The New World (1942) p 324
"The king of the north" "included the Central Powers, or imperial Germany, Roman-Catholic Austria-Hungary, Roman Catholic Italy and Vatican…Japan…"
W 60 2/15
With the defeat of the Nazi-Fascist Axis powers in 1945 the Communist government of Russia stepped into the role of the “king of the north,” foretold in Daniel’s prophecy, chapter 11.
W 81 7/15
Since the modern “king of the north” is the Communist bloc, led by the Soviet Union, the “king of the south” can be none other than the rival non-Communist bloc, under the leadership of the United States.
W93 11/1
So who is the king of the north now? Is he to be identified with one of the countries that were part of the old Soviet Union? Or is he changing identitycompletely, as he has a number of times before? We cannot say. Who will be the king of the north when Daniel 11:44, 45 is fulfilled?
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As keen students of God’s Word, we wait with eager anticipation to see who in the near future will assume the role of “the king of the north.”
From what I can gather, they have said that the KON's identity keeps changing.