"Spade says: "“New light” is simply a concept that denotes new understanding of a subject being studied."
May I remind you Spade, Holy spirit is very powerful, this is the same Holy spirit that created the earth, parted the red sea, impregnated a virgin,
and caused a roomfull of people to speak in different tongues, Now you mean to tell me this same Holy Spirit cant' get the right info to the GB the first time ?
Talk to me now!!!!!! Ain't this the same Organization that claims to be guided by this same Holy Spirit ?"
You seem rather fixated on miraculous power which should likewise cause a person to question why a man isn't walking on water, curing the sick and raising the dead. If the Watchtower Society was primarily interested in answering unreasonable critics, I assume they would leave anything they published written in stone and then there would be no new light to criticize. Their target audience is likely much more receptive and reasonable than the likes of what we have here in this forum. It's obvious no one here is spirit directed, (posting profane propaganda) so it's no surprise you can't relate.