Jan 2016 no 1 public Watchtower
Feb. No 1 awake
March. No 2 pub!ic watchtower
Apr. No 2 awake
May. No 3 public Watchtower
The June study edition was just put online, Awake No. 3 will follow shortly.
it's nearly march and awake!
no.3 has still not appeared on jw.org.
has it come out in paper form, or has something gone wrong?
it's nearly march and awake!
no.3 has still not appeared on jw.org.
has it come out in paper form, or has something gone wrong?
l thought this would be an interesting exercise to read the different responses.
my question is what makes you think your gods chosen medium?and prove it.
today is friday.
so let's see something refreshing on the new june 2016 study wt.
tight pants!.
shower room.
games room.
hey everyone,.
just a simple straight forward question on exactly what the process is.
if a gb member died tomorrow, do the remaining ones choose who gets to be next?.
this is my first post.
i really feel i need to leave the jw's rather than go along pretending everything is perfect etc.
no friends, me at work.
hey everyone,.
just a simple straight forward question on exactly what the process is.
if a gb member died tomorrow, do the remaining ones choose who gets to be next?.
this is my first post.
i really feel i need to leave the jw's rather than go along pretending everything is perfect etc.
no friends, me at work.
today is friday.
so let's see something refreshing on the new june 2016 study wt.
tight pants!.