Watson - "just bumping this up, because in today's wt study #30, "Place in J's family",
wt makes the deliberate mistake again to call today's jws "The great Crowd", when the real thing might be, according to the overlap timing, not be known for over 50 years, After the GT, in 2075. "
Was this part of the point that TD was making and the great hole in their teaching that still continues? That is, for decades the OS have been considered as members of the Great Crowd when they should never have been considered as such and as you point out Waton, they still continue to do so in their recent Watchtower.
Even now, with the new overlapping teaching of the generation means that they have provided a window up until approximately 2075 for Armageddon, meaning that millions of JWs today may not see Armageddon and therefore have no chance of being part of the GC. Saying that they have the prospect of being a member of the GC is one thing but saying they are part of the GC is not correct.
Did the article refer to today's JWs as the GC or potential members of the GC?