Eyed Joe referred to a video instruction for
Elders. I don't know where this is, however, there are a couple of
written sources.
You could add this written instruction that was in the leaked 130 page CO guideline
and states
If the body of elders agrees that a brother or sister is blatantly and deliberately ignoring repeated counsel, and his or her dress and grooming is disturbing to the congregation, the elders may determine that the person no longer qualifies to share in the ministry. In such rare cases, no announcement would be made to the congregation. (Chapter 10 – point 9)
If you think appropriate, you could add this where you make the following comment to show the lengths they are willing to go by personally making judgements that individuals will not qualify to engage in ministry activity even though they normally advocate that this is considered to be a biblical instruction that we are each individually responsible to undertake. It is not specific in stating what is unacceptable dress but fits in with your comments. Crazily, it also shows a 'mob' mentality.
It shows how all-controlling Watchtower leaders want to be, when a well dressed man in a business suit can be counselled for their clothing.
Then there is the another leaked document which is a CO outline to be discussed only with the Elders and found at the following site.
I'll post the extract in a separate post following as it will otherwise mess up this post.
You may not want to include it as I don't know if the source has been verified, it does look genuine and if a JW wanted to verify it they could approach a CO with a copy. (Personally I take great issue that they secretly hide these additional instructions from the r&f).
The outline encompasses a whole new issue here - men leaning towards dressing and displaying effeminate qualities and females dressing or grooming in a more masculine way.
If you want to include it there is a huge thread that discusses the many issues that it raises, I would be happy to go through it and make a summary of it if you want. This is not a small issue and goes well beyond their public stand on homosexuality (and well beyond anything the bible instructs).