Cuzan, a GB helper, states that being loyal means (italics are his comments)
1. We can be loyal to Jehovah by defending him, how?
Trinity, atheists are lies, speak in defence, proving Satan is the liar. A fine privilege.
You just need to look at the confrontations on Youtube and see that they are far from willing to stand there and defend themselves. In many instances they retreat even though they know they are being recorded and will be seen by many.
2. By being loyal to the FDS
Jehovah and Jesus is using them spiritually. Even though they are made up of imperfect men, there are no perfect men on earth anyway. He didn't say they would be infallable but they would be faithful and discreet.
Interestingly there is an article not too long ago that states clearly that the FDS have not been very discreet in the past by their many types and antitype interpretations without any biblical backing to do so.
As for 'providing food at the proper time'. This could hardly be claimed with the many false dates that they have proclaimed, neither does it show them being discreet.
What if the fds serve something not to our liking or we disagree?
Bible examples of others being stumbled. We may need to wait on Jehovah to clarify matters but we need to follow the bible examples by remaining faithful. It's a test on our loyalty. More bible examples. We need to be humble, swallow our pride, flexible and obedient. Prove faithful to the slave.
3. By being loyal to the Elders and the direction they give us.
We can see their imperfections and flaws and focus on them. Don't zoom in on their imperfections, see the big picture. These gifts in men are an expression of Gods loyal love.
AND HERE WE GO AGAIN (word for word)
"As the Great Tribulation nears our survival will depend on our readiness to respond to their direction as they follow the Governing Body's direction. Our loyalty is not the men but to Jehovah's arrangement made up of imperfect but loyal men"
Since these are highly scripted, notice he states that 'as the GT NEARS, they must follow direction. Sounds like more changes are ahead.
Also, as we have seen before, notice the claim that following the GB's direction our survival depends on following them, not God, not Jesus, but them. They claim this authority because they claim that it is God's arrangement.
We should never find ourselves murmuring against those that God has appointed to lead his people today.
So far he has shown no evidence of how the GB have been appointed.