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Now finally Caleb & Sofia Anti-Gay Video going viral in Germany too
by Daniel1555 intoday spiegel online & bento have an article about the anti-gay video.. spiegel is one of the biggest and most serious news media in germany.. they also report and show that youtubers cut the video and changed it in a funny way.
sofia tells her mother that the teacher said it's fine if they live each other.
then sofia's mother says: "thats wonderful.".
Good point Giordano. Lots of kids have two mothers, their birth mother and stepmother. -
JWs standing on mats whilst Cart Witnessing
by Listener ini've come across a guy on youtube that has been approaching numerous jws in public cart witnessing.
actually, calling it witnessing is beyond a joke because most of the time they are just standing there and in the case of this youtuber, they walk away in silence or turn their heads.the youtuber is not a jw and i don't think he ever was, he calls himself a christian and i don't think he is affiliated with any particular religion.there is one video where he shows about 4 jws standing on a square plate with a yellow marking on the edge, they each have their own plate.
i am curious as to why they are standing on these?
Thanks guys. Sounds like I should get one for the kitchen. -
JWs standing on mats whilst Cart Witnessing
by Listener ini've come across a guy on youtube that has been approaching numerous jws in public cart witnessing.
actually, calling it witnessing is beyond a joke because most of the time they are just standing there and in the case of this youtuber, they walk away in silence or turn their heads.the youtuber is not a jw and i don't think he ever was, he calls himself a christian and i don't think he is affiliated with any particular religion.there is one video where he shows about 4 jws standing on a square plate with a yellow marking on the edge, they each have their own plate.
i am curious as to why they are standing on these?
I've come across a guy on Youtube that has been approaching numerous JWs in public Cart Witnessing. Actually, calling it Witnessing is beyond a joke because most of the time they are just standing there and in the case of this Youtuber, they walk away in silence or turn their heads.
The Youtuber is not a JW and I don't think he ever was, he calls himself a Christian and I don't think he is affiliated with any particular religion.
There is one Video where he shows about 4 JWs standing on a square plate with a yellow marking on the edge, they each have their own plate.
I am curious as to why they are standing on these? A possibility is that it is some sort or rubber and provide some sort of safety benefit when standing for long periods of time.
I'm getting baptized
by BlackWolf ini know i've started similar topics before but this time i'm serious.
my parents have been constantly pressuring me and after yesterday's watchtower study they asked me if i was going to be baptized this summer... and i said yes.
i probably should have thought about it more before making a final decision, but they're pretty much forcing me to do it anyway.
You could try opening up to the Elder that goes through the baptismal questions with you. Tell him that you don't feel quite ready and that you are doing it to please your parents because you are afraid that they might withhold something from you, like driving lessons.
When your dad slaps you on the face again, call the police and have him charged.
You don't need to be abused and if you start getting others in on it things will change.
I'm still on my JWN holidays but had to pop back to share this experience.
by nicolaou ini'm a postman with the royal mail and was assigned to train a new starter yesterday.
my line manager introduces me to 'dave', within seconds my jw radar was on maximum!
in his mid to late 30's, politely spoken and with that haircut - i just knew it.. the post he'd applied for was saturdays only, he said he did a lot of volunteer work.
I wonder what will prove more dangerous to this guy? Working on the sorting floor or on the contaminated site. -
Gorby says goodbye
by Gorbatchov inmy eyes for ttatt opened in 1995 with the generation change and the wt magazine stated "some witness thought that the generation started in 1914".
since 1997, with internet at low speed, i followed h2o hourglass, and later on did a bachelor and post bachelor since then.. now, nearly completed with fading, i feel it's time to go on with my life and do some other things, spending more time with my wife abd children instead of thinking about jw topics in my head.
goal is being a better person and less grumpy at 45.... everything what could be said is already said.
Gorby, I'll miss you but your family is more important than anything. All the best and thanks for your past contributions. -
The Watchtower's Medical Bible - the HLC handbook
by rebel8 inposting this pm at the request of orphan crow:.
from a medical virtual library in spain:
"fernando martinez guerrero, the liaison committee hospitals of jehovah's witnesses , has made the library a collection of abstracts of scientific articles related to blood conservation techniques and perioperative ( blood conservation techniques and perioperative planning ).
It's nice to see you back posting Orphan Crow. Your deep research on various topics is much appreciated and thanks for the info you just provided. -
The Watchtower's Medical Bible - the HLC handbook
by rebel8 inposting this pm at the request of orphan crow:.
from a medical virtual library in spain:
"fernando martinez guerrero, the liaison committee hospitals of jehovah's witnesses , has made the library a collection of abstracts of scientific articles related to blood conservation techniques and perioperative ( blood conservation techniques and perioperative planning ).
There should be no reason why the current version is not on their website. This is a life and death issue and this information should not be restricted to a select few. Shame on them. -
Official Watchtower representative at Government / Religion meeting in Austria
by Gorbatchov inpart 3 of maybe not so relevant information, but nice to know and opening my eyes during the past years, were this pictures of an official watchtower representative attending a meeting between the austrian government and the country's main religions.
i don't know who the representative is, no names, no face, i cut and past it from some website.
No wonder you can't identify them as they have set themselves associating with Christendom and other false religions. -
Share your home remedies for congestion and earache...please?
by GrreatTeacher inthe extraordinarily high pollen count has finally done me in.
i started with head congestion and coughing on friday and have steadily felt worse.
i now have an earache and a heavy feeling in my chest.. yes, i do have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, as i'm sure the advice would be!
Gt, do you have a high temperature?
You may have started with the flu/cold and it's gone straight to your chest and given you an infection, which includes your ear.
When you see the doctor, ask him if you could possibly have an infection and whilst you are there get him to fill you out a script for antibiotics just in case it becomes worse, even if he doesn't think you do have an infection it is good to have the script on hand so you can start taking them without having delays in setting up another appointment. I know they are hesitant in prescribing them but it can make a lot of difference if you can take them sooner rather than later so be firm in asking for the script just in case. Tell him you will only take them if necessary and get his advise on when you should do so.
Also ask him if an anti histamine might help.
The above advise is excellent, we also add Vicks to the steam water, it is much more effective than a hot shower.
If your breathing gets too difficult, go to emergency, quick treatment will help protect your lungs in the long term.