JoinedPosts by Listener
WTS buys £1,000,000 luxury sea-front property in Wales, UK
by Simon inshower room.
games room.
Is there a link for the current sale and the current sale price? -
You would think they would be embarrassed
by stillin into tout the fact that jesus christ is the head of the congregation is fine... if he was.
a quick glance at the page in the back of the current study wt seems to say otherwise.
if you recall, they print up a page at the end of every year with a quick rundown of the articles for the previous year.. surprise!
They are not embarrassed, in the silver sword Jesus' name is not in the Glossary of Bible Terms whereas Jehovah is and also Jacob and Judah. Satan and Devil are also listed. -
A fresh start
by FormerlySandL inafter the worst introduction i could ever make on the forum i would like to reintroduce myself and make a fresh start on the forum and hopefully over time i will be able to redeem myself.
i have changed my user name which was over dramatic and ridiculous in the cold light of day but for transparency and to show i am not trying to hide anything i have adapted the original name and it now has a more positive feel.
after reading a lot of posts on this forum i am feeling more optimistic about my future.
Welcome to the forum. MarkofCane is right, it shows character that you chose to stay and I hope you do stay for a while. -
Analysis of Brooklyn Eagle Articles related to Miracle Wheat
by ILoveTTATT2 inthis article appeared in the september 22, 1911 brooklyn eagle.
notice the "general counsel".
church a salesroom for 'miracle' wheat at $60 per bushel .
"Other people than my own," explained Pastor Russell, "wouldn't believe that this wheat contains extraordinary qualities. It is too much of a miracle for them to comprehend."
That is an incredible statement to make, it's a pity he didn't print that in his own publications but I think reporters in those days were much more reputable and would not have reported it if he didn't say it.
Firstly he states that HE owns his people and that he can make them believe whatever he tells them to believe. It's fine for the Watchtower to claim that Russell didn't personally make anything financially from the sale but the Watchtower did, he basically owned the Watchtower and 'owned' his followers through the use of this instrument. Even though the Watchtower would not admit to this, it is more damning that the sale and profits were directly attributed to them rather than an individual person (being Russell). The fact remains that Russell was personally responsible for this.
Although the defenders spent much more effort in portraying Russell as being innocent of all this, it is the organization that is supposed to be the earthly part of God's Kingdom and in the spotlight. In reality, back then, Russell was the organization but it's interesting that they focus on Russell and not the organization.
It also goes beyond the idea that 'miracle wheat' was just given that name or label by the original owner, with the suggestion that there was no claim that it was miraculous, his statement shows that he did want to convey that it was.
W 53 5/15 Brother Russell neither named it nor profited from it
Yearbook 75 The conduct of Brother Russell and the Society in connection with Miracle Wheat was completely open and aboveboard.
You are doing some fantastic research on this ILoveTtatt, you are furthering the proof that the above claim is false and that this claim that they have maintained even in 1975 was also not completely open and aboveboard. Interesting though, not only was Bro. Russell unblemished with this affair but the Society was also.
I wonder what is more damning, that Russel went along with this scam in the first place or the claims and excuses that the Watchtower make 60 years later.
GoFundMe - JW Pioneer & LDC Couple
by Listener injerry jones on youtube exposed a jw couple who were begging for money on gofundme.
this is his youtube .
As pointed out this case isn't isolated amongst the JWs, there are others. I started to list them here but I feel bad doing so, these are cases where people feel they need the extra financial support due to their unfortunate situations - illness/medical needs. There was only one other case that I came across asking for funding to support pioneer work, the young sister wasn't sure if she had enough money for her upcoming missionary trip o/s and appeared to be in a panic about it as it was only days away.
I will list one case as the comment they posted on GoFundMe reflects a common feeling.
The Shymanski Family - a sad case where they were involved in a bad car accident, the mother is in a wheelchair and the father needs to stay at home to help look after the young family.
Unfortunately, they are not receiving enough support from the congregation (or the Government which the Org. explains JWs are entitled to in many countries). Mind you, one might be forgiven for thinking that the Government is giving them no support, either that or they are not appreciative of it as there is no mention of it or their appreciativeness. They state the following -
The family has amazing support from family, friends, and their congregation, but is still in need of financial assistance. If you can, please help to alleviate this burden, so they can focus on healing inside and out.
It is interesting to see that they have already received over $25,000 in donations even though they have not explained their financial state other than the husband is not working. Personally I don't think it is really fair to be asking other people for money if you don't demonstrate or explain your dire financial situation but many people will just give these days regardless, if it pulls on their heart strings then a logical assessment of their position isn't relevant.
For such a large organization, with over $8 million members there are no formal arrangements established to help those in need in a timely and effective manner which has resulted in some needing to resort to social media and places like gofundme for their needed support.
This is what happened to the Sneesby family but this case is a little different because the very heads (the Governing Body) were aware of their individual situation. The GB used their example to show how this family were prepared to go to any lengths to provide the very best medical attention for their child but demonstrated that they weren't prepared to provide financial support.
GoFundMe - JW Pioneer & LDC Couple
by Listener injerry jones on youtube exposed a jw couple who were begging for money on gofundme.
this is his youtube .
Jerry Jones on Youtube exposed a JW couple who were begging for money on GoFundMe. This is his Youtube
The ad no longer exists on GoFundMe and has been cached
The ad was up for 5 months from August 2015 and they recieved the total sum of $100 of the total $40,000 requested.
This is from part of the ad -
We are moving to another state to assist a small Spanish-speaking congregation. For anyone who's ever moved you know how stressful and expensive this can be. But we feel confident that our Heavenly Father is behind us and that He can touch the heart of others to assist us in practical ways!
We are the Brandons, Will and Theresa. We have been engaged in an International Bible educational work for the past 30 years now.
Presently we are full-time preachers known as pioneers in the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses. A pioneer spends a minimum of 70 hours a month declaring the good news of God’s kingdom.
In addition we have the privilege of being part of the LDC - Local Design Construction so we can work as volunteers supporting disaster recovery efforts and building Kingdom Halls all over the world.
The work is done in over 230 lands and in over 700 languages.
Our desire is not only to continue serving in the United States but if possible, in foreign lands where the needs are greater. We are also trying to eliminate our remaining debt so that we can be free to accept whatever assignment we are qualified for in Jehovah's earthly organiztion. For this and other reasons we are seeking financial sponsors to help us in this once in a lifetime work based on Matthew 24:14 “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Your contributions will allow us to accomplish these goals and will be greatly appreciated not only by us but by the others whose lives we can influence for good.
Thank you for considering this request and your support in advance. -
WT March 15, 2016 - Kids pressured toward baptism again
by Designer Stubble inthe study wt of march 2016 is up on and is the standard article around this time of year...pressuring young kids to dedicate their lives to the organization again.
this wt will be studied during may, so just in time to pressure them into baptism at the regional conventions this summer.such articles really upset me, as the realization of how many young promising lives will be destroyed.
how many families will be broken up, when the child who got baptized as a minor (ages 6 and up are mentioned in the literature) decides as a young adult that his/her conscience no longer allows him/her to be part of such a destructive cult.
Fast Jehu, here's a youtube clip
JW Video on how to deal with child abuse
by Listener ini came across a jw video on youtube.
it was produced in 2015 by the watchtower.. it's titled child abuse - jehovah's witness perspective.
a sister tells about years of child abuse by a family friend when she was younger, this appears to be before her family became jws.
I came across a JW video on Youtube. It was produced in 2015 by the Watchtower.
It's titled Child Abuse - Jehovah's Witness Perspective
A sister tells about years of child abuse by a family friend when she was younger, this appears to be before her family became JWs. She explains how finding Jehovah has helped her in many ways. She says that she still struggles from time to time with negative feelings and emotions but she finds physical excercise helps, as well as praying down on the beach.
The bottom line is that if you've been abused try to get rid of those negative feelings and don't do anything practical about it like informing authorities or seeking professional help.
JW LEAKS | 2016 Update
by jwleaks injust to let you know that jw leaks will be back in full swing again in march 2016. we took a three month well deserved break (december-february).
for those who contacted us with concerns that our domain name had expired ... our domain name is secure.
tt is only the domain blog's mapping via wordpress that is currently effected.
I hope you had an enjoyable break and thanks for letting us know. -
The Watchtower Letters
by NeonMadman inseveral years ago, i put together a compilation of various types of correspondence between me and the watchtower society, that occurred over the 30 years i was a jw.
some was just administrative stuff, like pioneer appointments and letters.
but there were also several letters that i wrote regarding doctrinal issues, including some sensitive ones.
Thanks Neonmadman, that was interesting reading.