JoinedPosts by Listener
Some thoughts on the new midweek meeting
by Saltheart Foamfollower inthe new midweek meeting has been running for a month now.
here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:.
1) elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items.
I am wondering about the video presentations and whether they are voiced over depending on which country they are being presented in. When showing them in Australia or the UK, do they retain the original American accents? -
Thought control - sexual fantasizing is wrong - May 2016 Watchtower
by Listener in>>the bible reveals that jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (readgenesis 6:5, 6.
) from this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the scriptures and is out ofharmony with jehovah’s way of think-ing.the disciple james wrote: “the wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (jas.
3:17) beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations.
Brock Talon, you might find this more distracting. It's from the Jan 2016 JW Broadcast
Hey ya'll! My first post. Please help. In need of advice/comfort.
by Stepford Wife inhey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
Welcome to the forum Stepford Wife. It is a difficult situation that you are in.
You say that you will agree with everything that the Elders say if you meet but remember that your husband will either be there listening to it all or the Elders will tell him what you said.
If they ask you about the blood issue or the card and you lie, your husband will know and you would need to consider the problems this might cause.
However, unfortunately, there might be a bigger problem and that is to do with your daughter. You say that you would do anything for your family.
I don't think you said whether your daughter was baptized or not. If you actively support her from not attending meetings then this is going to potentially take things to a different level.
You might talk to your daughter privately but if she takes a stand herself not to attend and you support it, how will your husband feel about this? He might accept it but when he is confronted about it by the other elders then he might tell them that you are allowing it and basically, he can't fight you both. If he hasn't already been stood down as an elder then this might be another catalyst. But the Elders will want to talk to you and they will now have (what they think) to be just cause to df you. They could potentially have their 'two witnesses', your daughter and your husband.
I haven't been through this situation and I might be wrong about it but I believe that if someone is just trying to fade or become inactive it is easier to do but when there are other people affected by your actions or you actively encourage/support another person not to attend then the situation is different.
What Should the Minimum Wage Be (USA)?
by Village Idiot induring the gop debates donald trump said that american’s “wages [are] too high” and later said “that having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country” (7:25)..
do you agree and if so why?.
my two cents on this issue; do the math.
During the GOP debates Donald Trump said that American’s “wages [are] too high” and later said “that having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country” (7:25).
It is very difficult to find a solution but if Donald thinks that wages are too high and his answer is to have a lower minimum wage then I would put it to him - why don't we set a maximum wage? Say $100 per hour?
I need some advise
by Lost his mind infollowing is a letter i am going to send to the entire family both jw and non.
i would like to get your advice on whether i should do it.
my husband has told me before to voice my complaints but i have yet.
That's good news Lost His Mind. -
I need some advise
by Lost his mind infollowing is a letter i am going to send to the entire family both jw and non.
i would like to get your advice on whether i should do it.
my husband has told me before to voice my complaints but i have yet.
I agree with what Cangie said. I am wondering if your husband doesn't feel the same way as you about the situation.
You said - My husband has told me before to voice my complaints but I have yet.
You talk about it as your complaints, not his. If they are contacting him and not you then you've got to sort this out with your husband in the first instance and see if he will support you or if he doesn't care.
Thought control - sexual fantasizing is wrong - May 2016 Watchtower
by Listener in>>the bible reveals that jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (readgenesis 6:5, 6.
) from this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the scriptures and is out ofharmony with jehovah’s way of think-ing.the disciple james wrote: “the wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (jas.
3:17) beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations.
I lost half my OP when I tried to edit it on my Pendo. I had meant to include the following comments.
The magazine states that "sexual fantasizing is wrong"
This gives us an insight into the minds of the JW writer and all the Brothers that reviewed this article which also includes the seven GB members who are married men.
Having sexual fantasies and both normal and healthy, it would be difficult for a person to have sex if this wasn't the case.
It is natural for even a married person to fantasize about what they did or will do with their partner.
With all his responsibilities as an appointed GB member I wonder why Jackson found such as need to marry?
Thought control - sexual fantasizing is wrong - May 2016 Watchtower
by Listener in>>the bible reveals that jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (readgenesis 6:5, 6.
) from this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the scriptures and is out ofharmony with jehovah’s way of think-ing.the disciple james wrote: “the wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (jas.
3:17) beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations.
>>The Bible reveals that Jehovah issaddened when people pursue a wick-ed course and ‘the inclination of theirthoughts is only bad all the time.’ (ReadGenesis 6:5, 6.) From this we can per-ceive that sexual fantasizing is wrongbecause it can lead to serious sin that isforbidden in the Scriptures and is out ofharmony with Jehovah’s way of think-ing.The disciple James wrote: “The wis-dom from above is first of all pure, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready to obey,full of mercy and good fruits, impar-tial, not hypocritical.” (Jas. 3:17) Beingaware of this, we should be moved toreject entertainment that fuels impurethoughts and inclinations. PerceptiveChristians do not need to ask whether itis acceptable to be entertained by a cer-tain book, movie, or game that featureswhat Jehovah hates. His mind on suchmatters is made clear in his Word.<<
It is clear that these men must have only impure thoughts and inclinations when they have sexual thoughts.
Did you KNOW Ray and Cynthia or the legal copyright holder? Only a few maybe had limited contact.
by blondie ini have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
Simon - You know things take a pause over the xmas break, right?
Don't be so impatient, give people a chance.That is true but surely she took that into account before she made her statement?
Did you KNOW Ray and Cynthia or the legal copyright holder? Only a few maybe had limited contact.
by blondie ini have known all of them over the last 15 years, talked at length with them, and knew what their wishes were, the copyright holder and spouse spent even more time with them socially and helping them set up their arrangements for when ray and cynthia passed.
i don't believe that anyone else on this board or others was a confidant.
there is no need to prove it to anyone but the copyright office which is satisfied with this.
Sorry, I should have explained myself a little better when I said 'readily available'. It is currently too expensive for a lot of people and for various reasons there are many that would not want payments showing up on their banking records. There are some that just don't want to pay for what could be seen as 'apostate' material.
I agree with everything you wrote in your last post Cappytan.
I now understand more about why Cedars did what he did (and what drove him to it) and putting aside my personal opinion on the matter, I think it is absolutely commendable that he has tried to rectify things as much as he can. We all step out of line at times but it says a lot about a person when they try to fix their errors and indiscretions.
It's disappointing that things like this happen but when things are brought to a head, it often results in a clearer picture for the future. It is likely we will get to know where the copyright holder really stands on the matter, one way or the other.
The copyright holder has the legal right to manage this any way they want but that doesn't mean we have to like it.
I am wondering if it is possible to email a file equivalent to the size of Crisis of Conscience to another person with just the one attachment?