hah hah!!
76th MP BN S2
915 568 1431 dsn 978 1431
Edited by - kaykay_mp on 15 January 2003 18:21:51
2000 - 1-149th armor battalion, california army national guard.
there goes the neighborhood.. crazy
hah hah!!
76th MP BN S2
915 568 1431 dsn 978 1431
Edited by - kaykay_mp on 15 January 2003 18:21:51
i understand that catholic eat fried fish on friday,as friday is frigga's day and she is a pagan goddess,should jws eat fried fish in view of the pagan connections?
thanx guys.
i know there has just gotta be some ex-dubs here in el paso that i can talk to. im lonely as hell here. hanging out with the kids rather wears on me.
ive barely made any friends, and the people i go to church with never seem to go out. and i guess im just too picky. i went out on new years eve all by myself. i was so trashed anyway it didnt even make a difference. i promised myself i wouldn't get drunk.
thank you everyone for your concerns.
i have recovered really well from surgery.
the worst is here now.
f*&k the elders. call the police.
i was reading the february 15, 2003 wt which had an article on page 23 entitled "do not leave your child's heart to chance.
" on page 26 under the subheading "even from within the congregation.
" the wt overlords say: "although your teenage child appears to be in good spiritual health, inside he may be struggling with a divided heart.
right on!!
i left the truth right after i turned 18. i joined the army at 21. then i went back to visit my family after a while. one of my uncles and his family are all inactive/disfellowshipped/disassociated. my aunt hit the nail right on the head when she said this, "i can't help but think of all the things they could have been had we not pushed 'the truth' on them. they had so much talent."
yep my cousins are wasting their lives boozing/toking it up all because they didnt know what to do with themselves after they left the bOrg. i almost became that way until i got into the military. it really straightened my life out...well somewhat. my life didnt get straight until i had two kids out of wedlock, which i believe is enough to straighten anyone out.
anyone here ever wanted or had the desire to serve in the military while you were a jw in good standing?
would you do it now if you were younger and within the ages that they require for new recruits?.
are you willing to give your life for your country and what you believe in?
i didnt think that jw's were allowed to serve in the military. but i was looking at a list of religious preferences that you could put in your personnel file and jw was one of them.
as far as jw's going to war--they would probably be considered as "conscientious objectors", which is basically saying that they don't have to go because they believe that war is wrong. lucky bastards.
and another funny thing is they allow jw's to go door-to-door on post and leave their literature (well, at least in germany they did).
greetings all texas apostates...i have been guided by the holy spirit (tm) to compile a map locating us in the veritable hotbed of apostacy that texas is...if you would like to be on the map let me know and i'll add you as you request.
we can't very well let ballistic and our uk counterparts/blokes/blokettes have all the fun now can we?
we can also squeeze in our brothers and sisters from neighboring staes as well.. .
show me in el paso...ft. bliss even...
i have been recently separated and i have a 10 yr old son and a 7 yrs daughter.
they get bored and i am constantly trying to think of things to do that are fun and entertaining for them, so i decided to look into parents without partners.
they have a whole calendar of events for the kids and for the adults.
i just moved to the el paso area and ive been trying to go to one of their activities, but i always get a recording whenever i call them. i guess its because of the holiday season.
also...this is very awkward to talk about...i don't know if i'd be able to get any help here...
i'm a single mother of 2 young children and i'm in the military. my problem is that i have to get a short-term provider for my kids in case they get sick at daycare/i get deployed/god forbid something happens to me and i'm temporarily incapacitated. if i were to get deployed, the short-term provider would be watching my children until my mother can come to get them (my mother is the long-term provider). if i dont find one by the middle of next month, they may be kicking me out of the military, which is not a very good idea right now. this has almost happened before, but i found a short-term provider at the last minute and everything was peachy.
i'm pretty sure none of you knows what the hell i'm talking about, but at least i gave it a shot.
well, i'm kinda panicking here.
the last few months i have had horrible, daily headaches.
i get up with them, and no amount of painkillers can chase it away, it only suppresses it.
i know exactly how you feel.
last friday i had a migraine that kicked my a$$.
i think it was due to pushing myself too hard on my run that morning. i totally dehydrated myself. but it had gotten so bad that nothing could cure it, except for a trip to the hospital. but my son had a doctors appt on that day so i thought i could muck through it. when i got to the daycare center to pick him up it got so bad that i passed out at the door.
when i woke up, i thought i had died or something. they put a towel over my eyes so the light wouldnt make it any worse than it already was. my supervisor picked up my kids for me and the doctor was going to give me a narcotic to make the headache go away. it didnt get me high (awwww...) but i still felt like a million bucks. and at least i didnt puke all over myself like i do when i usually have a migraine.
the bad thing about it was that i was going to return a brand new car that i bought b/c the payments were too high, but after i left the hospital, it was too late. now im stuck with payments of $442 for 56 months unless i refinance later on.