Their reason for asking the previous question "Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?"was to establish membership with the organization.
Firstly, what is this 'spirit-directed organization'? Wouldn't any Christian recognize this to be God's Kingdom, ruled by Jesus? There's no mention of any earthly organization being identified. There is no mention of any membership. Simply being recognized as a JW does not infer membership to any particular earthly organization - no congregation, or the Watchtower (which Losch himself said he was not connected to)
But what's really interesting is the similarity between the wording of the baptismal question and their connections with the UN. They claimed that they were never a member of the UN as only Countries can be a member, not NGO's.
However, the original 1992 application form states "Please note that the association of your Non-governmental Organization (NGO) with the Department of Public Information (DPI) requires that you provide us with proof ....."
They also said that they stopped their association when they realized that there were conditions that they could not agree to (inferring that they would have continued on had those conditions not been there). If they consider an individual to be a 'member' of their organization because of the baptismal question then the same applies to the UN situation but it goes further.
They have been associated with the OSCE and as far as I know, they still are. (The OSCE being a very important member and connected to the UN). The OSCE does not have the same responsibilities for DPO's having to physically show support for their organization like the UN does, the Watchtower has remained associated with them. Because of their view of creating a membership status within their own organization (by merely agreeing that you associate with them in the baptismal question), applying their own beliefs then, it can only be concluded that they are a member of the OSCE who connects with the UN.
Do you understand that your baptism identifies you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with Jehovah's organization?
It is likely that there are still a number of legal loopholes in an individual agreeing to this statement. The first and the major one is that there is no agreement to abide by any of the rules set out by the Governing Body or the 'organization'.
The organization cannot be identified simply by calling it Jehovah's organization. There is no authority that the individual ascribes to anyone else to decide whether they are or are not a Jehovah's Witness. In other words, the individual does not authorize anyone else, an individual, congregation or group of people to decide that they are or are not a JW.
No one even says to the individual that they have been accepted as a JW, at best, they have been told that they have been approved for baptism or accepted as a 'publisher' which occurs before baptism.
When disfellowshipping they publicly announce "(name of person) is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses". Maybe they would be better off stating "(name of person) is not considered to be a Jehovah's Witness by Jehovah's organization" Although, that statement may also bring up some privacy issues by mentioning the persons name in public.