JoinedPosts by Listener
The Watchtower Letters
by NeonMadman inseveral years ago, i put together a compilation of various types of correspondence between me and the watchtower society, that occurred over the 30 years i was a jw.
some was just administrative stuff, like pioneer appointments and letters.
but there were also several letters that i wrote regarding doctrinal issues, including some sensitive ones.
The Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body are Elitists (Here is why)
by Terry inan "elite" group is one which has special privileges not granted to others.. and obscurantist elite, is a group which hides information by virtue of its own claim to be special and a sole source in dispensing necessary truths.. to wit:.
the gb's elitism shines through in articles such as this:.
“thus the bible is an organizational book and belongs to the christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals , regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the bible .
It has always been a business: Miracle Wheat Investigation highlights WT Finances in 1911
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am still not done with the miracle wheat article... there's just so much information to process!
i already did the summary, and the new information that i have doesn't change my conclusion: the entire scandal happened because russell was very gullible and didn't check with government agencies to see if the wheat was legitimate or not.
he went into a business venture on which he knew nothing's some interesting stats about the finances of the watchtower back in 1911:it received, from the sale of books and donations, $150,000.
It has always been a business: Miracle Wheat Investigation highlights WT Finances in 1911
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am still not done with the miracle wheat article... there's just so much information to process!
i already did the summary, and the new information that i have doesn't change my conclusion: the entire scandal happened because russell was very gullible and didn't check with government agencies to see if the wheat was legitimate or not.
he went into a business venture on which he knew nothing's some interesting stats about the finances of the watchtower back in 1911:it received, from the sale of books and donations, $150,000.
Ilovettatt, how much more there is to this story other than what was printed in their magazines is probably a mystery. There also appears to be something about miracle rye as well.
I don't think they were being very honest about a brother called John Bonnet and his farm. +1 / -0 -
A novel preaching method
by Listener ini came across this novel way of preaching on facebook.
probably one of the easier ways to get your hours in..
I came across this novel way of preaching on Facebook. Probably one of the easier ways to get your hours in.
JW Brothers
by Festus inthere is a group called jw brothers in facebook.
somebody has posted an article that catholic church has covered up child abuse..
this is what somebody had posted as reply:.
1950 Watchtower Bound Volume now Complete!
by Atlantis inthe 1950 september 15th watchtower is now complete and this will finish the 1950 watchtower bound volume.
a big thank you to jaydee for all of his hard work of scanning the watchtowers into jpg files which i received and converted into pdf files and made them searchable.
jaydee worked day and night to get these files finished for us and i really appreciate his kindness... we only had to darken out one name on one shipping label.
1950 Watchtower Bound Volume now Complete!
by Atlantis inthe 1950 september 15th watchtower is now complete and this will finish the 1950 watchtower bound volume.
a big thank you to jaydee for all of his hard work of scanning the watchtowers into jpg files which i received and converted into pdf files and made them searchable.
jaydee worked day and night to get these files finished for us and i really appreciate his kindness... we only had to darken out one name on one shipping label.
Prince's recent passport pik!
by fulltimestudent inwell, that's the claim.
is this sexy, or isn't it?
are male witnesses now allowed to wear eye liner?.