Welcome to the forum Stepford Wife. It is a difficult situation that you are in.
You say that you will agree with everything that the Elders say if you meet but remember that your husband will either be there listening to it all or the Elders will tell him what you said.
If they ask you about the blood issue or the card and you lie, your husband will know and you would need to consider the problems this might cause.
However, unfortunately, there might be a bigger problem and that is to do with your daughter. You say that you would do anything for your family.
I don't think you said whether your daughter was baptized or not. If you actively support her from not attending meetings then this is going to potentially take things to a different level.
You might talk to your daughter privately but if she takes a stand herself not to attend and you support it, how will your husband feel about this? He might accept it but when he is confronted about it by the other elders then he might tell them that you are allowing it and basically, he can't fight you both. If he hasn't already been stood down as an elder then this might be another catalyst. But the Elders will want to talk to you and they will now have (what they think) to be just cause to df you. They could potentially have their 'two witnesses', your daughter and your husband.
I haven't been through this situation and I might be wrong about it but I believe that if someone is just trying to fade or become inactive it is easier to do but when there are other people affected by your actions or you actively encourage/support another person not to attend then the situation is different.