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Why haven't you been to the meetings?
by Zana insome cong-member asked my wife this question (in the street, stopping her on her bicycle) in a rather police-like fashion.
i wasn't there so i don't know her immediate reaction and response, but she got very upset afterwards and one day later this still occupies her mind.
i believe it's an emotional mix of anger, sadness, shame and guilt.. she doesn't like this intrusion in her privacy from some jws and on the next occasion she will try to make this person respect her boundaries (or just ignore her).
She could ask in reply, you must tell me everything that I've missed. -
I think my Sunday speaker is awake
by Yondaime inhi guys and gals,.
its been a long time since i've posted here, i've been caught up with school and work so i've never had the time to post on the forum, but i've still been reading through some articles on here.
now that finals are over i have some time to breath.
They are taught this at the Gilead school, this could have been one of the brothers that does the teaching.
With so much ttatt available today they are prepared to discuss the past with the wheelies. They put their slant on the information. They are so happy to use the past to show how far they have come. They have no shame in spinning it any way they can.
They even say that God knew what his people needed at the time, that is why the charismatic Russell led the people initially and the tougher Rutherford took over.
You cannot respect a husband that abuses you emotionally. It is not possible unless you are in a religion that abuses you emotionally by telling you to put up with such mistreatment. -
George Cook former DO, now just an elder at Prince's home congregation KH
by oppostate ingeorge cook, omg, george f'ing cook, whattttt!.
caption: elder george cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups.
he was very detail oriented and very eccentric.
He looks like he is holding so many papers, possibly BOE letters. It is surprising that with nine Elders in prince's congregation that they didn't oust him. No doubt HQ had a lot of input. -
Jehovah's Witness Church Release Statement
by truthseekeriam in"we are saddened to hear about the death of prince rogers nelson, who was baptized as one of jehovah’s witnesses in 2003," the church said in a statement obtained by people.
the church said that prince "found fulfillment as a witness and in sharing his faith with others.
This shows their complete support for Prince, they are so desperate for money. -
Interaction with Cart People
by Lost and adrift inon a recent visit to our capital..such an adrenalin rush when i rounded a corner and spotted carters !!.
wandered slowly over and pretend to be interested..asked could i take mag...initial impression (and i'm in no way snobbish) was 2 scruffy looking dowdy sisters wich irritated me i don't know why....i was allways struggling as a single mum but refused to look like a tramp!!.
sister jumped asked if i was interested in religion i said no too much abuse etc ...she said she undwrstood and went on to blather about catholic abuse scandal!
That's great. It's so funny that she told you to look at their video's and you mention one in return that she should watch. It's sad that they don't know what is going on in their own religion so well done for bringing it up. -
Marking Talk of Couple
by Hadriel inat no time did the elders ever mention apostasy.
days later after a shepherding call which only covered child abuse handling they are being marked as if they are trying to get their own followers etc.
so so sad....
It's ran by imperfect men.
Then where does God and Jesus fit in the earthly part of his organisation?
Overlapping gen teaching- Help?
by raven inhi friends,.
can someone please help explain to me the overlapping generations teaching?
i have not been able to grasp this one or what it even applies to?
According to their own teachings the prophecy that 'this generation will by no means pass away until all these things come true' cannot occur.
The statement indicates that the generation WILL pass away, it is only the timing which is discussed. It does not say 'will never pass away'. A recent article discusses the rapture during the GT, where the anointed will be instantly transformed and enter the heavenly realm.
Their previous teaching had survivors passing through Armageddon to live forever.
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
Yes, I am concerned that there is a money grab going on but not on her part. I wonder if she is being taken advantage of and the delay in getting this book available doesn't do anything to allay those doubts. -
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
You're right Hadriel- it is her choice and with that, most of what has occurred (or not occurred) since she received the Copyright and what occurs in the future is a direct reflection on her.
As for people expecting it to be sorted out in 24 hours, I think you are over exaggerating