected in doing so, but not the entire salad. Also, they're allowed to eat lettuce. No wait, they're not allowed to eat lettuce because it is the major component of the salad... Wait, let me back up... even though lettuce practically fills the entire plate, lettuce is mostly water so it would be left to the JW's conscience if they choose to eat the lettuce but only after prayerful consideration of Biblical teachings on the matter. On the other hand, he would have to consider where he stands spiritually if he decides to consume the salad dressing along with either the lettuce or the tomatoes separately. That being said, if the salad eater shows true repentance upon being questioned by three elders, there's a good possibility that he may not have to be disfellowshipped. In such cases, a private reproval may suffice but his qualifications as a pioneer, ministerial servant or elder will need to be reviewed. According to Proverbs 4:18, there will be more updated information about this subject in the future.
Hello Jehovah's Witnesses. I was in class 119 of Gilead in 2005
by AllTimeJeff inmy picture is in the january 1, 2006 watchtower.. why am i telling you this?
consider this my small weekend contribution to the cause of real truth.
any jw who has been one for a while, or a born in, knows the regard that pioneers, elders, bethelites and missionaries have.
"Fear keeps you from the truth. It doesn't lead you to it."
Such a simple statement... yet very powerful...
thanks AllTimeJeff!
It's official!
by lilbluekitty intonight i just got my certificate: i'm officially a member of my church and a baptist.
(i think of myself as just a general christian, but i like the laid-backishness of the baptists.
i definitely don't think one denomination is better than anyone else though, and my church is multi-cultural, so i'm not a hater of other races like some southern baptists).
Excellent... as long as it doesn't control you and it makes you happy, why the heck not? Congratulations!!!
1914, Generation doctrine belief change!
by Gill ini had the dubious pleasure of explaining the 1914 generation change doctrine to a relative who has been a jw for all of his life the other day.
he didn't even know that there had been a generation change and that the wt was no longer claiming that those alive in 1914 would still be alive when armageddon struck.. however, he said he would only believe me if i could tell him the exact date of the watchtower that explained this change.. though i know it is 1995, i do not know the exact date/issue and he refused to research it claiming it would show lack of faith on his part if he questioned his beliefs....but he said he would look it up if i told him which issue it was.. so, please, could anyone direct me to the exact issue in which this world shattering event was revealed?.
i remember, many jws, especially elderly ones being shocked at this revelation, but obviously this particular relative was not concentrating at the time!!
Caminante... thanks... I completely forgot about that...
Do the hours of the JW's reflect their actual preaching?
by justhuman inwhen i was watchtower witness and pioneer i recall how we used to abuse the hours at the field service.... getting up in the morning, and doing street work..after the street work going to the kindom hall for the field service, and the at the territory.
after finishing the territory continue some street work in order continue reporting the time.. so starting at 8.15 in the morning, then stop at 9.15 to drive to the kindom hall, and around 9.50 we were getting at the territory.
then after the 2 hours preaching(and usually 85%of the people were not home and the rest show no interest at all, and after 2 coffee brakes, finishing at 12.00. then going some street work at the center of the town until 1.00. so we used to report 5 hours!!!
If JWs were only allowed to count the actual time spent talking to people (not walking from door-to-door, driving, or going to Starbuck's), the only "INCREASE" the WT would be able to report every year is an increase of zero's or blank columns on the monthly service report.
The WT knows the numbers aren't real... but it's appearances that matter the most to them.