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A new religion much like the Borg is starting, check it out.
by ldrnomo in" width="400" height="400" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true">.
Clever. I loved how he signed off. Pope Cleese has all the basics spot on. -
I have no prblems with "new light"
by Doug Mason inthere is nothing wrong with accepting new ideas.
even apostle paul changed his mind when he "saw the light".
indeed, i hope to learn new things every day.
It's a publishing company. New light has meant new publications. Every book that they print becomes redundant at some point.
New ideas keep the flock eager with anticipation.
New Monthly Broadcast - BE LOYAL! - Shut Up and Sit Down!
by ttdtt inthe new broadcast is - predictably - about being loyal to the's a shut up and sit down message.. one of the funny things they keep bringing up is the correlation between the gb and moses.those who don't listen to the gb are like korah.. this is a false choice, why?let's look at a quick comparison.
(this is from the point of view of the bible).
was moses directly picked by god?- yeswas the gb directly picked by god?- well no, we actually are not told how the gb are picked and why the qualify.. did god talk to moses?- yesdoes god talk to the gb- no, they admit they are not in direct communication.. did god inspire moses to write laws and judge.- yesdoes god inspire the gb to write laws and judge.- no, they admit they are not inspired, and they are always wrong and need to change things all the time.. did god give the israelites undisputable proof that moses is his channel?- yes, many miracles visible to everyone one around happenddoes god give jws undisputable proof that the gb are his channel?- no, there is no proof, actually contrary.. was moses ever wrong?- nohas the gb ever been wrong?- every time.
To continue on David Splane tells us how the GB arrives at important decisions. This is from a morning worship session and Splane looks really tired, which makes him look old. He tells the audience (again italics are thoughts presented by Splane, plain writing are mine) -
The decisions to put changes into effect are often YEARS in the making. An example he presents is deciding whether it was feasible to have a Branch in the USA, since they already have the HQ located there. He says the decision wasn't taken overnight. That decision was made with a lot of consultation and now they feel they have Jehovahs rich blessing and they are Proud of their hard work.
Another example was the merging of the book study, the school and service meeting in Jan 2009 was merged. This decision was almost 10 years in the making. It took so long because the GB wanted to be sure that the Brothers had what they need Two congregations only had one MS and one Elder and were conducting up to 5 Bible studies each. Another Branch explained why the Book Study numbers were so low. They said that the publishers loved all the meetings but they were very poor. and they couldn't afford the bus fare for two mid week meetings, so they had to choose. Since the service meeting was 2 hours they could get more spiritual food from attending that one. These 2 letters helped them make the decision.
In 2008 a public edition and a study edition were published. That decision was a long time coming. They didn't want to be hasty but needed to see what Jehovah wants. How would they know what he wants? They made a fleece test by publishing one Awake a month but continued with two Watchtowers a month. They would try it for a year and if the magazine placements plummeted then they would know that Jehovah was not backing this arrangement. (sounds to me like they were putting Jehovah to the test but regardless it makes no sense why this would prove God's backing). At the end of the year they were placing the same amount.
They also consider the spiritual implications. In 2008 they decided to reduce the public talks from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. The GB have to look at the whole picture. Many Elders are serving as missionaries with foreign languages. For some of them it requires 1 hour of preparation to give 1 minute of public speech. So the reduction means they only have 30 hours of preparation and they can give more public talks. More public talks could also be given in isolated areas where there was only one elder.
I wonder, now that they have video screens and more talks can be given via video and in different languages whether they will go back to 45 minute talks?
Why do clarifications take so long to come into print? Because the clarification on one scripture can often mean it has an affect on other scriptures or prophecies (a domino affect). So they have to make absolutely sure that everything fits.
The bottom line is, the GB takes years in coming to decisions. Serving food at the proper time is not their priority.
If they are looking at results then their stagnant growth must surely come to them as a lack of Gods blessing and withdrawal of his direction. -
New Monthly Broadcast - BE LOYAL! - Shut Up and Sit Down!
by ttdtt inthe new broadcast is - predictably - about being loyal to the's a shut up and sit down message.. one of the funny things they keep bringing up is the correlation between the gb and moses.those who don't listen to the gb are like korah.. this is a false choice, why?let's look at a quick comparison.
(this is from the point of view of the bible).
was moses directly picked by god?- yeswas the gb directly picked by god?- well no, we actually are not told how the gb are picked and why the qualify.. did god talk to moses?- yesdoes god talk to the gb- no, they admit they are not in direct communication.. did god inspire moses to write laws and judge.- yesdoes god inspire the gb to write laws and judge.- no, they admit they are not inspired, and they are always wrong and need to change things all the time.. did god give the israelites undisputable proof that moses is his channel?- yes, many miracles visible to everyone one around happenddoes god give jws undisputable proof that the gb are his channel?- no, there is no proof, actually contrary.. was moses ever wrong?- nohas the gb ever been wrong?- every time.
Cuzan, a GB helper, states that being loyal means (italics are his comments)
1. We can be loyal to Jehovah by defending him, how?Trinity, atheists are lies, speak in defence, proving Satan is the liar. A fine privilege.
You just need to look at the confrontations on Youtube and see that they are far from willing to stand there and defend themselves. In many instances they retreat even though they know they are being recorded and will be seen by many.2. By being loyal to the FDS
Jehovah and Jesus is using them spiritually. Even though they are made up of imperfect men, there are no perfect men on earth anyway. He didn't say they would be infallable but they would be faithful and discreet.
Interestingly there is an article not too long ago that states clearly that the FDS have not been very discreet in the past by their many types and antitype interpretations without any biblical backing to do so.
As for 'providing food at the proper time'. This could hardly be claimed with the many false dates that they have proclaimed, neither does it show them being discreet.
What if the fds serve something not to our liking or we disagree?
Bible examples of others being stumbled. We may need to wait on Jehovah to clarify matters but we need to follow the bible examples by remaining faithful. It's a test on our loyalty. More bible examples. We need to be humble, swallow our pride, flexible and obedient. Prove faithful to the slave.
3. By being loyal to the Elders and the direction they give us.
We can see their imperfections and flaws and focus on them. Don't zoom in on their imperfections, see the big picture. These gifts in men are an expression of Gods loyal love.
AND HERE WE GO AGAIN (word for word)
"As the Great Tribulation nears our survival will depend on our readiness to respond to their direction as they follow the Governing Body's direction. Our loyalty is not the men but to Jehovah's arrangement made up of imperfect but loyal men"
Since these are highly scripted, notice he states that 'as the GT NEARS, they must follow direction. Sounds like more changes are ahead.
Also, as we have seen before, notice the claim that following the GB's direction our survival depends on following them, not God, not Jesus, but them. They claim this authority because they claim that it is God's arrangement.
We should never find ourselves murmuring against those that God has appointed to lead his people today.
So far he has shown no evidence of how the GB have been appointed. -
The Millenium is Not Going to Be Fun - According to FDS/G.B.
by The Searcher inthe org teaches j.w.
's to tell others that the earth will soon be a paradise - free of crime & violence and with no nasty people to make their lives miserable.
why aren't they telling them the whole "truth"?
I seem to recall that the JWs excuse for this is that the bad guys will be resurrected very late in the 1000 year reign and will have very little time to cause any real problems or affect the paradise conditions.
When did the governing body go from 12 to 7 members?
by Tameria2001 ini have been out and away from that cult since 2001. back then there were 12 members of the governing body, and now i'm learning that number has come down to 7. when did this change take place, and what was their reason for dropping the number?.
Half Banana, I loved your reasoning.
Sort of reminds me of a sinking ship. There were 17 GB members and now it has dwindled down to 7. I know they keep dying but it's like they've all deserted and only 7 remain, trying to bail out the water.
You would think that with an increasing number, they would need more.
Sparky, good photo. Out of all those men, it appears there was only one who sincerely cared about doctrine and true worship. Being in the limelight wasn't important to him. -
What the Org Teaches #6 The "Governing Body" Resolved the Circumcision Issue
by The Searcher in#6 the "governing body" resolved the circumcision issue .
what the org says: bt chap.
13 p. 103 par.
Disposable Hero, here it is
Sanchy's critique: Nov 2016 Watchtower Study Articles
by Sanchy inwhat follows is my critique of the two final study articles from the november 2016 watchtower.
the articles titles are: "called out of the darkness" and "they broke free from false religion".. article: called out of the darkness.
parr 1. in 607 b.c.e., a massive babylonian army under the command of king nebuchadnezzar ii invaded the city of jerusalem.. .
This is the Endnote in the November 2016 Watchtower
ENDNOTE: [1] (paragraph 14) There are many similarities between the Jewish captivity of 70 years in Babylon and what happened to Christians after the apostasy developed. However, the Jewish captivity does not appear to be a prophetic type of what happened to Christians. For one thing, the length of captivity is diļ¬erent. So we should not try to look for prophetic parallels in every detail of the Jewish captivity as if these should somehow apply to what happened to anointed Christians in the years leading up to 1919.
The words they have used here are so wishy-washy, as if they are not sure of whether the Jewish captivity was a prophetic type or not. But didn't they use that as part of their calculation for 1914?
They say it 'does not appear to be a prophetic type". Either it does or it doesn't but they're not really sure, in the past they were sure that it did.
They also say that 'we should not try to look for prophetic parallels in every detail". For a start, we are not the ones doing this, the Governing Body is the only one doing so. If they're not sure whether it is a prophetic type in the first place then they shouldn't be looking for any prophetic parallels. Where do they begin to draw the line of what is a prophetic parallel or not? They've given themselves liscense to continue to make up and reject anything they want and the r&f have no idea where they stand on any prophecy being supposedly fulfilled in these last days.
They really have lost the plot and their doctrines simply blow whatever way they say the wind is blowing. -
Jeehoober says we can clap for reinstated ones!!
by DATA-DOG inso, i guess an upcoming wt has some new light on clapping!
evidently, jesus has misinformed the gb/wtbts since the late 90's.
clapping was disrespectful, because jesus felt that those who were df'd should not be given a pat on the back.
Does not compute.....warning, warning .....overload.
Sanchy's critique: Nov 2016 Watchtower Study Articles
by Sanchy inwhat follows is my critique of the two final study articles from the november 2016 watchtower.
the articles titles are: "called out of the darkness" and "they broke free from false religion".. article: called out of the darkness.
parr 1. in 607 b.c.e., a massive babylonian army under the command of king nebuchadnezzar ii invaded the city of jerusalem.. .
Great review Sanchy, there's an important footnote that I overlooked when I first read the article. It gives a little insight as to their new way of thinking.
I'll post it when I get on my computer unless someone posts it in the meantime.