JoinedPosts by Listener
Brooklyn news on sending the elderly packing
by I am a Bible Student injohnny the bethelite on this program talks about the older bethelites being targeted by watchtower.they are getting rid of those at bethel who are 65-87 years old, some being anointed even the widows of former governing body members who gave decades of loyal service time to the watchtower organization.. the reasons the very elderly are being expelled are money in that for their age range they cost so much to cloth, fed, and medicate, having problems from high blood pressure to dementia.
they include persons such as sister henschel whose husband had been a watchtower president and marian sydlik whose parents are long dead.. .
Brooklyn news on sending the elderly packing
by I am a Bible Student injohnny the bethelite on this program talks about the older bethelites being targeted by watchtower.they are getting rid of those at bethel who are 65-87 years old, some being anointed even the widows of former governing body members who gave decades of loyal service time to the watchtower organization.. the reasons the very elderly are being expelled are money in that for their age range they cost so much to cloth, fed, and medicate, having problems from high blood pressure to dementia.
they include persons such as sister henschel whose husband had been a watchtower president and marian sydlik whose parents are long dead.. .
If they are serious about cutting costs they would be rethinking the whole accommodation arrangement and be setting it up the Bethel resorts on a more dorm type arrangement. Most rooms look like they have one bedroom, a lounge, kitchen and bathroom. They could fit two in the bedroom and three in the loungeroom.
If they were desperately short of money, they could rent out rooms in the other buildings for anyone willing to come for a short period of time to volunteer.
The GB members may even be willing to give up their two bedroom apartments, freeing up more space.
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Whatever happened to the Lopez case?
by StarTrekAngel inwas it settled?
is it still pending further appeal?
How do I handle this situation?
by BarelyThere inhey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
Cangie, these are sick men that encourage you to stay with an abusive man. You must have gone through a terrible time and to think that they wanted your son to shun you instead of providing some REAL and sincere support is pathetic.
Thank you for sharing your story and I'm glad that you are no longer in that situation.
Barely there, if this MSs dislike of you is indicative of the attitude in the congregation, which includes a willingness to gossip about you behind your back then it could take a long time to be reinstated. Do you want to put yourself through the humility and hatred for the next couple of years? The feelings of the congregation members do have a large bearing in these matters.
Another option is to forget about reinstatement for the time being and live a normal life for a while and think of reinstating in a couple of years or longer.
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Witnesses killed my friend today.
by WasOnceBlind intoday has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
How do I handle this situation?
by BarelyThere inhey everyone.
i'm sorry that this isn't a very thought provoking post but i could really use some advice on how to handle this.
there isn't anyone else in my life i can ask right now because, being dfed, all of my friends are "worldly" and don't know how witnesses function.
It demonstrates the sort of people that are appointed to positions of MS or Elder and it says a lot about their process and spiritual insight.
They already know that they have people like this in these positions because there are articles stating that the r&f are not to murmur about them and if you feel they have done wrong then you just have to accept it.
Keep the messages and there may be a time in the future that you want to show your loved ones who are still in just how this organization operates.
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What is truth?
by Heisenberg inwell, i have been lurking on this site for several months and i recently decided to join as a member.
i have made several observations and would like to make a few comments.. first, i am perplexed by the attitude of many on this site that are either former or active (but apostate) jws.
they seem to have a strong hatred for the wts and also for rank and file jws.
Fisherman -
Non sequitur, WT has never taught that the truth of God's word has ever changed and neither does the attitude that they comment on referenced in your post represent that of JW.They have themselves changed the Bible, deleting certain scriptures that they had previously included in their bible is just one example.
Quote from JW org re Truth - They hold that truth—especially moral and spiritual truth—is not absolute but relative and ever changing.
They hold to this view by their ever changing doctrines, both in re-interpretations and flip flopping on ideas.
This, of course, implies that people can determine for themselves what is right and what is wrong.
This is what they conclude when there is ever changing truth. They get to choose what is right and what is wrong by their own interpretations. There are many examples of them changing their minds about what is right and what is wrong, I am sure you are familiar with some of them.
As for truth from God's word, that doesn't change.
What is truth?
by Heisenberg inwell, i have been lurking on this site for several months and i recently decided to join as a member.
i have made several observations and would like to make a few comments.. first, i am perplexed by the attitude of many on this site that are either former or active (but apostate) jws.
they seem to have a strong hatred for the wts and also for rank and file jws.
Fisherman - Getting back to truth, "Truth that leads to eternal life" is a book that contained the truth back in time but today a lot of that information is no longer the truth, hence truth is not what people think the Bible says, however, truth is God's promises that never change and will be fulfilled when the time comes. -Revelation 21:4,5
- There is a question on JW org asking 'What is Truth' and it says this in part
- This disdainful attitude toward truth is shared by many today, including religious leaders, educators, and politicians. They hold that truth—especially moral and spiritual truth—is not absolute but relative and ever changing. This, of course, implies that people can determine for themselves what is right and what is wrong. (Isaiah 5:20, 21)
- Thanks for the reminder about the 'truths' held in the book written by the WTBTS and how it has changed, therefore we can see that the JWs must include themselves in that statement.
A possible reason why the GB are becoming more demanding as things worsen
by Listener inbasically because they feel they are not being blessed.. this is not to say that all gb members feel this way.
the power hungry ones love getting the whip out.
the other members incorrectly look to the old testament for answers.. they are telling the sheep to be faithful, dedicated, self sacrificing, serving to the fullest, whole hearted and obedient.
Basically because they feel they are not being blessed.
This is not to say that all GB members feel this way. The power hungry ones love getting the whip out. The other members incorrectly look to the old testament for answers.
They are telling the sheep to be faithful, dedicated, self sacrificing, serving to the fullest, whole hearted and obedient. Most articles and videos are telling the sheep to give more. More of their time to field service, the building work, to study, reaching out, giving more money, not to have children and not to spend more than a couple of years in higher educationLink +6 / -0 -
What happens when Christian Entrepreneurs speak their truth?
by Kym M. inon january 29th 2016, profit with passion!
summit will bring together for 3 days some of the most dynamic and influential christian entrepreneurs, leaders and thinkers to share their testimonies of faith, business, and success in doing business, not their way, but god’s way.
be a witness to 30+ christian entrepreneurs during this free virtual summit.