Yes Indeed Privacy is a lost cause for the WT Member. I once was a good friend of another bethelite who joined our Congregation. He loved Kite Surfing and Wakeboarding. I remember him in freestyle clothing and with his board under his arm going out of Bethels main entrance. They seem not to like this, this freestyle boardfreak to go out through the main entrance the boy was counciled and after that conversation we could only go out of the backdoor so we did not distrurb things!
This boy was also the best friend in the Congo I had and he started shunning me after I had some 'apostate discussion' with him. At first I was still going to the meetings because I liked him so much, but then he started shunning me and there was no reason to go the the Congo anymore...
There we're a few occassion where I was forced by my Mother to go into the backdoor for council on: ''apostate views'' ''congregation visits'' ''wordly girlfriend'' ''drunken on wordly party''... All that in like, 2 months. All these councils really annoyed me. I didnt had the subtle ways to fade anyway, I wanted to start my own life and stop living the dream. If it was not for these councils maybe I was still going, to please my parents, but the arrogance of the elders who are just plain arrogant about any matter, thinking only they are right just broke me up.
Now the WT is obsessed with power instead of love. They seem to want to know everything about you, like an Orwellian State. If there is only a rumour about anything that could be wordt a JC you will be counciled and asked what this rumour was and if it was true. The WT controls every bit of information and therefor all knowledge and power.