So Drew can you give examples of those individual messages?
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
So Drew can you give examples of those individual messages?
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
Do you read newspapers? Magazines? Weblogs? Watch TV? Watch YouTube? Dare I say......BOOKS? Talk to other humans? Ever get out of the house? Or your parent's basement?
I cannot educate you from the ground up on this website. However, if you are serious, I would be glad to supply you with a reading list. But.........................YOU yourself have to prove your thirst for knowledge by doing the work of actually reading!
Bizzy, you vitriolic, insulting, self-righteous, judgemental, close minded, envious, yet ignorant snob:
FYI- I am educated, I paid for my own college degree at a private university. My father is dead, and my mother lives two hours away, so no, I don't live in my parent's basement. I formerly thought you were a decent person, although I felt you were wrong on issues.
The fact is you posted on a previous thread concerning tea parties and posted a picture of someone with a poster depicting the holocaust. You wanted to know where the outrage was. I asked you why you don't demonstrate outrage at the anti-semitic things being said at the OWS movement. You said nothing except that there's fringe groups everytime there is a large gathering. You have not addressed the insconistency of wanting tea partiers to show outrage, but not demanding the same of OWS supporters.
I do not need you to educate me. I'm quite certain my education is equal to or superior to yours. I work for a living and have my own family. I am nearly 40 years old and do not need a bitter person like you to attempt to insult me. I am laughing by the way. You obviously do not have a clue about me, who I am, what I do, or who I do business with.
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
We are finally beginning to at the very least discuss inequity and the culpability of Wall Street in the current economic mess.
However, the culpability doesn't rest on Wall Street. It rests with the legislators who engage in what some on the right have called "crony capitalism." Washington is the problem, not Wall Street. Wall Street, in the grand scheme of things is all of us who own stock in companies, who invest in our 401K plans, or IRA plans. We all expect to see a positive return on our investments. When we don't, we expect to see change at the top of the companie(s).
Executives of companies have a responsibility to seek value for shareholders. They also have a responsibility to act in an ethical and legal way. We have government regulators to make sure that happens. But who is watching the regulators? We've hired foxes to watch the hen house. Politicians have a responsibility to seek value for Americans. You can't blame all of it, or even most of it on Wall Street. The problem is our government. Our nation isn't great because of the opportunity government provides. It's great because of the individuals who experiment, innovate, invent, and succeed. Individuals who take advantage of our freedom to get ahead, to compete and to excel. The best thing government can do is get out of the way, and maintain a level playing field. Not pick winners and losers.
The entire housing melt down can be traced to government regulation. Even the new HARP loans are B.S.. People who need them can't qualify. What are banks doing? Because the government has required a certain amount of HARP loans to allow people to avoid foreclosure by allowing them to refinance at lower interest rates, banks have to make "X" amount of loans through the HARP program. So the banks are giving these loans to people who don't need them. They are giving them to people who are most likely to pay them back. They have good DTI ratios, excellent credit scores, and then the banks meet the quota, make good loans at lower interest rates and everybody's happy right? Not the people who foolishly got hooked into an ARM 10 years ago. They're still on the hook. It was the government who wanted to increase home ownership. The banks were making loans regardless of someone's ability to pay it back. No problem though, the government was there with Fannie and Freddie to buy the loans. They funded the loans, the banks continued to service the loans until the shit hit the fan. All of a sudden the government wanted a scapegoat and instead of blaming the policy of increasing home ownership without sound fundamental fiscal policy, they blamed the banks, and the investors who initally made loans and bundled these for sale on the open market.
My point is that there is some righteous indignation coming out of the OWS movement. But the outrage is pointed at the wrong direction. It's a problem of government, not business in general.
Let the big banks fail, if they can't manage their affairs. Let the automotive companies close if they can't manage their comanies in today's business climate. Free market capitalism will allow some comanies fail on their own. It will also allow other companies to succeed. All without government intervention. Consumers will get what they want, and the cream will rise to the top.
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
It seems to be desperately important to the right to discount and feign ignorance of the OWS message (thus the title of this thread.)
One would have to be awfully insulated from the real world in order to have no idea what is going on. So it is being framed as "poor against
rich" (which, actually, would be an interesting turnaround.)
I've given up discussing that aspect of the protests, because clearly the right has a death grip on ignorance that will not be dislodged by facts.
Bizzy- You have yet to address the FACT that the OWS movements are littered with open marxists, racist anti-semites, and the legalize marijuana crowd, along with every other faction of single issue protestors. The real problem with the occupy movement is that they don't have a message. It's a bunch of individual messages.
I've said in previous posts I agree with those in the protests who are protesting the bail outs of banks, auto manufacturers and TARP. Which reminds me that I find it ironic that Richard Trumka is taking the side of the protestors who are protesting the very bail outs for GM and Chrysler that he supported because it kept his UAW members employed. Talk about trying to have it both ways. It's absurd.
i am currently studying for my ''crystal therapy'' diploma and in the last module which is next month it looks at ''past life'' regression... well i for one do not believe in living before so will probably doze off during this last module... anyway i have been told by some people i know that i have been here before... apparently i ''date'' back to ''atlantis''... i found it very difficult to hold back my giggles so i said ''really, i always thought i was brand new''... to which started a discussion on past lives.. i just wondered if any of you lovely folk believed in past lives and had ever had any of this type of regression done??
i may not believe in it, but if it helps someone heal from emotional trauma then good for them and i'm really happy for that one.. just wanted some thought's on the subject.. peace.
Nope, but Albert Brooks has a great viewpoint about it in "Defending Your Life" I love that movie!
i have someone in my family that is a jw and she has engaged me in conversation.
for the record, i consider myself an evangelical christian.
after some debate and research, i backed out of a verse by verse debate and switched the convo to get on some common ground, asking if she believe the bible was the inspired word of god.
Don't use the word cult.......It turns them off immediately. Instead, ask questions that get them thinking.
One of the things that got me thinking is the concept of the Faithful and Discreet Slave and the Governing Body.
Ask her how long the Faithful and Discreet Slave have been on earth. She'll say that they've always been here. Then ask her why Charles Taze Russell didn't find them and started his own group. Shouldn't he have consulted the FDS?
Or ask how the Governing Body is different from the Pope for the Catholics. She'll probably tell you they don't consider themselves infallible. Then ask why JW's are required to accept everything that comes from the GB as if they're infallible, no matter what the teaching is.
These are two things that got me out for good.
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
Only brainwashed tools are questioning the legitimacy of this movement. Brainwashed, stupid, or complicit. You pick
Are you saying that no intelligent person could question the legitimacy of the movement? Seriously, you believe that no one could question the legitimacy of the OWS protests that is educated, reasonable, thoughtful, intelligent, and compassionate? Kind of a broad brush don't you think?
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
NC, You are the only one to express anything even remotely resembling outrage at racism at the OWS protests. Everyone else has done nothing to distance themselves from it. I know my comments earlier got under flipper and Bek's skin, but my point is that they expect outrage when wackos show up at TeaParty rallies, but don't express the same outrage when nut jobs show up at the OWS rally.
Beks: I do not believe you to be racist. I laughed at your response. Very funny.
I would just like to see you demonstrate the same amount of disgust with these loons as you did when nut jobs show up at tea party rallies. Do you acknowledge that tea party rallies have nut jobs that show up just like OWS rallies and they don't necessarily represent the sentiment of the movement?
The response seems to be to point at the tea party. It's like saying, "Well, your racists are worse than our racists."
i went by a protest today.
someone was holding a sign to "stop big banks now," basically saying they agree with the government taking control of the banks and what they do.
next to this person, was a person holding a sign that said, "make marijuana legal!
But, why don't you give the same lattitude for whackos showing up at tea party rallies?
It just irritates me that such a big deal was made of fringe people showing up at the tea party rallies, and the left tried to make it out like it was welcomed by the tea partiers (it wasn't).
I know it isn't the norm for a lot of the OWS movement, but it is an element. Would you agree that the fringe wackos that showed up at the tea parties were no more indicative of the movement than the wackos showing up at the OWS?
And, NC, you have posted nothing regarding this topic, all that has been posted was a cut and paste report. No one expressing their own feelings on the disgusting behavior going on.
i have heard that there has been some changes as to what the witnesses teach regarding the resurrection of annointed to spirit life.. what is the current teaching?
is it still that an annointed is resurrected "in the twinkling of an eye" as i was always taught?
i was also taught that this resurrection began in 1918. .
I have heard that there has been some changes as to what the Witnesses teach regarding the resurrection of annointed to spirit life.
What is the current teaching? Is it still that an annointed is resurrected "in the twinkling of an eye" as I was always taught? I was also taught that this resurrection began in 1918.
Your help is appreciated.