He also stated that Jehovah and Jesus expects them to donate money, even if they are poor.
It's a shocking talk, guilting the poor into donating and it is centred around donating to the organization, not specifically to their local congregation.
It's not the fault of JWs that the Watchtower decided to discontinue their main source of funds of selling publications to JWs resulting in them having to find other ways to guilt JWs into giving them money.
It's one thing for Christians being asked to donate to their local Church or Congregation but being required to fork out funds for all different sorts of activities is going beyond any biblical backing to do so. The JWs are required to donate towards disaster relief, even if the affected JW has insurance. There's also the financial support of special pioneers, even if they volunteer in their own local area. There's the future building of several media centres which include support of bethelites by covering their accommodation and board expenses. There's also the many out of court settlements which they know nothing about and the list goes on.
There's no transparency from the Watchtower HQ as to how much money goes where and virtually no option for the JWs to donate to specific causes. I don't see how God would expect worshipers to donate to a third party, the Watchtower who have distanced themselves from individual JWs.