JoinedPosts by Listener
Berkshire Circuit (UK)
by Dont_Believe_The_Truth ini'm hearing rumours of huge changes within the berkshire circuit here in the uk .
congregations being dispanded and kingdom halls closing down and being sold off.... official announcements within the next month apparently .
does anyone else have anymore info?.
Someone could always call Bethel, if they don't know the answer, they must have the contact number of someone who does. -
The diabolical plan of the WTBTS.
by DATA-DOG indiabolical, or just really dumb, desperate and grasping for control; either way, the devil is in the details of the january 15, 2016 "study edition" of the watchtower tractazine.
so, we have two intertwined articles concerning "anointed" individuals within the sect of the wtbts inc. "the spirit bears witness with our spirit.
" and "we want to go with you people.
Wasn't their main focus supposed to be the gathering in of God's chosen ones? The drawing together of the body of Christ? Now they are confessing that they can't be sure who they are.
If the true religion is clearly identifiable then those making up the congregation (of God, only the anointed) should be apparent. The separation of the wheat (true anointed Christians) and the weeds (false Christians) began in 1914, by being drawn into the earthly organisation. Now, within that organisation, they are not apparent. -
The Org. is screwing with me!
by olongapo joe innot, but phillippine
i have lived in the p.i.
(phillippine islands) for 9 years now.
If you haven't done so already, you could try contacting the Embassy of your Country of citizenship. -
New Light - Two Sticks in Ezekiel - July 2016 Watchtower
by Listener inezekiel 37:15-17 prophesies about two sticks being joined together to become 1. one stick represented the two tribe kingdom of judah and the other stick represented the 10 tribe of israel (ephraim).
the article explains how the coming together of these two sticks meant the reuniting of these tribes in 537 bce.the modern day fulfillment was previously taught to mean that the anointed had once again come together in unity in these last days.the july watchtower now explains that one stick, the stick of judah, represents the anointed and the other stick, the stick of ephraim, represents the other sheep.
they further explain that since 1919 god's people have gradually reunited to become one flock.they are now saying that the other sheep are represented by 10 tribes of israel.
A couple of posters have made comments regarding 537 BCE, this is part of what they have written
In 607 B.C.E., the southern two-tribe kingdom and perhaps any remaining ones from the northern kingdom were taken into exile in Babylon.The kings in the line of Judah had ruled these two tribes, and the priesthood was associated with them, for the priests served at the temple in Jerusalem. (2 Chron. 11:13, 14; 34:30) So it was fitting that the two-tribe kingdom would be represented by the stick that was “for Judah.” When were these two symbolic sticks joined together? It was when the Israelites returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple in 537 B.C.E. Representatives of both the two-tribe kingdom and the ten-tribe kingdom returned together from exile. No longer was there a division between the sons of Israel. (Ezek. 37:21, 2
Notice how they are purely speculating when mentioning 607BCE? -
Disturbance during Memorial 2016.
by Ben131895 intwo documented disturbances during memorial 2016. type 'memorial 2016' on youtube.
You guys are right, it was wrong to use Jesus as an example.
I do believe these guys (the unwitness and Parker) had every right to do this. They were lied to and denied the opportunity to partake as JWs. It was a peaceful statement. -
PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?
by Terry insetting the scene.
pastor russell died in 1916. those who had 'followed' him were known pejoratively as russellites.
you could call it a 'cult of personality' if you wanted to sneer.
Ray Franz was disappointed that the bible was rarely used. There's no evidence of it being used in the case of the generation teaching. Splane even told his audience to come up with their own scriptures that they think might apply, it doesn't get much crazier than that. -
Disturbance during Memorial 2016.
by Ben131895 intwo documented disturbances during memorial 2016. type 'memorial 2016' on youtube.
Seems that there are some on here that would say Jesus was wrong in turning over the Money changers tables in the temple. -
Coming to terms with the Watchtower experience
by Lee Elder init is a challenge coming to terms with your experience as a jehovah's witness.
if you were born and raised as a jw, and your parents were true believers, the impact on your life is profound, lasting, and largely negative.
in some cases quite abusive emotionally, spiritually, financially, educationally and yes, even sexually.. i recently watched "trumbo", and was quite moved by dalton trumbo's speech to the screen writers guild in 1970. here is an excerpt that i think is quite relevant to this topic:.
Welcome faith no more, you are right àbout being victims, I think it is worse for those of us who were born in and knew nothing else. -
PAINTING THEMSELVES INTO A CORNER or WHY was the "GENERATION" teaching started in the 1st place?
by Terry insetting the scene.
pastor russell died in 1916. those who had 'followed' him were known pejoratively as russellites.
you could call it a 'cult of personality' if you wanted to sneer.
The boardroom meeting where they discussed this idea would have been fascinating to hear. -
Hello Everyone!!!
by Christian Gutierrez inmy name is christian and my wife is katja, and we have been out of the organization for a year and a half.
we were both regular pioneers and i was a ministerial servant.
we were very much happy to be witnesses and doing our best to do more for the organization.
Hi guys, nice to have you here.
You're YouTube's are great and I am sure you are helping lots of people. Keep up the good work.