Did you get the chance to read his book before you agreed to write a forward in his book?
I believe he is using you to add more credibility to his book. Without a question that is your choice and your personal judgment call to make.
His book, being titled "How to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses" will, I imagine, include his own experience, possibly including what he did right and what he got wrong.
Why am I concerned? Lloyd uploaded a Youtube video before he attended his final JC and he states
"I've already decided that I'm not going to be recording it ... and the reason why I'm not going to be recording it is because I don't want anything to hide... do with that information what you will but don't go out of your way to turn my family against me, I'm talking about my wife's parents who we live with, who are already very traumatized by whats been happening we, they rely on us, they rely on us to look after them and I won't have my ability to care for them compromised by these men going above and beyond what's written in the literature and coercing my in laws to shun us even though we live under the same roof. So I have a few things to say to them, in fact the only reason, the only reason I'm going to a Judicial Committee is because I need to communicate to them that just as they have the ability to make MY life a misery, I have some degree of ability to make life difficult for Jehovah's Witnesses in Croatia. I, I do believe that. I don't need to do it, I won't do it if there can be some agreement that my parents in law will be left alone. Some would say it's a threat. I'm the one being threatened here, I'm the one being threatened with shunning and two can play that game. So I just wanted to let you all know what's going on and thanks for watching."
In his own words 'make of this what you will' and I do wonder what is behind all of this. I can't see how he could write a book on how to leave the JWs without going into detail about what was going on here so it will be interesting to read what he has to say.