Gatorguy, here is one article that may help -
Watchtower 78 5/1
14 All the elders should appreciate their position in relation to the other brothers and sisters in the congregation. They are not spiritual bosses or spiritual policemen. They do not have to pry into the lives of other members of the congregation or concern themselves with the personal problems of every brother and sister. The brothers and sisters are dedicated to Jehovah God and usually can work out their salvation in integrity. The elders are available to help when they are called upon, but they should not go beyond proper limits. (Phil. 2:12, 13) The other brothers and sisters have rights and privileges, and so the elders must respect their free moral agency. It is not the business of the elders at their meetings to review all the good points and all the bad points of every publisher. About the only time that it would be appropriate to do this would be when qualifications of brothers to serve as elders or ministerial servants are being considered, or when there is a serious problem involving one in the congregation that calls for careful scrutiny of that particular person.Phil 2:12,13 statesConsequently, my beloved ones, in the way that YOU have always obeyed, not during my presence only, but now much more readily during my absence, keep working out YOUR own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for God is the one that, for the sake of [his] good pleasure, is acting within YOU in order for YOU both to will and to act