This is a transcript of the email that Mark from Watchtower in Focus received. He says a letter was written to a Governing Body Helper that works closely with Morris explaining concerns over this incidence. The reply from the helper stated -
Dear ..
While I appreciate the concern of the Brother "who witnessed this" I also have some concerns about the assumptions made.
Please keep in mind that there are a number of circumstances that others may not be aware of. For example, using the purchase in connection with visitors, graduates from Gillead or the Branch Committee School, also over what period of time will this be used?
As far as dedicated funds, some of our Brothers had businesses prior to coming to Bethel. I will not get too personal on Brother Morris' circumstances in that regard.
It does point out that our dear Brothers are a "theatrical spectacle" so please assume the best of our dear Brother. Thank you
The response explains that there are a number of assumptions made and he has concerns about this. He then proceeds to make a number of his own assumptions but expresses no concerns whatsoever with these. In fact, there are a number of concerns if we were to examine them..
He then explains the obvious - that there are a number of reasons why behind Morris' actions but doesn't even attempt to give anything factual when it is within his ability to do so and further to that, he has been asked to do so. I guess that if a Brother does have concerns about this then they are not only entitled to ask Morris directly but Biblical direction would make him required to address it.
One of his suggestions is that they have been bought as gifts for other Brothers/Sisters. I wonder if anyone has gone out and bought something like expensive bottles of perfume for the Sisters. I can't imagine many of them being interested in Scotch Whiskey. But this is a boys club to begin with and only further cements it as such.
Another problem is why are they giving such gifts to other Brothers? When I mentioned this video to my husband (never a JW) the first thing he said was it could be a type of bribery. How much more are these JWs going to feel indebted to the GB with expensive gifts being showered on them? How many should be stumbled because of this? How many Bethelites or other JWs would be offended when they hear of this?
The GB Helper then chooses to completely ignore the issue of whether dedicated funds have been used or not. There are no reassurances here even though it would be easy enough for him to find out or advise. He obviously shows no concern for the Brother who has written the letter in the first place, even though he claims that he does.
The odd thing is that the GB Helper refers to Morris as being a 'theatrical spectacle'. He's a spectacle for sure but a 'theatrical' one? That surely means that what he does is an act. The man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz comes to mind. Regardless, how did the GB get to a position where they are 'spectacles'?
Then without any explanations of the actions of Morris he turns this all around and asks that the letter writer ASSUME the best of Morris.
One thing does stand out - he does not deny this happened. His letter suggests that it did.