Fisherman - Isn't it strange, Listener, how one often sees these contradictory statements?
Absolutely. I was wondering why they are being so specific here in directing such a statement at Grandparents. It is common, these days, for grandparents to look after grandkids while their parents go out to work. This does take up a lot of their time and if it is common amongst JWs it would mean a lot less time that grandparents could devote to witnessing and other work.
Personally, I think it is wonderful if grandparents are willing to look after their grandchildren, it is a much better arrangement than having to put them in childcare but it would seem that the organization thinks this is preferable.
JoinedPosts by Listener
From yesterday WT, don't have kids and if you do then don't see them often nor the grandkids either
by purrpurr inunbelievable paragraph in yesterday's watchtower was "encouraging" the sheep to not have kids.
most of their growth comes from the born ins and they are still on about not having kids?.
then it went on to "encourage" those that do have kids or grandkids not to spend to much time with them and instead to spend their time serving kingdom interests!.
From yesterday WT, don't have kids and if you do then don't see them often nor the grandkids either
by purrpurr inunbelievable paragraph in yesterday's watchtower was "encouraging" the sheep to not have kids.
most of their growth comes from the born ins and they are still on about not having kids?.
then it went on to "encourage" those that do have kids or grandkids not to spend to much time with them and instead to spend their time serving kingdom interests!.
Someone forgot to remind Anthony Morris III and his minders that assist in writing/approving his speeches. The latest monthly broadcast was presented by him and the theme was on families.
He made this comment"....can fight back against Satans efforts to destroy family...In the early 1900s the focus was on preaching the Good News, little attention was given to building strong Christian marriages and families, for a time marriage was even discouraged, well beyond the intent of the scriptures "
Is it Time to Declare that The Great Tribulation Has Started ?
by OnTheWayOut ini don't really engage in doctrinal discussions about jw's anymore.
they seem to say some pretty crazy stuff.
but i have read some threads discussing doctrinal changes and how watchtower is really out of ideas and money at the same time.
Fisherman it mentions it in the same article as I previously quoted, the July 2015 Watchtower. It is purely an interpretation of Revelation when it talks about hailstones falling from heaven.
"9 This will not be the time to preach the “good news of the Kingdom.” That time will have passed. The time for “the end” will have come! (Matt. 24:14) No doubt God’s people will proclaim a hard-hitting judgment message. This may well involve a declaration announcing that Satan’s wicked world is about to come to its complete end. The Bible likens this message to hailstones when it says: “Great hailstones, each about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on the people, and the people blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great.”—Rev. 16:21."
The Ray Franz Saga
by snugglebunny ini'm just curious as to how it all happened.. to explain.
many years back, before ex-jw websites, i called on a local lady in order to design an extension to her already enormous house.
she was a young, voluptuous gal, married to a much older local business man who spared little expense in order to give his young wife whatever her heart desired.. we chatted for ages.
Fisherman, to be more specific, by going public, how did that act in itself break any JW rules which he had allegedly agreed to in the past?
Is it Time to Declare that The Great Tribulation Has Started ?
by OnTheWayOut ini don't really engage in doctrinal discussions about jw's anymore.
they seem to say some pretty crazy stuff.
but i have read some threads discussing doctrinal changes and how watchtower is really out of ideas and money at the same time.
In the 2016 GT bunker video they show a brother who realise that the message had changed from preaching the good news to a judgement one. A sister points out the change which they had been advised about.
From this we can gather that it will be the Org. that declares this change, which is what most would expect. However, if one Bro. didn't know and the others only knew because there was an announcement then they are saying that it would not be obvious.
Is it Time to Declare that The Great Tribulation Has Started ?
by OnTheWayOut ini don't really engage in doctrinal discussions about jw's anymore.
they seem to say some pretty crazy stuff.
but i have read some threads discussing doctrinal changes and how watchtower is really out of ideas and money at the same time.
It would be to their advantage to call the GT, it would help them to explain the reduction in numbers and the lack of printed material.
The July 2015 Watchtower introduces a whole new idea of what will be required of JWs during the GT. It tells them that they will be required to be obedient to the Governing Body (Christ's brothers) and that they will need to make some sacrifices, with the only sacrifice mentioned being that they will have to give up their material possession.
Their problem is that the start of the GT is supposed to be marked by the UN destroying false religion, I don't know how they would explain that away.
Here's the comments in the 2015 July Watchtower
What will happen after the destruction of false religious organizations? It will be a time to reveal what is really in our heart. The majority of mankind will seek refuge in human organizations that are likened to “the rocks of the mountains.” (Rev. 6:15-17) Figuratively speaking, however, God’s people will flee to the refuge that Jehovah provides. In the first century, the interval was not a time for a mass conversion of Jews to Christianity. It was a time for action and obedience on the part of those who were already Christians. Similarly, we cannot expect that the future interruption in the great tribulation will result in an influx of new believers. Rather, it will be an opportunity for all true believers to prove their love for Jehovah and give their support to Christ’s brothers.—Matt. 25:34-40.
8 Although we do not fully understand all that will happen during that time of test, we can expect that it will involve some measure of sacrifice. In the first century, Christians had to leave behind their possessions and endure hardships in order to survive. (Mark 13:15-18) To remain faithful, will we be willing to experience material loss? Will we be ready to do whatever is required of us to prove our loyalty to Jehovah? Just think! At that time, we will be the only ones following the example of the ancient prophet Daniel by continuing to worship our God no matter what.—Dan. 6:10, 11. -
Day 1 @ the RC
by Shunned Again inmorning part 1. .
.chairmins address.
show loyalty by shunning family memebers no mater what.. part2 be loyal in thought.
Yes CrazyGuy or the supposedly hypothetical FDS that turned wicked and beat the flock into subservience whilst they sat back, begged for money and moved into newly built accommodation, built by those very slaves (who took time away from their own families and jobs whilst their travels were supported by their kids selling their cows).
Is being played?
by jw07 in
The song Eternal Flame is produced by Audiomachine and is on an Album called Epica. This album includes songs such as Transcendence, New Earth and Tribes.
Another Album produced by Audiomachine includes songs called Guardians at the Gate, 11 days in Hell, Creation, Redemption, Battle of the Kings, Hymm of the rising, The Messenger.
The list goes on with all their albums. I am sure I am hearing the choir sing the word God a number of times in Eternal Flame but I would consider it very spiritual music If the creator of the music/lyrics is a JW I could see them approving this music without any conflict of conscience, if not, they are imposing their conscience on all JWs. -
The Ray Franz Saga
by snugglebunny ini'm just curious as to how it all happened.. to explain.
many years back, before ex-jw websites, i called on a local lady in order to design an extension to her already enormous house.
she was a young, voluptuous gal, married to a much older local business man who spared little expense in order to give his young wife whatever her heart desired.. we chatted for ages.
There are numerous reports of what was said about him in the Congregations. I personally heard how he was at the lead in this apostasy movement. That he was spreading false teachings and that he was only interested in gathering followers for himself and to make money from it.
You are right about the Watchtower not needing to do anything about it. However, I was under the impression that they try to do things in a similar manner to the first Century christians. From the secret JC's to the disfellowshipping of individuals without the Congregation knowing of the 'sin', none of this is similar. Disfellowshipping for having a meal with a df'd person is also unbiblical.Fisherman - He went public and by doing that he broke the rules that he subscribed to when he joined jw.
What rules are these that he subscribed to when he joined? -
¡Great Leak! Compleat Program: Jehovah's Witnesses' 2016 Regional Convention, "Remain Loyal to Jehovah!"
by hildebrando indownload and see:.
please, use laptot, google chrome and load twice.
Thanks for the warning JWLeaks