Although it still doesn't reconcile with the scriptures you have quoted, it appears that there may be 'new light' on the timing of the resurrection of the anointed in the December, 2017 Watchtower, or at worst, a retraction from the sometime between the years 1914 and 1935.
“Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death.” Paul went on to indicate that there would be others rraised to heavenly life, adding: “Each one in his own proper order:Chris the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence.”—1Cor.15:20,23. 16 That gives us a general indication of the timing of the heavenly resurrection. It would occur “during his presence.” Jehovah’s Witnesses have long established Scripturally that since 1914 we have been living during Jesus ’promised “presence.”It is still continuing,and the end of this wicked system of things is now very near. .... The first resurrection would take place sometime after “the presence”of Christ began. Anointed ones who are alive during the great tribulation will be “caught away in clouds.” (Matt. 24:31
According to this, the timing of the dead anointed is now anytime from 1914 and before the living anointed get taken up during the GT.