I would think 'gate' is being used because it suggests that it is a scandal. It may not be political power that is wrongly used but it is an overuse of religious power. It is also morally wrong to be imposing their conscience on others.
Implementing a level of standards for things such as hygiene is a wise thing to do and possibly some table decorum as well, but if an Asian wants to eat with his fingers because that's his custom then let him be, he'll change his habits if he feels out of place.
As for not asking the family Doctor at mealtime about a weird rash you have simply because it's not proper decorum is nuts. It could spread to the rest of the 'family', they wouldn't be too happy if you chose to ignore it because it wasn't seen as the proper place to ask about it. There are some rashes that require immediate attention to reduce recovery time, such as shingles or deadly spider bites. Early attention can mean a difference by preventing months of suffering. I would suggest weird rashes be investigated asap. Waking up with a weird rash and asking the Doctor at breakfast would be the right thing to do, alternatively going to the first aid centre immediately would be better but they might be at breakfast also. If your way of thinking is the same as the rule makers at Bethel, it's no wonder we see all kinds of ridiculous rules.
As for not one but two videos being made on this leaked video, there's going to be plenty more. You don't have a scandal without it spreading far and wide, maybe not as prolific as the original watergate scandal but it will spread.