You're not the first person who says this site is hostile towards believers. I've been here for six years and don't have a problem with it. I'll deliberately avoid threads that discuss atheism because I don't think it is beneficial for anyone me to get into a debate about it.
The only time I see any real hostility is when a poster comes on here trying to preach their religion. It is not accepted well by just about everyone on here. I think it would be correct to say that having once been fooled into believing the JW religion no one wants to be caught out like that again.
Over the time that I have been here I've seen the dynamics change significantly. There have been long periods of time where a lot of attention has been given to understanding the real meaning of bible texts as opposed to JW teachings, personally I really enjoy that and learn a lot from different ideas. Other times, the main focus appears to be on people and their personal problems as ex JWs. Then you have a place like reddit where there is a lot of younger ones and their focus is different but, like here, there is a great deal of support for individuals. It's not that we don't get younger ones here but the dynamics are different and more suitable to some than others.
You will notice, when all is said and done, that there are many people on this forum, regardless of their beliefs, who are happy to give advice and support to others. They don't see things as just being about themselves, they understand the problems that exist and are happy to assist others. In the past, many ex JWs end up returning to the religion, not to draw closer to God or because they believe everything the GB says but because they miss the companionship. I for one am very grateful that we can have a place like this. It helps to confirm our doubts, informs us of organizational procedures and policies along with their repercussions and helps to see the manipulation and control.
I do wonder what sort of support you would like, you state 'moral support' but you can get that regardless of whether someone is an atheist or not. Do you mean that you are particularly looking for somewhere where you can share scriptures with others and discuss religion in a supportive manner or a place where you feel you are among people that hold the same biblical moral values as yourself? There is certainly scriptures that support these and even though this place may not be able to properly fulfill these it doesn't mean that you can't find some benefit for being here or even a desire to do like others and give support to individuals in need.
JoinedPosts by Listener
Seeking support ... Where can a Christian go
by Sevan inhey all, .
so i recently posted for the first time and introduced myself.. i have been spending time reading various posts.
some informative, some not so much.. since i've been reading on here, i've read a lot from atheists.
JWs on Jeopardy! . . . really this time.
by neat blue dog ini know there was a crazy false urban legend years ago about jeopardy saying the nwt was the most accurate bible, but on tonights episode they really were mentioned.
the clue went something like 'this religion was started by charles taze russell and publishes the watchtower'.
a player buzzed in a she said 'who are the jehovah's witnesses'.
Did the player who buzzed in and gave the correct answer go on to win? They probably deserved to since most people would have no idea about this fact even after billions of hours have been spent by JWs in door to door work trying to make themselves know.
Amazing, the organization always says that they choose their words very carefully. There's got to be some awake ones in the writing department.
These are the lyrics to the song
Dragged in his fathers footsteps
Onto other people's doorsteps
To shoe-gaze through another afternoon
He's well turned out, his pants are pressed
He's dripping in his Sunday best
As the sun beats down in time to the sound
Of his father going on about the problems of the world
While Kevin stands uncounted at the door
Will Kevin get to heaven any soner?
Will father ever bother looking down?
When he sees the light
He sees the light
There must be empty chairs in the Kingdom hall
What with the summer holidays the flock is getting small
So he's marching 'round my neighbourhood
With a briefcase and a boy
But Kevin doesn't share the Soldier's Joy
I could see right through him
And the lawn was needing mowed
I closed the door and watched him turn to go
When he sees the light
He sees the light
He sees such light
I want him to change for me -
Elders intervening in family issues
by gatorguy indoes anyone know of any good scriptures or reference articles that i can show an elder to hopefully have him stop intervening in a family issue?
i already told him that i am the head of the house and that they're usurping my headship but they didn't seem to get the message.
Gatorguy, here is one article that may help -
Watchtower 78 5/114 All the elders should appreciate their position in relation to the other brothers and sisters in the congregation. They are not spiritual bosses or spiritual policemen. They do not have to pry into the lives of other members of the congregation or concern themselves with the personal problems of every brother and sister. The brothers and sisters are dedicated to Jehovah God and usually can work out their salvation in integrity. The elders are available to help when they are called upon, but they should not go beyond proper limits. (Phil. 2:12, 13) The other brothers and sisters have rights and privileges, and so the elders must respect their free moral agency. It is not the business of the elders at their meetings to review all the good points and all the bad points of every publisher. About the only time that it would be appropriate to do this would be when qualifications of brothers to serve as elders or ministerial servants are being considered, or when there is a serious problem involving one in the congregation that calls for careful scrutiny of that particular person.
Phil 2:12,13 statesConsequently, my beloved ones, in the way that YOU have always obeyed, not during my presence only, but now much more readily during my absence, keep working out YOUR own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for God is the one that, for the sake of [his] good pleasure, is acting within YOU in order for YOU both to will and to act -
Part One of what could be a long introduction
by LifesNotOver inhello - let me try to explain.
a couple of months ago or so i joined this forum, then shortly after checked out jwrecovery which seemed a better fit personally and joined them.
started to feel comfortable there and they closed, and i pouted for a while.
Welcome Lifesnotover, I hope you become more comfortable on this site. Use your experience gained from being on JWrecovery and I am sure you will find it beneficial to be here.
Study article: "Go, and Make Disciples.." is a hot mess
by Sanchy inso i hooked into meeting via phone this week to listen in and was shocked at the absurdities mentioned in the study article (2016 may watchtower: "go,..and make disciples of people of all the nations").
the answer is obvious—only jehovah’s witnesses.
the answer the missionary priest gave in no way proves that jws are the only ones "preaching the good news".
Great review of the article Sanchy.
The whole purpose of the study article was to keep the 'fish' that they already have.Parr 11
But rather than being “fishers of men,” Christendom’s clergy seem more concerned with merely keeping the “fish” they already have
here i am
by notalone ini was a 4th gen born adult children were the 5th.
my mother was one of the newly'anointed' we have all left.
i have been lurking since october.i was really too terrified someone would find out who i was and what would happen.well we are out now so here is a part of my story.
Notalone, it is a shocking way to find out how wrong this religion is and I hope your daughter is doing well. I am glad that it did not destroy your faith.
Protecting the image of the organization goes before everything else, even the care of the young ones and they have misapplied scripture for their own means.
Being told to keep quiet about the matter and threatening you is not excusable.Matthew 18:17 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, regard him as you would a pagan or a tax collector
Boroean Pickets is a great site and they reason on matters reasonably and with sincerity. -
It won’t be much longer now.
by Tameria2001 ina couple weeks back my husband got a phone call from his brother, whom he hasn’t spoken to in nearly 17 years.
well i take that back, he did speak to him at the family reunion, asking him to leave.
my husband basically told him to f off, he would leave when he’s darn good and ready, but he didn’t use the word darn.
Be better than them and don't seek revenge.
Russia's Supreme Court shuts down Church of Scientology
by OrphanCrow inrussian church welcomes shutdown of "moscow church of scientology".
moscow, july 1, interfax - the russian orthodox church has welcomed a ruling by the russian supreme court which yesterday upheld the legality of a shutdown of the "church of scientology of moscow".
"the upholding by the supreme court of the legality of the shutdown of the so-called church of scientology is seen as an important precedent demonstrating the state's determination not to recognize as religious those organizations that use people's religious feeling for malign purposes, " russian orthodox church spokesman vakhtang kipshidze told interfax-religion.the ruling in the scientologists' case is not a breach of the religious freedom since "it was proved in court that the very activity of this organization is an affront to human freedom as such," kipshidze said.the russian orthodox church regularly comes into contact with people whose membership in totalitarian sects left them deeply wounded spiritually and mentally, ruined their lives and happiness, the spokesman said.
I wonder if it could still operate if it registered itself as a business?
Jehovah's Witnesses face £1m legal bill after young girl was sexually abused by one of its members
by Researchedandenlightened inhopefully more financial trouble for them to come in uk !!.
jehovah's witnesses face £1m legal bill after young girl was sexually abused by one of its membersread more: follow us: @leicester_merc on twitter | leicestermercury on facebookread more at
As a ministerial servant he was considered just a tidy upperer and he wasn't employed by the org. They have such little respect for their slaves when it comes time to pay for their misdeeds.