W 74 4/15
Being accounted as righteous humans, they are accepted by God and begotten as spiritual sons. In this way they are in a standing with God as priests...While still in the flesh they enjoy spiritual enlightenment...Also, while yet on earth, they perform priestly services for others, just as did the ancient Hebrew priests. Being spiritually enlightened and fed, they enlighten others in the understanding of God’s Word, and feed them spiritual nourishment...As ambassadors of God these priests help others to become reconciled to him. (2 Cor. 5:20) Thus they do a very valuable, beneficial spiritual healing work.
(During the paradise) Then they will administer to earthly persons, not only spiritual healing, but also physical healing...Right now we need the help of this priesthood to survive the coming “great tribulation,” which will destroy this system of things.
Their main problem is that they are talking about the remnant of the 144,000, being both males and females and it's just the GB that have been acting in the positions they mention.