I saw him on Beck yesterday...... It was ridiculous how he used Jake as a prop and didn't really let him explain anything or even finish his equation. Glen interrupted him by drawing a picture of R2D2 on the other blackboard and stopping him shortly after he started to explain his equation. I understand it was over most people's heads, but what's the point of having him on the show to show the equation in the first place if he's not going to let him explain it or finish it. Beck may be a good human being, but he's an idiot.......and his chalkboard schtick is getting old too.
JoinedPosts by drewcoul
Jacob Barnett, 12 yr. old, explains what he'd like to improve about Einstein's Theory of Relativity
by glenster inhis opinion of some of the posts here of calculations about the past and future,.
etc., aren't given, but i could guess.. http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/entertainment/weird_news/12-year-old-genius-takes-aim-as-disproving-einsteins-theory-of-relativity.
Will the Watchtower ban Chicken McNuggets?
by Nickolas inever heard of transglutaminase?
it's also known as meat glue.
while banned in the eu it is very commonly used in north america and australia.
I have never heard of any Witness that I know not eating hot dogs for any reason. I know about the blood sausage thing, but as a kid, and even as an adult witness, we would have cookouts and have hamburgers and hot dogs. I never knew of a problem with it.
This reminds me of one thing that I always thought was strange......The WTS used to warn members to look at their pet food and make sure it didn't contain blood. However, the command to abstain from blood was meant for humans, not animals. For God's sake, they kill other animals and eat them blood and all. Anyway, I always thought the dog food thing was stupid.
Will the Watchtower ban Chicken McNuggets?
by Nickolas inever heard of transglutaminase?
it's also known as meat glue.
while banned in the eu it is very commonly used in north america and australia.
Nick, Nick, Nick........
How many times must you hear this before you understand. As long as it's only a fragment, it's ok! If Jehovah didn't want us to have meat glue, he would have said so. Besides, it's a conscience matter as to whether one wants to eat poultry or not.
I just thought of an interesting question......Which is more fragmented- The blood used to fragment out the transglutaminase or the chicken used in the mcnuggets?
The Coffee Party--We Aren't Going To Let The Extremists Run This Country
by Justitia Themis inthis video documents a meeting between coffee party leaders and students at wesleyan university on feb. 26, 2011. the meeting led to the incredibly successful "i have sex" video, which is transforming the national debate about ideologically driven "budget cuts" bein.
LOL the Monty Python skit is priceless......Isn't that from the Life of Brian?
The Coffee Party--We Aren't Going To Let The Extremists Run This Country
by Justitia Themis inthis video documents a meeting between coffee party leaders and students at wesleyan university on feb. 26, 2011. the meeting led to the incredibly successful "i have sex" video, which is transforming the national debate about ideologically driven "budget cuts" bein.
Favorite Quote?
by Snoozy ini saw this on someone's facebook and thought it would be a really fitting response to certain people... "people like you are the reason people like me need medication".
"JESUS LOVES YOU!!! (everyone else thinks you're an asshole)"
Crisis of Conscience, Chapter 3
by snowbird inthe chapter is entitled governing body, with a subheading entitled three monarchs.. in this chapter, ray franz thoroughly debunks the notion advanced by fred franz that wt leadership is modeled after a so-called 1st century governing body.. however, something else that got my attention was the fact that rutherford was referred to as chief by overseas jw's.. on page 70, there is a picture of the london bethel family.. the caption reads: "see 'em grinning?
the chief had just finished telling them something in the "colored language.".
now, this really grabbed my attention!
Are you suggesting that Judas was never really anointed?
The Coffee Party--We Aren't Going To Let The Extremists Run This Country
by Justitia Themis inthis video documents a meeting between coffee party leaders and students at wesleyan university on feb. 26, 2011. the meeting led to the incredibly successful "i have sex" video, which is transforming the national debate about ideologically driven "budget cuts" bein.
IN PRACTICE, they are racist, homophobic, anti-environmentalist and promote a religious (evangelical Christian) agenda to tear down the separation of church and state.
Please elaborate on the separation of church and state. The fact is there is no Constitutional separation of Church and State. The constitution says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The only thing I believe you think you know about the constitution is what you've heard other left wingers spout. I would doubt that you have read it yourself. If you have, please show me where there is a separation of church and state IN THE CONSTITUTION. I await your response eagerly.
Are you suggesting that evangelical christians have no constitutional right to express their choices by voting or by organizing and being active politically? Are you suggesting that because the Koch brothers are billionaires, they have no right to express their political ideology and support the candidates they choose?
The Watchtower Society owns businesses?
by garyneal inin my previous topic alwayshere said the following:.
you asked "can a jw join the military?
" her answer "no all the military is good for is killing people and destroying things.
I really think this is much ado about nothing. I could own a porn video company and donate half of the shares to the WTS and maintain voting rights of the shares, and it wouldn't mean the WTS is in the porn business.
The fact is the WTS didn't solicit the owners or invest money in the business. It's really a non issue in my opinion.
I really feel like there are bigger fish to fry with regard to the WTS errors, and misrepresentations. Pursuing this and trying to connect them with warfare is a waste of time.
My Motives For Denouncing Homophobia and Bigotry
by PublishingCult ini just want to be clear on this.
some have attributed my motives for denouncing homophobia and bigotry to my being gay.
some have come to the conclusion that i must be gay for shouting down the homophobes and bigots on this board.
I denounce Bigotry and Buggery!