Great work, you've left an indelible impression on him that will stay with him for a long time.
JoinedPosts by Listener
Visit From Jehovah's Witnesses
by Vanderhoven7 inhad two lovely jws (stephen and ruth) visit this morning.
this was our second study in the last 2 weeks.
they first knocked on my door (bell is out) 3 weeks ago and i shared my testimony and we arranged to meet last tuesday which we did.. our first study went like this:.
CO visits me today
by Chook ini'm at home and hear knock on door , i sneak and look i see two men and recognise one voice and go back into lonunge and ask wife ( who is inactive believer) does she want to speak to elders ,she says no ,then literally 3 minutes has pasted another knock the 3 minutes seemed like an eternity.
so brave heart me think fuck it i'll answer ,i invite them in for coffee, i recognise one older man he is a unique elder who i genuinely was fond of when i was in his name is andrew ,the other guy i didn't recognise we will call harry ( not real name australia doesn't have that many cos with his same name).
so i think to myself i will tread lightly and not cause to much of a fuss for the wife's sake, but my personality is very the opposite of treading lightly ,as you read my threads you will realise i'm not timid.
After you telling them all that, I guess they don't expect you to return. Don't be surprised that when they next come calling, they invite you to a JC.
I don't think I will be able to escape the JWs ...
by nevaagain ini know i will get a lot of backslash on this forum for saying this, but as it looks like, i won't ever be able to escape the jws.
i have been a born in, third generation jw and awoken in one way or another (i joined this forum 15 years ago) for a very long time.
but i have adapted to the jw lifestyle to a point where it does not bother me anymore.
Don't expect a happy marriage to a JW when she works out what you've been up to.
Anybody else having trouble walking away?
by JW-Matrix i'm a 19 year old fifth generation jw.
mentality, i've been out of the "truth" since i was 16(woke up after i was baptized ironically), but on the outside i'm a model jw.
my parents are really devoted, my grandparents are super devoted, and so are my ants and uncles.
JW Matrix, I bet you have some very interesting stories, there wouldn't be that many fifth generation JWs around. Sounds like you are expected to be a creature of habit without any thoughts of your own. Just think, your family line has been through dozens of doctrinal and procedural changes.
Are you an only child because you talk about being expected to be an example to your cousin's. I must admit, I've never heard of that one being used on a JW to guilt them.
You'll actually be setting a good example by breaking this chain of blind obedience to men.
Moving to Warwick Video incl. Morning Worship
by Listener ina new video is up about the commencement of moving to warwick.shawn bartlett tells the viewers that jehovah has said, through the governing body, ‘it’s time to move out of brooklyn.
‘ then helper robert lucciona says ‘ the governing body, these brothers, as soon as they see god’s direction, they just move, it doesn’t matter if it is long held, cherished ideas, this is the way it has to be done, as soon as they see jehovahs direction.
he just kept nudging imperfect humans, he knew where he wanted us and then we end up where we are supposed to be.
This is a link to the video
141st Gilead Gradution Talks 1st Part
by Listener inthese grads.
are a special people indeed.
how on earth they put up with all this indoctrination is beyond me, months of intense brainwashing.
Brother Herd's comment - after making a point he asks the audience what they think and then says ‘think what you want, there is no way for us to know, not now, maybe later'
This comment stood out as being particularly weird. It is at the 28.30 mark
Firstly, here's a preacher on the stage telling his followers that they can think what they like because 'they' do not know what they're thinking. But, supposedly God does and surely it should matter what we think, even if no man knows. But then he goes on to say that at some time in the future 'they' may gain the ability to read minds. So what, again, surely it is more important that God can read minds. Why even say it? I can only think that he wants the audience to think that 'they' aka the Governing Body, may gain even more supernatural abilities and you guys, watch out.
'They' are truly special people, even if they say so themselves.
Or maybe it was just an innocent remark and he was suggesting that in the future, when man becomes perfect, there will be untold abilities bestowed upon them, including the ability to read minds. Can you imagine what sort of place paradise earth would be if this were the case? -
Moving to Warwick Video incl. Morning Worship
by Listener ina new video is up about the commencement of moving to warwick.shawn bartlett tells the viewers that jehovah has said, through the governing body, ‘it’s time to move out of brooklyn.
‘ then helper robert lucciona says ‘ the governing body, these brothers, as soon as they see god’s direction, they just move, it doesn’t matter if it is long held, cherished ideas, this is the way it has to be done, as soon as they see jehovahs direction.
he just kept nudging imperfect humans, he knew where he wanted us and then we end up where we are supposed to be.
New York, the video is on JW org TV under Organisation and titled Supporting the move to Warwick.
With all their all, they never explain how God talks to them.
The Hypocrisy Of A Judical Committee
by pale.emperor ini posted the elders training school video of how to conduct a judicial committee on my youtube channel last night.
it got me thinking of the hypocrisy of the whole thing.
and also how in their own publications they ridiculed the pharisees for the way they dealt with jesus... which is the very same manner they use on the flock..
But you're all forgetting one important thing. They pray for God's Holy Spirit to guide them, so it's not possible for them to get it wrong.
Moving to Warwick Video incl. Morning Worship
by Listener ina new video is up about the commencement of moving to warwick.shawn bartlett tells the viewers that jehovah has said, through the governing body, ‘it’s time to move out of brooklyn.
‘ then helper robert lucciona says ‘ the governing body, these brothers, as soon as they see god’s direction, they just move, it doesn’t matter if it is long held, cherished ideas, this is the way it has to be done, as soon as they see jehovahs direction.
he just kept nudging imperfect humans, he knew where he wanted us and then we end up where we are supposed to be.
A new video is up about the commencement of moving to Warwick.
Shawn Bartlett tells the viewers that Jehovah has said, through the Governing Body, ‘it’s time to move out of Brooklyn. ‘ Then helper Robert Lucciona says ‘ The Governing Body, these Brothers, as soon as they see God’s direction, they just move, It doesn’t matter if it is long held, cherished ideas, this is the way it has to be done, as soon as they see Jehovahs direction. He just kept nudging imperfect humans, he knew where he wanted us and then we end up where we are supposed to be.'
According to them, the believe that in the World time is of the essence, cost is not a consideration and people are not a consideration. Of course, jehovah’s org. Is different and on this occasion, Jehovah knew that they needed constant spiritual food so they took time out for morning worship.
One thing is certain, they realized that without the help of all those Bro’s and Sisters, nothing would have got done. They’re obviously a real brainy lot, this bunch.
Warwick has been a training ground to teach people skills that they will use for an eternity.
Lett then appears in the first Morning Worship from Warwick, the group that are listening to him is very small as there is very little clapping. He reads an open letter from the Governing Body to thank all those that took part in the work. Part of that letter reads “How we love our new residences” They are confident that they will now be able to work even harder. The letter goes on to say that they don’t deserve such a wonderful place to live and work but they see it as an expression of God’s undeserved kindness. I think he must have forgotten all those homeless people and even how the apostles lived and traveled in the first Century. -
141st Gilead Gradution Talks 1st Part
by Listener inthese grads.
are a special people indeed.
how on earth they put up with all this indoctrination is beyond me, months of intense brainwashing.
These Grads. are a special people indeed. How on earth they put up with all this indoctrination is beyond me, months of intense brainwashing. The final talks are simply more about obeying without question, being humble and giving all that a person has and doing it from their heart. They talk about invisible clouds, testing God, abundant blessings and the possible future ability of the Governing Body being able to read minds.
Here's a little summary on the 1st video released.Morris says that this Gilead group was held during some historic changes. Some have already moved to Warwick and will continue to move for months. Morris says that he has been telling people for some months that years back (yes he really said that) they made statements that put moving as being right up there with the stress level of a loved one who has died.
I can’t even begin to think of what was so stressful for them, particularly Morris and if he is to worry about anything he should worry that his spouts so much nonsense in his speeches and asking himself when he can demonstrate his modesty and step down to make way for better qualified persons as per a recent talk.He says they could have cancelled the Gillead School during this period and it would have been reasonable for them to do so. He then attempts to explain why they didn’t He says that it just goes to show that “ Jehovah is in control of this organization, period, he’s governing it and he loves you, and this is addressed, these comments primarily to you and he wants you educated and that’s just his warm embrace for you, that you’re invited and you did enjoy it”
He later says that we can’t know Jehovahs mind until he reveals it, none of us can. He goes on to say “That’s why you hear Brothers and Sisters sincerely speculating...and go hmm hmm ‘okay, somebody thinks they know Jehovahs mind (rolls eyes) ah, beyond what he gave us here (points to Bible) Okay but we don’t follow creatures, we follow Jehovah God because he’s our grand instructor and you’re a lot closer to him, assuring yourself of being taught by him when you get into your assignment as well as on to eternity.” This only shows that he is well past his retirement age but if one can get to the bottom of what he is really saying then he is basically admitting that JWs are following men because the GB speculates all the time.The next Brother talks about how the Israelites moved at the ‘order of Jehovah’, using a cloud to signal when they were required to move or stay. Jehovah was therefore in total control. They also moved promptly. This camp held 3 million people. They didn’t know where they were moving to. He then states “Now you folks are examples of those that see the cloud. You know that Jehovah, not the imperfect men that he is using is in total control and we humans find it generally difficult for change...we’ve had to be humble, flexible and obedient, we must maintain spiritual vision, we must see the cloud....All of us today need to see the cloud as we move closer to the GT . The time is now when we have to obey not ask, why did they make that decision. As one travelling overseer said ‘dont put a question mark where Jehovah puts a period’...Don’t see the men that Jehovah is using, see the cloud and may all of us do the same.”
This talk was clearly all about obeying without question and seeing it all as God’s direction without any physical proof even though the Israelites were directed with a visual aid (a cloud).
Brother Herd was up next and cracked a joke in his introduction calling Morris imperfect. (Not to worry, Morris gets him back later). He tells us that he uses Old Spice Cologne. He makes a few interesting comments, after making a point he asks the audience what they think and then says ‘think what you want, there is no way for us to know, not now, maybe later’. Think eerie music and you should have seen the look he gave the audience, it was scary stuff and it's not even Halloween yet.
He later makes this comment “All of the Brothers pray to that degree before they step out on the stage before an audience, of your caliber especially, we want to make sure what is said will be good for you’ So much for no class distinction amongst JWs.
At the end of his talk he says ‘they gave me 9 mins, I used 8.42’
Morris then returns and says “I just had to delete about four things I was considering saying but (bursts out laughing) Anyway, the translators will have fun with the Old Spice, it brought back memories for me too (bursts out laughing again). I used to love Old Spice by the way, used it a long time and then (laughs again). It sounds like this guy has no idea that it is still available.
The next talk is about ego being your worst enemy. They cant have those Gilead Grads thinking any better of themselves
The final talk is about testing Jehovah out and being tested given by Malefant. The contradiction here was obvious. He tells us that Jesus said that we must not put God to the test when Satan tried to tempt him, but guess what, they’ve come up with a scripture to say it’s okay to put him to the test. It’s okay if we are doing it for the right reason. One of those reasons includes a situation where we contribute as much of our money as we can to the organization. He uses Malachi 3:10 to support the idea of being able to test God however that scripture was a specific invitation from God to test him. The scripture was also in regards to tithing and he goes on further to discuss this arrangement.
Malefant explains that tithing was, after all, just an expression of their heart condition and their appreciation, in not being tight fisted or greedy. Obedience would result in blessings. He further explains that even though tithing isn’t applicable to Christians there is a principle involved that does apply and that putting God to the test will result in blessings. He quotes from a WTBTS publication to support this idea, which appears to be a common practice these days when there is not enough in the Bible to support their claims.
This is the quote from the Jehovah’s day book “you can humbly test him in a proper sense. How? He promised a blessing. When you obey him, you make a test of God, as if asking ‘Will he bless me?’ In response, he puts himself under obligation to do so, keeping his promise. Thus, God’s allowing you to ‘test him out’ underscores your conviction that he will bless you abundantly”
Malefant then tells the Grads. that they have been blessed abundantly. Materially they have what they need and spiritually, a super abundance of blessings.
He then states “When we make our dedication to Jehovah...Consider this comment from the Watchtower ‘Everything we have belongs to Jehovah” This includes all that you are and all that you have. He then talks about having a symbolic tithe, coming from our heart. We are depriving ourselves of his blessings if we don’t give our best.
Bottom line is that giving all that you can will see an abundant of blessing result and by putting your trust in God will ensure that you won't lose out.