It's almost as if the Watchtower's wrote up their case with the intention of losing it.
Will their defence in refusing to hand over documents in future cases be on the basis that it has not been ruled on in the Supreme Court.
in view of the statements below by the wtbts hierarchy, how on earth can u.s. supreme court judges possibly be conned into accepting jw lawyers' claim/defence of clergy-penitent privilege in the $35m lawsuit?.
if you don't have a clergy, how can you have clergy-penitent privilege?
has no one in the u.s.a. pointed out to the judiciary that they're being duped?.
It's almost as if the Watchtower's wrote up their case with the intention of losing it.
Will their defence in refusing to hand over documents in future cases be on the basis that it has not been ruled on in the Supreme Court.
over at reddit a post has appeared stating that a letter was read at this week's clam meeting announcing renovation work at the patterson compound, er, site:.
does it strike anyone as odd that at a time of pretty extreme belt-tightening the gb is undertaking another costly building project?
Nowwhat? Patterson rebuild project fund. That complex is what 30 years old now? I can see why it would need extensive renovations that will take years! Give me a break!
dear friends.
i didn't post for a while, but i still enjoy the great jwn community.. just wanted to share a "gem" from the november 2019 study watchtower.. paragraph 8 from the article "are you maintaining your large shield of faith?".
satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
They have created their own definition of the word lie. According to them it must be deliberate. If ex JWs do state something that is incorrect, it is often just a mistake.
From the same Warchtower they also say this
We must be determined to build and maintain strong relationships with our brothers and sisters now. Why? Because our enemies will try to divide us by means of lies and misinformation. They will try to turn us against one another. But their efforts will be wasted. They will be unable to break our bonds of love. Nothing they do will disrupt the friendships we have formed.
This is just hate speech and paranoia. Who are these so called enemies that are turning them against each other?
i just saw this new video and am very excited to listen to it but thought i would post it here for any others that also might like to watch it..
I just saw this new video and am very excited to listen to it but thought I would post it here for any others that also might like to watch it.
well, i finally made an account.
i’ve been lurking on here for four or so years, enjoying the debates and experiences of all of you.
it really helped in that initial year after i woke up, when the frustration and betrayal felt strongest.
Welcome to this forum. I look forward to your contributions.
same file as above in german.
Regarding the Special talk given the week before the memorial
Since the Special Talk will be a revised version of Talk No 56 "Into the New World under Christ's leadership" the current version should not be presented after 1st September, 2019
pimo who attended this convention said org was very effective in indoctrinating r&fs.. videos really help keep people's attention.
few people get bored and doze off..
The indoctrinating was bad enough years ago when there were just books and magazines. I can't imagine what it is like for JWs these days with all these emotional videeos being shown.
i am totally lost.
can someone explain what is happening with this issue, please?i read online that gb is trying to coverup or defend themselves and their organization... like what happened?
isn't this horrible thing happening in all of the religions over the world...for example catholic church has got multiple scandals...but i just don't get it.
Ashley Colllins - Of course child abusers are not true jws, because I think those would never do this
i am totally lost.
can someone explain what is happening with this issue, please?i read online that gb is trying to coverup or defend themselves and their organization... like what happened?
isn't this horrible thing happening in all of the religions over the world...for example catholic church has got multiple scandals...but i just don't get it.
Ashley Collins could you please advise what a normal JW is?
You seem very confused. On the one hand you say child abuse is a problem in every religion and on my he other hand you say child abusers are not JWs. So which on is it, the first or the second?
with all the scandals of the organization, it would .
be sound and logical from a human or strategic viewpoint,.
that they loosen the reins of control and be more honest with its members.
They know best even when it is not sound or logical from a human viewpoint.