TJs letter - "JW again could trick the authorities, prepared everything it secret", enemies (especially Dvorkin) said, "JW had a PR action, promoted themselves." So they noticed. And this is a point. Difficult to predict what happens next, but if Jehovah decided to make our voice stronger - this is a really successful campaign."
I can't help but think that the Watchtower is mad for publicity and persecution of its followers. Doing things in secret and inciting a mass campaign putting the Government in a bad light only causes trouble. This was not about the good news or evangelising.
This JW, probably like many of them, had no idea what the outcome would be but did he even think of the serious problems they could cause for themselves and their families? No because they will blindly follow the instructions from the GB.
This is just more real evidence of why we need to get our families out. The Russian Brothers are already drinking their koolaide, I feel sick for them and their future.