This had been reported by JWleaks 3 years ago regarding Warwick
"Also, a total of 26 "soil borings" were carried out around the site and 18 "test pits" were dug in close proximity to the main key buildings. None of these were on locations where any buildings were to actually be built/redeveloped. They are not soil testing for any registered building constructions. In conjunction with this, extensive "high-water table testing" was done on the adjacent Sterling Forest Lake even though all proposed new buildings and redevelopments are located at least 10 feet above any existing high-water level. The area was also mapped for high groundwater locations. An extensive "Geotechnical Engineer Report" was prepared for this."
It may be that they carried out an extensive investigation into the contamination. JW leaks reports that there was extensive underground work being planned with underground pathways extending from one end of the building site to the other and a large underground parking lot, I wonder if these had to be reconsidered due to the contamination?