I wonder if they are now saying not to quickly decide to df someone and they are easing up a little.
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Committee investigations
by road to nowhere inthis almost should be in humor.
the wt today mentioned committees never rushing to judgement.
not unless supper is getting cold.. i did know of one "investigation" that took a long time.
New Media Center
by asp59 inii wonder if you are a jw how new media center goes along with this text.. 1 corinthians 3:6-9new international version.
6 i planted the seed,(a) apollos watered it, but god has been making it grow.
paulus planted.
JW Gone Bad - Why else would WT, during the 2021 AGM, address this belly-aching the rank & file are having about the Ramapo Media Center if it isn't really becoming a problem?
It must seem a very strange thing that the Watchtower is doing by focusing on how important the building work is and that it's for Jehovah.
It's been indoctrinated into JWs how the door to door work sets them apart from every other religion and now that's been stopped for nearly two years.
They can't very well go telling Worldly people that they identify as the true religion because they are building media centres.
You could probably say that to many JWs it doesn't make sense from a human or strategic standpoint and I guess that's why they are suggesting they will be used in the New World.
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1995 generation change
by Gorb innow, many years later, i remember the 1995 generation change, very well.. since early youth, hearing my father explaining in field service the 2520 years.
it was his main theme in the field.. with the change my doubts started.
with some jw friends we did not trust the organization anymore.
Watson - "just bumping this up, because in today's wt study #30, "Place in J's family",
wt makes the deliberate mistake again to call today's jws "The great Crowd", when the real thing might be, according to the overlap timing, not be known for over 50 years, After the GT, in 2075. "
Was this part of the point that TD was making and the great hole in their teaching that still continues? That is, for decades the OS have been considered as members of the Great Crowd when they should never have been considered as such and as you point out Waton, they still continue to do so in their recent Watchtower.
Even now, with the new overlapping teaching of the generation means that they have provided a window up until approximately 2075 for Armageddon, meaning that millions of JWs today may not see Armageddon and therefore have no chance of being part of the GC. Saying that they have the prospect of being a member of the GC is one thing but saying they are part of the GC is not correct.
Did the article refer to today's JWs as the GC or potential members of the GC?
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Annual Meeting
by sove inis it the annual meeting this weekend?
any insights on "new light" or new releases?.
Anony mous - So their excuse to build a media center by 2026 is that this is for the new world.
They say it in one breath and then they tell the JWs that all they need to do at Armageddon is to hide since the authorities/gog of magog will be seeking them out. They could hardly hide in these colossal building complexes and if they really will be sought after, these buildings would be destroyed.
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Annual Meeting
by sove inis it the annual meeting this weekend?
any insights on "new light" or new releases?.
Annual Meeting
by sove inis it the annual meeting this weekend?
any insights on "new light" or new releases?.
The response to the concerns is no surprise, they hope that it will be used after Armageddon.
The same thing was mentioned about their Jesus video series which they are planning to do in Sydney, Australia. Work has been underway in building the set. They've been spending a lot of time trying to make it look old and making concrete look like stone but it just looks like all the fakeness that you see in places like Disneyland.
They really think that its a possibility the Jesus video series will be used in their 'new world' to teach resurrected ones about the life of Jesus on earth.
By their own teachings, even though they say that all Christians still alive after Jesus dies are in heaven, there are still thousands that could give a factual and more detail account of his life on earth from having been eyewitnesses.
I guess this 'new world' is going to continue to have movie screens. That should be enough of an excuse for JWs to go and get training in anything to do with this technology.
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Annual Meeting
by sove inis it the annual meeting this weekend?
any insights on "new light" or new releases?.
Here's a link to the whole of the AGM
Is this a link directly to jw.org streaming? I don't know how long this will remain available.
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Any signs that Kingdom Halls will re-open soon or door to door work will re-start again?
by eyeslice ini've not heard anything from pimi wife about going back to the khs yet let alone the door to door work.. many churches round here have re-opened if only for private pray and i am guessing that things like singing may be a factor in the reluctance of the witnesses to get back together again.
i also detect that many older ones are still quite afraid to go anywhere they may come in contact with people, even for shopping.
on the other hand, here in uk you can now go to a football match with 70,000 others shouting and chanting.. the door to door work may a total different issue.
They've recently put up a new video titled "Ramapo, make yourself ready" They say they've been in the planning stages for the last two years and are ahead. Initially they have said that construction will commence in 2022.
The video was to encourage JWs to prepare to help out with construction or to give them money. They also want parents to have their teenage children learn some skills.
I can't see how they can go full steam ahead with this project but not open up Halls, at least to some extent.
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Sep. 2021 Broadcast: more money
by neat blue dog inin the latest jw broadcast, anthony morris the turd gives a talk about donations.
to camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing.
first he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'wt has never begged for money like christendom and we never will', you know the drill.
He also stated that Jehovah and Jesus expects them to donate money, even if they are poor.
It's a shocking talk, guilting the poor into donating and it is centred around donating to the organization, not specifically to their local congregation.It's not the fault of JWs that the Watchtower decided to discontinue their main source of funds of selling publications to JWs resulting in them having to find other ways to guilt JWs into giving them money.
It's one thing for Christians being asked to donate to their local Church or Congregation but being required to fork out funds for all different sorts of activities is going beyond any biblical backing to do so. The JWs are required to donate towards disaster relief, even if the affected JW has insurance. There's also the financial support of special pioneers, even if they volunteer in their own local area. There's the future building of several media centres which include support of bethelites by covering their accommodation and board expenses. There's also the many out of court settlements which they know nothing about and the list goes on.
There's no transparency from the Watchtower HQ as to how much money goes where and virtually no option for the JWs to donate to specific causes. I don't see how God would expect worshipers to donate to a third party, the Watchtower who have distanced themselves from individual JWs.Link +8 / -0 -
Six Screens announcing passing of “MINIMUS”
by RESPECTFUL OBSERVER inhttps://youtu.be/ty_2l8zynvq.