I agree with freedomisntfree, I think my need to control what I ate was one of the few things I controlled in my life. That, and I lose my appetite when I'm depressed, and being a witness was depressing!!!
JoinedPosts by Nice_Dream
Eating Disorders and the JWs
by the_raisin inhey everybody!
so i was wondering something... am i the only who realized that eds ran rampant throughout the witnesses?
i remeber dreading the conventions and memorials because, as every young girl involved knew, we all covertly checked each other out and snarked on each other's bodies.
The meetings used to make me physically sick.
by FifthOfNovember init's 9:10 sunday morning.
i'm dressed already, and just finished rushing through my watchtower a few seconds ago.
now i need to wait for my ride to pick me up (i couldn't drive yet).
I became physically ill whenever we went to an assembly or convention because of all the people. And after I realized "the truth" wasn't the truth, my heart would start racing at the meetings and wouldn't slow down. Because of that anxiety, I started missing meetings and feeling a whole lot better.
I would also become ill when I had to go on service because I was really shy and didn't like talking to people I didn't know.
If you could have dinner with any historical person...(top 3 choices)
by Ron1968 in.
if you could have dinner with any athlete, scientist, president, artist, or religious figure what would be your top 3 choices?.
My Grandpa
John Lennon
How many received the memorial invitation?
by IMHO inhow well is this territory being covered?.
how many on here (active jws excluded) received an invitation?.
Just received one today. It was left in the mailbox, and we didn't hear anyone knock on the door. I also received one wacky JW invite on the phone the other day.
Overall, I wasn't impressed, seeing as this was a "special month of activity!"
i feel under the weather...
by Snowboarder inhey what's up?
well i feel under the weather don't know how to put it in words.
where to start?
I'm really sorry to hear how you are feeling right now. Like Nugget said, waking up and realizing how the organization has effected your life is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to deal with. But things WILL get better, it just takes time.
It's really hard feeling left out, I know because I usually didn't have any friends growing up at the hall and was always left out. But after almost 30 years, I realized that I wasn't the problem, it was them. "Worldly" people liked me and would invite me to do things. It really hurts when people you love and trust tell you that it's your problem you don't have friends. My husband told me I wasn't loving enough, and that's why I didn't have any friends. I didn't have any problem being friends with people I actually had things in common with though, who were "wordly." It sounds like you were able to make friends at school too, which shows that you are a good friend.
Maybe you could stop pioneering temporarily and apply for a part time job? You can get to know your coworkers (who are usually great people!), and start spending time with them. Maybe you could apply for a job at the mountain or a sports store and get to know others that have similar passions as you.
Hang in there!
How far are you on your journey away from the JW Org?
by punkofnice ini mentally left the org in march 2010. i stepped down as an elder after my lad got into trouble.
i researched the publications to make myself 'spiritually strong' but it backfired.. i was in mental and emotional turmoil, still on fs, the platform and meetings etc.
i had to force myself to conform to ever failing jw doctrine.. i announced to my family that i was not going back to meetings in august 2010 after the 'overlapping' joke of 'new light'.. i told the elders not to call.
I stopped going on service almost 3 years ago, but stopped attending meetings last spring. Fortunately, my husband stopped going to meetings too, and is finally beginning to realize that the religion doesn't make sense. My parents are now "out," but my inlaws remain hardcore JWs, so my husband is in turmoil over them.
My born-in JW faith crumbled when I realized the GB wasn't God's organization. But I still struggle with guilt about doing "normal" things like attending kids birthday parties with my child.
How Many JWs Have You known Who Have Commited Suicide?
by Was New Boy injames olsen and richaed wheellock both bethelites.. rich templet.
rich and james out of guilt, richard out of depression.. james and rich were both under 30 years old.. after richard wheelock (a bethel heavy) killed himself the society changed it's stand on whether suicides could be resurrectioned or not..
I know a sister who was an elder's wife or MS wife (can't remember), and she was struggling with depression. The elders encouraged her to stop seeing her therapist, and she committed suicide shortly after. She was such a wonderful lady, and had 2 beautiful teenage daughters. They were nice enough to give her a funeral at the hall though.
May 15th WT - WT society uses Fear & Guilt to Prevent Materialism in JW's
by flipper inonce again , i couldn't resist sharing this wt study article from this issue.
it was just too good, or bad - depending on your perspective.
you will see the use of fear and guilt in this information - laying it on witnesses heavy as the title says " christian families - " keep ready " indicating armageddon is so close - so don't get wrapped up in materialism.. right from the get-go in the 1st paragraph fear tactics are used .
I feel bad for the Witnesses who do take this advice to heart and don't have any retirement money and are struggling to make ends meet during their older years.
It's also annoying to see the double standard at the hall, where the wealthy witnesses can be considered "spiritual" and "good examples" even though they are way flashier and materialistic than the average person in your city.
One of my brother-in-laws was offered a job, but turned it down because he didn't want to be late for the Service Meeting. This kid can't keep a job, or get one, and really should have taken it. Guess who will have to move back home with Mom and Dad who are already struggling to make ends meet on a tiny pension?
The WT gives great advice to keep you trapped in misery.
New Adele Album, '21'
by leavingwt ini hope you're all doing well.
i'm just fine.
i recently purchased the new adele album, 21. it's even better than her first album, imho.
leavingwt, that is so funny! My little 2 1/2 year old loves "Rumor Has It" too and was singing the chorus the other day.
chickepea, I'm also an Amy Winehouse fan and I hope she can get her stuff together to make more great music.
New Adele Album, '21'
by leavingwt ini hope you're all doing well.
i'm just fine.
i recently purchased the new adele album, 21. it's even better than her first album, imho.
Love this song and her new album, thanks for sharing. "Love Song" is great too.