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Request from "Leo" for 2 books!
by Atlantis ini am sure you all remember leolaia from this board.
we used to call her leo for short.
she wrote to me requesting the 2010 or revised 2012 elder manual in swedish language.
Please say hi to her from me too. -
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
Maybe they were unable to build their extensive underground network of tunnels because it was too expensive to clean the soil that far down. -
Morning all! Just here to say hi and join in the discussion
by park ave boy ini'm happy to join every ex-jw.borg site i can and support in whatever way i can.
i now regularly donate to these sites when available.
i'm bitter but i don't hate jws because they were brainwashed like we all were.
Welcome park ave boy. Great to hear that your parents are out along with you. -
Request for BOE Translation!
by Atlantis inif we could get this letter translated we would appreciate it.
we will then send the translation back to barbara anderson.. .
They've already given money for these by donating to the was, now they've got to pay again. -
Listening to the Brothers would have prevented this spanking.
by morningworship inwill he be disfellowshipped or nah?.
Reported. -
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
Good questions incognito.
Surely they can only sue for the actual costs that they incurred for the cleanup otherwise they are profiteering from a lawsuit and I thought that lawsuits are intended only to compensate. They would have to demonstrate to the court how they came up with the cost of remediation, that's not going to be easy if they didn't pay an outside contractor.
Brother exposed, spanked, and maybe even disfellowshipped?
by morningworship inthis is a really getting out of hand..
Morningworship, this is the third thread that you have started with a link to an moderately rude but pathetic video.
Was this enacted by JWs?
It looks highly staged with a third person videotaping. Not all of us want to see a guy with his pants down being spanked.
Reveal News: How Jehovah’s Witness leaders are responding to child abuse scrutiny by Trey Bundy
by AndersonsInfo in
by trey bundy .
december 14, 2015 .
Splane says what they do about it is to send JWs from door to door to 'set the record straight'. How can they set the record straight when 95% don't even understand the processes in place and the damage they have caused?
The leadership feels that it is not answerable for their own decisions and have left it up to the R&F to excuse them any way they can.
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
This had been reported by JWleaks 3 years ago regarding Warwick
"Also, a total of 26 "soil borings" were carried out around the site and 18 "test pits" were dug in close proximity to the main key buildings. None of these were on locations where any buildings were to actually be built/redeveloped. They are not soil testing for any registered building constructions. In conjunction with this, extensive "high-water table testing" was done on the adjacent Sterling Forest Lake even though all proposed new buildings and redevelopments are located at least 10 feet above any existing high-water level. The area was also mapped for high groundwater locations. An extensive "Geotechnical Engineer Report" was prepared for this."
It may be that they carried out an extensive investigation into the contamination. JW leaks reports that there was extensive underground work being planned with underground pathways extending from one end of the building site to the other and a large underground parking lot, I wonder if these had to be reconsidered due to the contamination?
Battle over contamination at Watchtower site in Warwick
by OrphanCrow in
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
But it was so long ago, nobody will remember what took place, who did what, what procedures existed and we've all learnt so much more since then. Everyone called to be a witness won't remember what happened and if they do find any paperwork, they'll have no recollection of it.
That's what they did at the Aust. Royal Commission.
The corporations that may be involved may also pass the buck onto the Government saying that it is their responsibility and if there were laws in place they would have complied by them.