Using JWs logic, since the number of anointed has increased due to some being mistaken or mentally ill then CORROSPONDINGLY, the number of those with an earthly hope must include those with the wrong understanding due to being mistaken or mentally ill.
Interestingly, the lowest number of anointed in recent years is 8,524 in 2005. Since it is now over 18,000, that's a lot of people in their organisation with the wrong understanding. We can't even identify how many included in the other sheep are wrong or mistaken but since it is an issue with the anointed, the figures must be so much higher within the other sheep.
Therefore, the number of anointed should be far, far greater, unless they believe that those with mental illnesses could not possibly be called and those that mistakenly don't recognise the calling will be disregarded by Jehovah.