Maybe they feel that labelling the Governments activities as criminal or unlawful would mean they are not being politically neutral.
If their own laws permit such actions then they can't label them as being criminal or unlawful.
law enforcement officials in birobidzhan, russia, a small town close to the border with china, raided 20 homes belonging to jehovah’s witnesses, according to members of the religious organization.. the raids were conducted by around 150 police officers, who nicknamed their operation “judgement day,” jarrod lopes, a member of the jehovah’s witnesses, told newsweek.
police confiscated photographs, bank cards, money and electronic devices from the houses they searched, said lopes.. a criminal case was opened against a man named alam aliev, who will be kept in pretrial detention until july, members of the religious group said.
Maybe they feel that labelling the Governments activities as criminal or unlawful would mean they are not being politically neutral.
If their own laws permit such actions then they can't label them as being criminal or unlawful.
i heard laurel and the wife heard yanny.
maybe someone can post the spoken word..
My daughter hears Yanny and my husband hears laurel. I hear Yammy. On one of the Youtubes a person posted that they hear Yammy and there are over 400 thumbs up to that post.
if i am understanding correctly only 144,000 will go to heaven, to be with jesus and help rule?
these 144,000 are witnesses only.
there is over a million jw world wide, what happens to the rest of the faithful followers.
They state that those of the 144,000 who have already died, were resurrected sometime after 1914 and may be conveying messages to the Governing Body. The number will be complete at the time of the Great Tribulation and the rest, or remnant, will all be in heaven before Armageddon.
Anyone who died before Jesus are not part of the 144,000.
The Watchtower does not explain how anointed ones know they have been chosen to rule with Christ in heaven other than generic statements like 'they know beyond doubt' and you're not supposed to ask.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. male, single, 62 yrs old.
adult adhd.
married in victoria moved back to western australia to start our lives far away from her parents as possible.. two kids, son 37 yrs old, daughter 34. both are married and still jws.
That was great to read and thank you for your sweet comment regarding my posts.
Once again, as do many other ex JWs, you show how rotten this religion is with its ability to destroy families.
How dare your brother in law, Tony, tell you never to visit your mother again. Not only is this so unchristian but to have an appointed, so called religious 'shepherd' do this shows how vile this religion is.
I guess we can be thankful that this organization promotes the idea of not having children, it seems to go hand in hand with the way it destroys families in the first place. However, it must be sad to have children who have made this decision simply because they have been persuaded to do so by the leaders of this evil organization.
an eyebrow raiser to be sure.
i can understand the clergyman being so baptist that he'd still use the name jehovah since it was popular in english and german churches for a long time during and after the reformation, but 607?.
see ¶ 6 under the heading "the historicity of the book of daniel".
William Miller taught that Jerusalem fell in 606 because and the teaching was picked up as new religions developed which included the JWs and Seventh day Adventists.
so it would seem that the wts are going back to their old scare tactics again, going by this week’s watchtower study.. loyal baptized ones will be preserved when the present wicked world meets its end.
(mark 13:10; rev.
7:9, 10) this makes dedication and baptism very important.
Yet they've previously said that only JWs as a group will be saved. Individual protection at Armageddon is no guaranteed.
do you have the facts?.
page 3 - as true christians, we need to develop the ability to evaluate information and reach accurate conclusions.. page 4 - it is especially important to avoid (view) websites promoted by apostates.
(awakened jw's) their whole purpose is to tear down (inform) god’s people and to distort (reveal) the truth.
JP1692 It is literally impossible to be sure you have the facts—especially ALL the facts—if you only have a single source of information.
That single source of information is also constantly changing. It can't be factual to begin with.
ok, it's time.
we've had opportunity to observe the 8 gb members speaking ability.
now it's our turn to give our honest ratings...using their own form, of course!
I don't know how a speaker can interpret his own talk. I would have thought it was the listener that does that.
Personally, I give most of them a plus or minus C except for Splane, who gets a B.
The other surprising aspect regarding the talk rating is their failure to rate any speaker regarding their ability to clearly and effectively discuss scripture.
do you have the facts?.
page 3 - as true christians, we need to develop the ability to evaluate information and reach accurate conclusions.. page 4 - it is especially important to avoid (view) websites promoted by apostates.
(awakened jw's) their whole purpose is to tear down (inform) god’s people and to distort (reveal) the truth.
Page 6 Our emotions...could begin to govern our thinking.
This is why their broadcasting is their new powerful tool. Not one monthly broadcast passes by without tears shown and emotion used to manipulate.
As for getting the facts, it's almost impossible to get all the facts from this organization when they choose to hide so much.
he hasn't been in the limelight before, so here's his debut:.
That's good, now Mark Sanderson has a mate.