JW Leaks/Steven Unthank - Having observed this pool, and other Lloyd-related matters for some time, and taking into consideration his attacks and defamation of me for no legitimate reason whatsoever
He sure did get stuck into you -
As much as I hate to say it, the Jehovah’s Witness leadership is at least partially right when it accuses former members of being lying and deceitful. For my part, I do my very best to make sure all information I share with my viewers and readers is factual and truthful. I also surround myself with like-minded activists here at JW Watch and elsewhere who share my passion for exposing Jehovah’s Witnesses in an honest and responsible way.
But throughout my years of activism I have been wary of individuals who do not care much about facts and seem to thrive on engineered drama and sensationalism. When this has the effect of dissuading doubting Jehovah’s Witnesses from reviewing “apostate” information it is bad enough. But in this case I am seeing something far worse. I am seeing horrific and traumatizing childhood abuse exacerbated through needlessly shattered hopes and expectations. I am seeing abuse survivors who have already been through unimaginable ordeals being manipulated into joining an outrage army; stirred up by invented problems to mobilize against foes who are, in reality, allies.
Really, the things he accused you of are despicable, when you've stood in the background for years and have the victims interests at heart.
What was his real motives? The most apparent one is for self promotion as he compares himself as being so much better and having victims, those working for him and other potential cult followers, look to him as a source of fact and truth.
Not only that, but he can't have any competition. It hadn't been long before this that Steven became a little more public, giving interviews on Youtube. He even spoke about an award he received from an Australian State leader in 2020. I'm sure that must have posed such a threat. But I think there were other reasons for this attack from Lloyd and possibly had something to do with the privacy of one of the ARC victims.