I'm not sure about the GB but I have been a consultant to one of the largest US "non" profit organizations. It was one of the greediest outfits I've worked with (and I've worked with most of the Fortune 50 companies). This "non" profit did not do anything unless there was substantial monetary gain. Money is easily shifted around. It was an eye opening experience. I would not be surprised if GB pockets were well lined.
JoinedPosts by badcompany
What is the WT's Motivation? Who Benefits?
by InterestedOne inanother thing my jw friend says to me when i question the wt is, "what would their motivation be?
they're so humble and no-one gets paid except a basic living allowance for the workers at bethel.
they're not like those other rotten 'ministries' whose leaders get paid a lot of money, etc.".
Today was my first time...
by serenitynow! inbuying christmas gifts!
i decided to participate in the salvation army angel tree program where you buy stuff on kids' wishlists.
i spent the day in and out of stores trying to find cute things.. i felt really "normal," for probably the first time ever..
Sincere happy congrats to all on this board that are unshackled and free! No regrets....enjoy the season!!!!
I Need To Clarify One Thing (Christmas)
by mentallyfree31 ini just wanted to clarify a small matter.
if you happen to see me driving around mississippi, you may notice that my car is squatted down in the back.
nothing is wrong with my car.
Happiness is chopping down a Christmas tree off your own land. Did that for the first time today with my 10 year old daughter. Good and memorable times. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all!
Could you live without the internet ?
by Hairyhegoat inwell i don't think me and my family could for even 1 day.
was thinking of moving from sky but when we found out about our data usage i was shocked.
we use over 80gb per month and we have unlimited package with sky.. we were advised another isp may restrict over a certain level so you best stay with us as we value your account... .
Not for a nanosecond. My income, business's, communications, relationships, entertainment and something I can't think of at the moment are reliant on the web.
Incredible Phone Call...Feedback Appreciated
by badcompany ini am a da'd dub circa 1993 (born in).
i have been an extremely successful business owner over the years but about 6 months ago augered in from about 60k feet.
my jw parents have been aware of my situation.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Although he has been a hardcore elder for many years he has confided in me some things. He had one experience about 15 years ago that he very nearly quit over. He gave away some prime property to a congo to build a KH on. I can't remember the details but he somehow got in trouble over it and nearly got DF'd himself. Imagine that...
Read your story. Ours are quit similar. I DA'd formally by letter about 17 years ago. I wish I would have kept it. I was blistering PO'd and so was my wife at the time. We both sat down and wrote the letters together. It was anything but a fade. Oh, and welcome to the board!
Incredible Phone Call...Feedback Appreciated
by badcompany ini am a da'd dub circa 1993 (born in).
i have been an extremely successful business owner over the years but about 6 months ago augered in from about 60k feet.
my jw parents have been aware of my situation.
Hi Scary, Yes I was baptised in '71. DF'd in '80, re-instated '83 for family reasons. DA'd for purely PO'd reasons and held fast because of this site.
I'm old enough to no better but... I live my life on the edge. When I get on a rollercoaster I ask if the construction is complete.... on the way down.
Asilentone, The old man gave up on that a long time ago (and YES it's a bad idea). He was sincere in my mind. He is not a smoke and mirrors U
s'r. Straight from the hip Matt Dillon style.
Incredible Phone Call...Feedback Appreciated
by badcompany ini am a da'd dub circa 1993 (born in).
i have been an extremely successful business owner over the years but about 6 months ago augered in from about 60k feet.
my jw parents have been aware of my situation.
I am a DA'd dub circa 1993 (born in). I have been an extremely successful business owner over the years but about 6 months ago augered in from about 60k feet. My JW parents have been aware of my situation. My father has been an elder since 1972 in VERY conservative congo's. He's been the PO of his congo now for a long time and it is VERY conservative as well. I got a call tonight from Dad. He wanted me to know that if I needed a roof over my head or food to eat I was welcome in his home. He knows my lifestyle and is not JW certified by ANY means. Umm.... this sounds different from what i've heard recently on this site (which I have found to be the source of the latest info). Is my Dad a renegade elder or did something change recently?
drunkeness and jw's
by man in black inthis afternoon i was just trolling the internet, and i went onto the official jw website just to look around.. well, some of the pictures / articles were quite amazing in their sheer ignorance of facts.. one of the most amazing ones for me, (it actually made me laugh out loud while shaking my head in disbelief) is titled: .
have you ever wondered .
.how should a christian view drunkenness?.
Agree. Heavy drinking was the norm. My favorite example is this: Traveling back from a trip to Bethel circa 1974. I was planning on going there to work and went on the tour. On the way back on the plane (100% JW tour plane) they had a raffle for a very expensive bottle of wine. I didn't win (I was 17) but the stewardess announced that it was the first time they had 100% participation in the raffle.
If America Became a Christian Nation. A must see!!!
by whereami inpart 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1r1hsrqmj8 .
part 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=immfkdykmky .
part 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7jiu0gpufu.
Holy cr@p! Very interesting perspective. Since my departure I've become increasingly suspect of ALL organized religion. After I learned that the "Gospels" were written long after "Jesus" was gone and none of them actually knew him, I've been suspect. Thanks for the vids!
Have you seen any JW's with "strange" appearence?
by XPeterX infor example someone with piercings,tattoos,beard etc?.
I knew a sister that carried a Derringer pistol in her boot. I didn't find out until after I was out. I used to set the mic's for the TMS so I sat up front. I remember her doing talk 3/4 wearing boots. Didn't know she was packing then.