JoinedPosts by Listener
Have we become what we despise so much?
by Tenacious inthe majority of members who tend to join this forum have been hurt possibly even traumatized sometimes to the point of wanting to end their lives.
upon joining the forum, new members are welcomed with open arms, welcome messages start pouring in, "likes" are freely given, a false sense of security is promoted where a member is free to speak his mind without having to worry about the wt gestapo.
again, similar to how potential converts are welcomed and "love bombed" upon entering a kh for the first time.
You have some valid points tenacious, however we generally don't love bomb people then expect to brainwash them into our own way of thinking and shun them when they don't. -
Governing Body Member Geoffrey Jackson's Empathy For Survivors Of Child Abuse Hypocritical
by Brokeback Watchtower inso says the royal commission.
which we all can agree.
his expressed sympathy is a hollow sham and it is the same way with all the governing body's expressions of love and concern for all loyal member captured by their organization into servitude.
This is the wtbts response
>>Response to suggested findings on Mr Jackson’s stated empathy on survivors
11.69 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F65:
F65 Mr Jackson’s failure to have read or be familiar with the testimony of the survivor
witnesses yet to have read or otherwise familiarised himself with the testimony of Jehovah’s
Witness witnesses belies his stated empathy for the survivors and his stated recognition of
the importance of their perspectives.
This suggested finding is completely untrue and should be amended to
reflect what Mr Geoffrey Jackson himself explained, as elaborated on in
paragraphs 9.353 and 10.6:
I wasn’t aware of the fact that I would be called before the Commission ...
I haven’t lived in Australia for 36 years, and I haven’t certainly had a chance to
look through the files ... The reason I came here was to care for my ailing
father, and that has taken a lot of my time.<<
The commission found that his empathy was not genuine and they proved it from his own actions yet they want to argue about it (to the higher authorities).
What stands out is the org holds JC's all the time to determine whether someone is truelly repentant or not. There is virtually no evidence and definitely no arguing back.
His excuse shows that he didn't think it was important enough. His request for the commission to pass on his sympathy was completely ungenuine and simply a public display at pretending to show some concern. There is nothing preventing him from reading about her case after the hearing and even sending her a personal letter, that would be a true christian act.
Those keenly following umbertoecho ARC Brief Update.
by MightyV8 ini feel it is comfortable to say,.
yes her arc hearing has come and gone.. yes her hearing was so powerful, her allotted time was tripled!.
yes, information handed over "mind blowing" response from arc.
You can find details about the letter through the above link. They could potentially be in breach of the Privacy Act. They have so little regard for anyone, including their own people. The interests of the wtbts beast is their priority. They think they own people.
My First post
by Simple Minds ini have been lurking on this site for 3 years and this is my fist post.
i would like to thank everyone for helping me wake up.
i was baptized at 24, married at 25, ms for 18 years mentally in for 24 years but started to wake up 3 years ago doing research to give public talks, and the actions of arrogant and narcissistic brothers and sisters did not help.
That's a great letter but also sad. I hope things are getting better for you and you have a better understanding of why you felt inadequate.
Just for emphasis you could add another sentence about their money grab. Something like - "Now I feel there is an added pressure and that is to give even more money when I've already tried my best to provide as much as I can."
Since you are writing the letter, think about making it clear to them that you couldn't handle meeting with them to discuss your situation and that you desperately need the time alone to reflect on all that you have had to deal with and to help improve your outlook. You could also add that you would be very grateful that instead of meeting with you, you would greatly appreciate it if they would pray for you. Also that you feel strengthening your relationship with Jehovah through bible reading, prayer and improving the way you interact with your family would be the most beneficial thing to do at this point in time. Tell them that you will let them know if you feel that they can do more for you in the future.
I'm not one to pick on spelling mistakes but given that it is a letter to a group of people you might want to check over it. A few that I noticed were-
Brake down - breakdown, Physiologist, diving - driving, cant- can't
2016-01-01 BOE Re: 2016 Memorial and Special Talk
by wifibandit inpdf.
thank you atlantis / wtunderground !.
This year, in addition to visiting inactive ones, you should make a special effort to invite disfellowshipped ones to the Memorial and the special public talk.
So much for throwing these people out of the Congregation in the first place. How is it that they are not associating with them, or having anything to do with them by inviting them back?The memorial is one of the most significant acts of worship that they engage in and they're asking disfellowshipped ones to share it with them.
January jw-tv broadcast with Lett
by bohm inlett is back with a vengance!.
* the last money-begging effort increased donations by 15% for two months; a letter by a 13 year old who donated is read out loud.
* since last may "so many good things have happened".
He uses the Israelites as an example and then goes on to explain that their situation is different.
For one thing God had a special Covenant with the Israelites, they were a special earthly organization that God established, through birthrights, direct communication and with their own Governing arrangement authorized by God. God never intended this arrangement to exist again. Jesus established a new covenant and it didn't involve the building of temples.
The other thing is that he said the temple was a 'one off' expense, apparently there was no need for continual maintenance, let alone any other buildings that would have been required for meeting together.
Watchtower April 2016 Neutrality
by Listener insuppose that a popular uprising tries to oust an oppressive regime, one under which gods people have also suffered.
although we would not march with the protesters, might we be with them in spirit?
Other crazy statements from the April, 2016 Watchtower include
In addition, since 1914, human governments have become rivals to God’s Kingdom, which will soon execute judgment on the nations by destroying them.—
What evidence is there that Governments became rivals in 1914 and on what date? How is it that they were never rivals before 1914?
help you to be specific in your prayers. It includes links to lists of Witnesses currently imprisoned for their faith. Pick some names,and pray that such ones courageously maintain their integrity
Now they are being told to pray for individuals by name, people they do not know at all. Because their name is listed on the official JW website they can pray for them.
what things can we say
by pepperheart inwhat sort of things could we say to people on the trolleys and going door to door to make the most of the fact that the magazines are going bimonthly from now on .
ie oh will headquaters pay able to give you a bit of money for your fuel costs now ?.
You could say that you are surprised that there isn't one bible on the trolley and wondered if it was too costly to give them away. -
Those keenly following umbertoecho ARC Brief Update.
by MightyV8 ini feel it is comfortable to say,.
yes her arc hearing has come and gone.. yes her hearing was so powerful, her allotted time was tripled!.
yes, information handed over "mind blowing" response from arc.
I would like to flag your post Makemeanunbeliever as I feel you are just trying to undermine people on here.
For far too long people have just accepted the mistreatment dished out to them from the WTBTS, they are slowly being exposed even though it is evident that there are still Jw heavies and other ignorant ones who would prefer that things continue on the way they are. For too long they have had complete freedom in behaving in an unloving and cruel manner. They wouldn't be in this situation if they had stuck to bible principles instead of protecting their mighty beast - the Org.
Even though you know your post is cruel, you've got no idea just how cruel it is.
Isn't it simply amazing that it has been the Governments of this World that want to do something positive and beneficial to help and assist victims and to prevent future victims? The Aust RC is proof of this. The WTBTS have had decades to improve their policies and it has taken the Commission to determine that they have done very little. Through court cases and being exposed to the World they now have to face the backlash. Just look at how they are reacting to all this and it's clear that they are taking it very hard.
It is a big deal and it takes a little person (or the WTBTS) to think it's not.
You can carry on all you want on some issues but when it comes to child abuse you're not going to get away with it. It amazes me how anyone would want to troll about such a serious issue when it is obvious that so much damage has been done.
"Marked" for association with "worldly guy"
by Anon_SA1 inmy best friend has recently been "marked" for associating with a "worldly guy" what advice can you give me to pass onto her?
i am not a jw, never been one, so looking for guidance.
thank you in advance.
The Shepherding the Flock Book instructs the Elders to mark the person
Example-mark for dating an "unbeliever": The elders should first counsel and try to help a disorderly one. If a person persists in a way that is disturbing and that has the potential for spreading, they may conclude that there would be reason for a warning talk to be given to the congregation.-2 Cor. 6:14; 2 Thess. 3:11, 14; w99 7/15 p. 3l. ...3. If the disorderly one becomes ashamed of his ways and is moved to change, then as elders of the congregation see the adjustment, they can individuaUy dedde to end the limitation they have put on personally sodalizing with him. This will indicate to the congregation that he is no longer marked.