Baldeagle - When he talks about some speculating that a 40+ year old anointed in say 1990 could well live into his 80’s he says, “Does that mean that this old system could continue until 2040?” He continues on saying that the Bible and Jesus make no mention that the 2nd group of anointed brothers have to be “old, decrepit or near death.” He says that the prophecy makes no reference to age.
What is crazy about this is he tells these ones that they shouldn't be speculating because just two versus later Jesus said no one knows the day or the hour.
He particularly says "remember Jesus said we weren't supposed to find a formula of the time of the end (big frown) ...and even if that speculation is a remote possibility there would be very few in that could reach it's culmination this year to be absolutely accurate, not all of the second group would have passed away..."
He condemns the GB by saying we aren't supposed to come up with a time line but once again their interpretation does that very thing.
No wonder he was nervous about his talk. It would seem that his brief was to make it sound like Armageddon could likely occur very shortly but he stuffed up big time.
He also states that Freddie made a note in one of the publications that he was 'baptised into Jesus' death on Nov. 1913. This sounds like a very different type of baptism than what is now practised.
If Freddie kept notes such as the one found in the suitcase and having lived so long, I'd say he would've needed much more than an old suitcase, even a trunk, more like a sea container.