That's an excellant chart, that would be really good as a flyer to hand out at places like assemblies or leave on cars.
How could any JW object that it is apostate material?
this is a much simpler chart and replaces the old one which was getting too difficult to maintain.. direct link:
That's an excellant chart, that would be really good as a flyer to hand out at places like assemblies or leave on cars.
How could any JW object that it is apostate material?
through this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
You're hearing has probably taken place by now and I hope that all went well.
I found this excellent review about the RC recent submissions on Boroean Pickets.
it has to be starting to fade somehow.
the very last time i went out in field service, hardly any were out.
maybe just about nine people were out and man if you could just see their faces.
Welcome Tor1500 and great to hear your thoughts and observations.
Maybe this Cart witnessing has backfired on them. You could hardly call it witnessing in the first place. They made it out to be something of a privilege if you were chosen/allowed to do it.
Those that weren't asked are probably feeling deflated and look at door to door work with less enthusiasm. Those that have done the trolley work must be finding it so easy to stand there and say nothing, no confrontations and no rejections. It's easy work and when they can't do it and go door to door instead, they also must feel less enthusiastic about it.
I just thought about the thread title and the use of the word 'zeal'. How old fashioned and out of date is that? They are trying to catch up to the modern day and age but are stuck in the past, it must be so boring to many and especially the younger ones who can't relate to it at all.
i just watched this clip on youtube....i can't begin to say how it made me feel.
, i'm not sure who i am more annoyed about.
the bloke doing the commentry, the punk shouting at a serious and should be respectful religious event, or some of the youtube comments that follow.. and i find this so disrespectful.
ScottyRex I'm not sure who I am more annoyed about. The bloke doing the commentry, the punk shouting at a serious and should be respectful religious event, or some of the youtube comments that follow.
And I find this so disrespectful.
What do you have against the bloke doing the commentary? I am also wondering why celebrating the Lords Evening Meal by passing around the emblems without partaking should be viewed as a respectful event?
now what is your stance?
JWs have been breaking the law since it's creation. They have been happy to sell it's own publications in countries where it is banned and feel no sense of guilt whatsover. The Wtbts has even profited because of doing this. Most of us were JWs and saw nothing wrong with this and probably even congratulated those that did it. That's because we felt that the law was being broken for the greater good and that made it okay, even the right thing to do.
i am sorry i haven't replied and if it seems rude.
but people keep asking me what happened and i am not sure what to say.
thanks for writing anyway.
Slimboyfat, you've replied now by your above post and I would think that the people who wrote to you that you didn't pm back will appreciate it. People in general are curious and others are probably checking with you to see if everything is okay, out of concern.
I gather that you just want your space and that's fine, it is nice to have you back here.
i am sure you all remember leolaia from this board.
we used to call her leo for short.
she wrote to me requesting the 2010 or revised 2012 elder manual in swedish language.
battle over contamination at watchtower site in warwick.
by hema easley .
i'm happy to join every ex-jw.borg site i can and support in whatever way i can.
i now regularly donate to these sites when available.
i'm bitter but i don't hate jws because they were brainwashed like we all were.
if we could get this letter translated we would appreciate it.
we will then send the translation back to barbara anderson.. .