There will always be fringe groups and crazies trying to horn in on a cause, just to get their 2 cents in.
BOTR said they would be there to show solidarity.
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
There will always be fringe groups and crazies trying to horn in on a cause, just to get their 2 cents in.
BOTR said they would be there to show solidarity.
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
Do the protestors hate Hungarian Hedge fund managers too, or is it only Jewish hedge fund managers?
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
BOTR Said:
I am a proud liberal! Within the new few weeks, I am going to Wall Street to show my solidarity.
Oh really! Solidarity, huh. Do you really want to show solidarity with these people? I feel pity for you.
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
I'm very conservative, but I am all for people protesting. The Wall Street protestors, though, do not have a message. There is no clear, understandable message they are articulating. It's an amalgam of viewpoints and isn't really effetive.
Actually, many of them have more in common with the tea party than a lot of people seem to think. The tea-party doesn't like government intervention, and basically developed in response to Obamacare and TARP and the bail outs. The Wall Street protestors may be in favor of Obamacare, but many seem to be opposed to the TARP and the bank and automaker bail outs. Just like the tea party.
Their biggest problem is they've attracted a bunch of people who have their own fringe agendas they are trying to pursue. From anti-semetic rhetoric to legalizing marijuana to animal rights activism, they are offering no solutions, and all the differing views being shouted are just creating confusion and no focus.
I wonder how many of the occupiers actually pay income taxes themselves. Is there data on that?
Don't forget about our friend MLE (Miseryloveselders) I think he went back just recently.
did any of you guys have these at your book study?.
yeah, those were the good old days................... along with competitive basketball games.
Those are the only things I miss.
DITTO! We used to play b-ball about twice a month or so with brothers from about 4 or 5 congregations. We'd rent out a gym and everybody paid 2 bucks and winner stayed on the court......I Definitely miss those good times.
Treat night was really something to look forward to. Especially when Sister Matthews would make her no-bake cookies......I don't know what she did to those, but they were the best!
in case you don't see me here, i thought you should know that i am done here!
because i'm going on a cruise to bermuda tomorrow for a week and i will be fondly thinking of each and every one of you while i bask on the beaches and enjoy the weather.. bye..
Have a great time!!!! Please don't think of me. That would be kinda creepy.
the watchtower loses action against the bank "fifth third bank" - ohio, usa.. .
see here all the details and the final verdict:.
Yeah, I agree with Sweeney......I think it's kind of a win for the WTS. They won their appeal and were granted legal fees from 5/3 bank. The case was remanded back to the lower court to reconsider. We'll have to see if they can get their hands on this deceased brother's money.
This is the type of thing that disgusts me with the WTS.
okay, in order it goes like this for peace 1980-83, brother rose 1984-86, brother yasko 1986-88, brother sekella 1988-91, brother billy ford 1992-95, brother davis 1996-99, brother irskin 2000-03 and then it gets kinda burge and another, brother hairston.
okay, that just about does it.
i have this topic becauce i tried reading the favorite co and do thread, but did not recognize any names......
Brother Davis 1996-99
Was this Mark Davis?
one of the jehovahs witness doctrines that many of us have had trouble believing is that the seven angels trumpet blasts described in revelation applied to events that occurred in the 1920s at seven assemblies held around the world at the time when judge rutherford was the president of the watchtower society.. the revelation climax book (1988) contains this summary on page 173:.
highlights of jehovah's trumpetlike judgment proclamations.
1922 cedar point, ohio: a challenge to christendom's leaders in religion, politics, and big business to justify their failure to bring peace, prosperity, and happiness.
I have wondered about this in the past. I attended a talk by Fred Franz in Indianapolis in 1982 or so when I was just 10 years old. I was able to find a recording of it online, and listened to it again. He mentioned that it was in Indianapolis in "Nineteen hundred and twenty fiiiiive" that the fourth trumpet blast was made, and a bowl was poured onto the sun and it became scorching hot.
It's been 83 years since the last trumpet blast......I wonder if they're going to change this in the near future.
There is virtually no one alive who was alive when these trumpets supposedly blasted. How do they explain this?
Does anyone know if they're planning a revised Revelation Climax book?